Terrorist assault on a hospital / active shooters

I had no idea guns were not allowed in hospitals. I have carried in hospitals on several occasions in the past few years. Although, the most they can do if discovered is ask you to leave the premises.

As far as what I would do in the situation, it's tough to tell until you are actually in that situation. Call me a coward, by my first instinct would be to high tail it out of there. If that wasn't an option, I would hold up in a room, close the door, draw my pistol, keep close to the side of the door so I could see who was coming in before they saw me, and be able to surprise them if it indeed was the terrorist.
Dr Phillips Hospital, metal detector on Emergency entrance, supervised by un-armed uniformed Security.

Don't know how they would respond to an armed, uncooperative drunk?
I'm a sheepdog....but I'm only responsible for certain sheep (i.e. my loved ones). I won't be the hero for anyone else....my family depends on me too much for that.

See, no, not really a sheepdog, but more like a ram, if you follow the analogy.