Tell me what you think ...350 Legend hunting rifle

As a person who originally developed this cartridge about 5 years ago and built rifles to fire it , I find some of the comment interesting . I based the case on a expanded .223 case as they were free at the time . Winchester made their base about .008 larger so you had to buy their brass . The rim is the same size . I used a .355 barrel blank with cheap .357 pistol bullets . One reason I made the round was the poor performance of sub-sonic 300 BO on game . A good load was the .357 Hornady 180 XTP , as it was made to expand at pistol velocities it worked well at sub-sonic . Starting at a much larger .357 dia , it expanded even more . Loaded up to 2150 fps you then had 30/30 type performance out of an AR-15 . After building a few AR's I switched to bolt rifles . With a small action .223 rifles as a starting point you ended up with a small light weight rifle with low recoil , low muzzle blast but very good performance on deer and pigs out to 150 yards . A lot more penetration and hitting power then you would expect . In the end with the bolt rifle I had a very handy [ kids and ladies really liked it also ] hard hitting medium range rifle that used much cheaper components . Free cases , cheaper bullets and less powder . Every person I built an AR or bolt rifle for really liked them and said they worked well on game . I like my small bolt rifle for hiking around for pigs as it carries so well . My AR with a thermal also works very well on a herd of pigs at night . Many shots , less muzzle flash and noise , low recoil to stay on target , less chance of a ricochet with the pistol bullets . But after developing the cartridge , lots of load testing , 5 years of field use in different types of rifles by many people I may not know as much about it as someone who just imagines what it may do .
To Both Ernie and me heavy:

I look at SAAMI chamber specs and I see almost identical bore specs between the 350L and 9mm Luger. I think it's great that they have the ability to squeeze larger diameter bullets down the bore (we won't get into the possible case mouth locking on the bullet causing overpressure risk which me heavy himself has experienced). I have both an AR and bolt gun in 350L and have shot very nice groups with them, the only thing that even mildly interests me in the cartridge is getting 9mm smaller bullets going at very high velocities. I understand the popularity of the cartridge in hunting straightwall states; but it's hogwash IMO to call this anything other than a .355 cartridge--that's what the 350L ammo is optimized to, the best handload consistency I've found is using winchester's own 180 gr PowerPoints--which are...drum roll...355.
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This is a "most of the way there" cartridge with a few aspects that need a bit of tweaking to make it a truly outstanding cartridge for the straightwall crowd IMO. First, I'd make it conform to 358 bullets to get the foot in the door of true rifle bullets, I'd lengthen the throat/freebore a bit and beef up the brass to take higher pressures. Done right--I bet those things would go flying out the door and the 350 L would fade into obscurity. I would call it the "358 epic.":D
I guess it is hogwash that the best accuracy in all my rifles was the .357 H-180 . I have had no over pressure problems . The light bullets do not shoot as well nor perform as well on game . Thin , soft jacketed , soft lead core .357 pistol bullets have no problem squeezing down a .001 per side . The 350 L .355 bullets have a thicker jacket . My pressure testing shows no difference in pressure between the .355 and .357 dia bullets . Unless you are crushing the case mouth , there is no pressure increase . A case mouth does not have to " expand to release " a bullet . The bullet will slide right out of the neck just like it slid in when loaded . Your disclaimer is very true .
I see almost identical bore specs between the 350L and 9mm Luger.
The specs are also exactly the same as the 357 Mag.
(Take a look)

Much ado about nothing.....

post script: The only pressure problems disappeared when I dropped Lil'Gun/296/H110 and Starline brass
in the discard pile, and pickedup in the Winchester brass Norma-200 game (magic stuff)
I kinda consider the LEGEND as little brother to the 38-55, in a much more efficient configuration
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Enjoy the cartridge--in the end all that matters is that you like it. I may revisit it one day--but having one blow up on me has given me pause for thought.
You and me both Stag -- but figured out the factors (brass and powder-specific) and avoid like the plague now.
On a supporting note, have there been other incidents that fit the pattern ?
You and me both Stag -- but figured out the factors (brass and powder-specific) and avoid like the plague now.
On a supporting note, have there been other incidents that fit the pattern ?
Google for it--used to be lots of "issues" but maybe they are fading away as time goes on. Winnie may have also changed their specs (same thing happened to the valk as I recall), there's a video on YT someplace where a Winnie rep at shotshow mentions in some cryptic language that they worked out a few kinks.
"The 350 Legend is a solution for a non-existent problem"

This is a very dumb statement giving all the states with cartridge restrictions.

