Terminology - Am I too sensitive?


There are some terms I hate to see in the press, or hear on tv.
Like packin -- are you packin? -- no wasn't plannen on goin nowhere.
Rod, for curtains?
Heater, like are you packin a heater? No, mine is attached to my truck.
Gotta piece? Not lately.

Perhaps my dislike of this type of terminology is the result of being old. These were the terms that the gangsters used in movies long befor tv. Perhaps it is because ignorant anti gun people use these terms. Perhaps it is because my military career taught me to use proper nomenclature.

At any rate, what do you think of the use, in the media, of this type of terminology? GLV
Have you noticed in the news programs, no one is ever "shot" anymore, they are all "GUNNED DOWN"

Lately I *have* been packing.

But sometimes when amongst the sheeple when I wish to remind my wife that I am carring a gun I use terms that are less likely to bring suspicion upon myself that my wife knows the meaning of.

Could I have said that in any more words?


Mouse Assassins inc.
I feel this is in someway a reply to my previous posting...

Yeah, I pack....my gun , my rod, my heater, my pipe, my piece....

I don't think there is a lot of harm in using this sort of langauge in a casual setting, however, if you call a Magazine a "Clip", well then we're going to go to the mat.
No, GLV, you are not too sensitive. We have a great language that needs very little improvment except for terms to describe new entities that never have had a name. The prostitution and careless use of the language annoys me, also. - Doc

[This message has been edited by Doc (edited 01-31-99).]
IMHO, word choice by the media is determined not to stimulate the intellect but to captivate the audience and stir emotions. It was not without reason that my generation referred to the TV as the "boob tube" or "idiot box".
GLV, I concur with Gary. And, I try to avoid these terms / phrases for the same reason - I don't want to stir those emotions. Just want to sound like someone seriously interesting in shooting - not a gang banger or wannabe. Just my choice. And, when my wife and I are talking about a gun around others, we lower our voices and call it a 'gub'. ;)

And, Mugsy, my daddy named me Hugh. My momma named me Jim. And, my last name is Bissel. So, da boys call me Hugh Jim Bissel. ;) [courtesy of The Capitol Steps - great humor at http://www.capsteps.com/ )

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 02-01-99).]
Other gangsta-handles for firearms: "a Nine"; Jammie; and - of course - "gat" (derived from Gatling gun?). Anyways, the one trick done compulsively by the mediots is this one: The Barbie or Ken will dramatically relay how "AUTOMATIC GUNFIRE was SPRAYED..." Then the video will show one bullet hole in a car or wall. Rarely will they identify a police-seized firearm, but when they do, it's always an "ASSAULT WEAPON", even if the video shows a shotgun or handgun. Increasingly, here in Orlando, the local news will say that "Several Saturday Night Specials were also recovered by police...". It's all the Big Lie in action. Remember the "Assault Daze" with the endless lies, polls and statistics repeated endlessly? Now the average person believes that any black firearm is an ASSAULT GUN. I know Rush Limbaugh isn't everyones' pal, but one thing he's always said has to be agreed-upon: "Words mean things". They certainly do! We've seen how WORDS being misused has taken a big bite out of our alleged RIGHT to keep and bear arms. And HCI, Schumer, Boxer, Clinton, Frankenfeinstein and company haven't shut up yet. By the way, regarding Rush Limbaugh, I'm very happy to see that he's lost the weight and is by no means "fat" any longer. That un-funny colonic parasite, Al Franken, looks much heavier than does Rush. Sheesh, what a ramblin' post. Sorry folks! And I DO mean that. ;)
clip- It's a magazine. Just a personal quirk of mine, but when I hear or read anything someone says about a handgun, I tend to disbelieve most of it when they refer to a magazine as a clip.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, where does the term "roscoe" come from (I've seen it a few times in American gun magazines)?

<font color=red>T.S</font>

[This message has been edited by The Scandinavian (edited 02-03-99).]
No you aren't too sensative. It makes the person sound ignorant to gun enthusiast and scary to people who don't own firearms. Like my Grandmother used to say, "If you walk like a duck and quack like a duck, your probably a duck."
"Clip" just means that Bolo Mausers are back in vogue :)

As for terminology -- yes, it matters. Compare "political dissident" to "mentally ill lackey of the imperialist West" and there you have it. My guns are all different flavors of Lifesavers.
Don't take it to heart. While others are correct that terminology makes a world of difference, it was clear that you were trying to pack a bit of casual levity into your title. Besides, I don't think this was particularly directed at your post.

I remember when a knowledgeable friend beat me up at an early age for waving an "empty" gun around. He might have accomplished the same goal without such severe reprimand, but I've never done it again! :)
Benton, this thread was not aimed at you. You did remind me to post it tho. I had written the title down several months ago after reading a story on the front page of our local newspaper. The words pack, packing, and piece, were all used by an ignorant reporter. GLV.
I actually kind of like "gat". Remember, language is evolutionary. Just a thought. I do hate it when reporters confuse technical terms, but I've never had a problem with slang.

[This message has been edited by Mort (edited 02-04-99).]
To answer the "Roscoe" question. I seized, legally I might add, from a Convicted Felon, an Old Piece of Junk .22ShortRF Revolver. The Brand Name was "Roscoe" Looked like the closest thing I had ever seen to a true Saturday Night Special.
If that was all the Bad Guys could carry I'd be a Happy Camper.