Tell us who you believe is the most trusted journalist in America.

Yo Dennis! Ernie Pyle? Most people do not know who he was, and I doubt George Patton would have agreed. Besides, what relevance does he have today? Again the Black Avenger is a political commentator and radio personallity, not a journalist.

[This message has been edited by ak9 (edited January 05, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by ak9 (edited January 05, 2000).]
1)Tony Snow
2)Charley Reese
Or vice versa...

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...

(Scream!) Pyle is dead? (Ka-thump as rotund body hits floor! :D :D)

When I saw "journalist" I was thinking "reporter" (rather than "manipulator") of information. I watch very little TV and my car radio seems to be full of nitwits trying to make jokes or blab idiot-like commercials. (No shortwave in my ole car!)

So,... Krankheit is sick; Rush Limpbough and his kind are a branch of the comedy/entertainment tree; most of the rest are shills for the government. I didn't think of including "commentators" like Cal Thomas (whom I like), so I was stuck.

Of "reporters", I think Pyle was about the last of the Mohicans - at least in my CRS memory. ;)

Please consider I don't recognize the vast majority of the above names. :o
Dennis, It's ok about Ernie. I happen to think he was probably one of the good guys. Besides, I couldn't think of one either!!!! At least I knew who Ernie was. There is way to much cross pollination between politicos, journalist, and entertainers. Used to be we laughed at the slimeball yellow journalists. Now they have become mainstream. Since the Star and National Enquirer have become mainstream newspapers publications, I don't know where to find my chuckles. Actually, I find SOF to most informative on off the beaten track news, but then I got branded a rightwing, guntoting, maniacal, mercenary, even though I am fat little 49 year old man with two teenagers and a big mortgage, and 3 old broken cars and.... well you get the picture. I was just pulling your leg, about Ernie.
Follow up --

It's from, but I can't find the URL.

Brit Hume: America's Most Trusted Journalist January 10, 2000

Brit Hume is the most trusted journalist in America, according to an online survey of readers of

The national survey asked Internet users to vote for the journalist who they believe is "the most trusted journalist in America." A total of 96,217 users responded to the unscientific poll that was conducted between Dec. 26, 1999, and Jan. 7, 2000.

Hume, managing editor and chief Washington correspondent for Fox News, received the most votes.

Hume has a distinguished career in journalism spanning almost three decades. He joined ABC News in 1973, and was named the network's chief White House correspondent in 1989.

Hume received an EMMY for his coverage of the Gulf War in 1991.

In 1996, Hume left ABC News for the then-fledgling Fox News network. In addition to serving as Fox's Washington chief correspondent, Hume hosts the political news program "Special Report with Brit Hume." He serves as a regular panelist on "Fox News Sunday," hosted by Tony Snow, and is also a regular contributor to the broadcast network's cable network, Fox News Channel.

Hume is known for a crisp, matter-of-fact reporting style that offers the public a balanced presentation of the news. The American Journalism Review honored Hume by naming him "The Best in the Business."

"He is the best. In Washington there is no better than Brit Hume," said Arnaud de Borchgrave, CEO of United Press International.

De Borchgrave, a director of, added that Hume's reporting style resonates with Americans because "he comes off as a straight and honest reporter. He's not married to any side, conservative or liberal."

William Rees-Mogg, former editor of the Times of London and a member of's International Advisory Board, said Hume is an internationally respected journalist. "There is a perception that the major TV networks in America were reporting one view, the liberal East Coast line of thinking," Rees-Mogg said. "Brit Hume and Fox News have made a difference by giving the American people a diversity of views."

" is proud to name such a remarkable and fair-minded journalist as Brit Hume as 'The Most Trusted Journalist in America,'" said Dana Allen, chairman of, a major news portal on the World Wide Web, was recently rated by users of as the No. 1 Internet news source. Prudential Securities' Washington Research Newsletter described as the "must read" news site on the World Wide Web.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.