Terminology - Am I too sensitive?

Mort has the right idea,There is a time and place for slang.
And we need to understand that everyone else is not as gunnuttedly erudite as we are.

Better days to be,

You don't like the terminology the media uses? Do you think they know the CORRECT terminology. I don't think so.

Further, not to be offensive, but the correct terminology for the names of firearms parts is NOMENCLATURE. :)

Yep, I know the difference between a clip and a magazine, but I confess that I sometimes use them interchangably. Even worse, I sometimes refer to my .45 1911 pattern as an automatic (well, that IS what it says on the slide), even though properly it is an autoloader, or semi-automatic.

Further, while some people make a distinction between a revolver and a semi-automatic, the 1873 Peacemaker was marked Colt's revolver pistol (I can't remember the exact words, but pistol was definitely included).

So, yeah, the media are wrong sometimes, but so am I. As long as we know what we are speaking of, there is no problem.
most of the time I get clips and magazines confused too. In most cases simi-automatic pistol is redundant. Generally there are pistols and then there are revolvers. Except that we have said a "single shot pistol". The AFTE (association of Firearms and tool marks examiners) hand book defines "pistol" as "a handgun in which the chamber is part of the barrel" Makes sence to me.

Without a whole diatribe on language, I think the simple answer is that given the very "quote out of context" media climate we exist in, we should all try to be more articulate and appear more thoughtful. Now personally, I find "gun" and "firearm" to be 100% interchangable in casual conversation, but I prefer to use firearm as a matter of polishing my speech. I love to kid with "da guys" as much as anybody, but "capping a perp" has been replaced with "employing a firearm to stop an imminent threat to my life" - right? wrong?... doesn't matter. It IS likely to improve our public image and have a positive impact on those listening on the sidelines.

In closing, I do tend to feel that slang is synonomous with lower education and training. When you think of the "Mugsys" of the roaring 30s "sporting heaters and gats", you have a short trip to modern-day thugs "packing heat and lookin to pop some caps". Personally, I guess I'm just not hip enough to think this is cool. I think it speaks of ignorance and disregard, and that is an image the gun community can ill-afford at this stage in the game.

Walt, you don't think the news knows the difference? tend to disagree with ya, here in the midwest (Minn) we have a college educated news caster that for awhile insisted on refering to people that had been shot as
"Capped". She was evidently trying to reach the "in" crowd......
I have also called my 1911 a automatic and asked for a clip to put in it, but these in my opinion are by far less offensive than alot of the street slang that I hear.
A couple of obvious idiot-gangsters came into a gun store while I was there, strutting around like the fools they are, you know, pretending to limp and throwing their hands around. After wandering around the store aimlessly and jabbering to themselves they went to the counter to the salesman and said "I need some bullets for my nine-gun". The clerk said "we don't sell those here".

I am sure that those bullets would have been used for less-than-honorable purposes, and I am glad the salesman wouldn't sell them. The salesman wasn't lying either, because as far as I know, there is no such thing as a "nine-gun". ;)


[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited February 20, 1999).]
Actually, Ive always wondered just who sells the "ammo" to the "gangsters" !! :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
One of the local store/range combos has a bad reputation for two things. One: for trying to raise legal limits to entry into the field, to drive out smaller stores. Two: for selling to gangbangers.

How you tell a gangbanger is another question. Is it the well-groomed white kid (on his way to shoot up his post office) or the scruffy raggedy darkie (who's a recognized Olympic marksman and doesn't need to dress up to impress the world)? Going by stereotypes could end up being worse than not trying to guess at all.

"Ja, Herr Nazi, ve are being gut Germans, ve do not let the schtinking Yids buy our precioussss sturmgewhers"

OTOH, "pro-gun/anti-gun" is hurting us.It is not about guns, it is about self-defense (and other things one can do with a gun". Civil rights, not neat mechanical toys....tell that to others. For my part, I am burying pix with guns deeper within my site, adding photos that relate to real live people.

It can go both ways.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited February 21, 1999).]
BTW, I confess I went to see Mel Gibson's 'Payback'. In the movie, Gibson hands a revolver to a cop who refers to the gun as a 'Roscoe'. It was either a .44 or .357 magnum.
No, you're not too sensitive at all.

As a matter of everyday fact, all gun clubs in Western Australia, affiliated with the SSAA, to the best of my knowledge have removed all written and spoken references to "weapons" -- they are now "firearms" (or "rifle" or "pistol" or whatever). The Shooters Journal (official SSA magazine) will no longer show dead animals on the cover.

It's just a fact of life.

Incidentally, I can no longer import US (or any overseas) shooting magazines or videos privately without a federal govt. licence to do so -- videos have to be submitted to the Film Classification and Censorship Board for a rating (probable cost -- circa $2000.00). The Australian Democrats (a minority party) want ALL gun magazines and videos totally banned because they "perpetuate the gun culture". The Australian Coalition for Gun Control has also put an impassioned plea to have all shooting sports removed from Olympic and Commonwealth Games on the grounds that they "glorify killing". Shooters are NOT regarded as "athletes".
for those of you that like to pack heat I just designed a 50rd.clip that will fit any gat 2 for only $19.95. :)