Is a very good solution to a very real issue.
"The 350 Legend is a solution for a non-existent problem"

This is a very dumb statement giving all the states with cartridge restrictions.

Is a very good solution to a very real issue.
50 states, and only 4 or 5 with stupid straight walled cartridge restrictions.
Yeah, That's a bunch of them isn't it!
44AMP said:
Unless you are restricted by some state law, there are many, many better rounds that can be put in a bolt action rifle.

I live in OH. That plus a few other states create the demand for this cartridge based on their laws..

That said, without the state law, I’m thinking 300 BO, 350 Legend, 300 Savage, 30-30 would be about right for most hunting here.
Scorch said:
If you are going to go full custom, a Kimber action with the bolt face opened up from 223 size to 350 L size would work, but typically these kinds of "cool projects" get a harsh reality check when it comes time to execute them and the prices start rolling in and stacking up. If you were using a push-feed action, a Remington Model 7 action would be ideal, but CRF adds a few twists to the road.

I agree. This is why this is an internet idea. If Ruger did it for under $700, maybe. Even then, OH is a rough place to hunt. It is wet, sloppy, add in some mud, falling down and days of rain and this rifle becomes a rust bucket.
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Txhillbilly said:
The 350 Legend is a solution for a non-existent problem.

I would agree until I bring in the youth hunter. We started asking our youth to shoot grandpas 12 ga. That sucks for most, then the 20 ga. My daughter hates the recoil.

350 Legend though from my Win XPR is enjoyable for her to shoot. So, it helps bring in the recoil sensitive with an effective round.

I've never understood those stupid laws in the few states that have them. And have also wondered why the citizen's (Hunter's) of those states don't protest or boycott those states Wildlife agencies to change those restrictions.

They make no sense!

In OH, you are always shooting at a house....we’ll never intentionally, but behind every tree is a house or a road, even in the country. Generally miles away or completely hidden by trees. The land is flat with few rolls. We need a round that is guaranteed to hit the ground and dissipate energy by ground tumble. I know many rounds can do this, but how do you mandate this to folks who just want to grab a rifle and a box of ammo without knowing much about ballistics.
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stagpanther said:
Get a cheap 350 legend rifle first and see if you really like the cartridge (it's one of the few I've come across that I think is ridiculous), otherwise a big exercise in gunsmithing for something that just isn't worth it.

I have one. Winchester XPR. From a practical viewpoint it is a decent rifle. Accurate, good trigger, mag fed, nice Cerakote finish.....

No way I would buy a custom 350 legend. I’d be at $2500 minimum starting with a Ruger base rifle.
I know many rounds can do this, but how do you mandate this to folks who just want to grab a rifle and a box of ammo without knowing much about ballistics.
I wonder what the statistics are on accidental shootings in states that have these restrictions vs the ones that don't. I suspect that per capita, hunters/bullets flying around during hunting season in the states with restrictions vs the ones that don't the correlations to cartridge size/type is ambiguous at best. I have a muzzleloader that is superbly accurate well beyond 300 yds and can deliver a hammer of energy too. So then the argument seems to come down to what is light enough for kids. What ever happened to sneaking up on deer with a 357 mag lever gun? I know bow hunters do it with success.
"50 states, and only 4 or 5 with stupid straight walled cartridge restrictions.
Yeah, That's a bunch of them isn't it!"

Whats your point ?

Still a stupid comment no matter how you try to defend
"50 states, and only 4 or 5 with stupid straight walled cartridge restrictions.
Yeah, That's a bunch of them isn't it!"

Whats your point ?

Still a stupid comment no matter how you try to defend
yes, 4 or 5 states that have thousands of hunters that now have better options.
Kind of like it, but not sure it solves any deficiencies except putting a straight wall case firing 9mm bullet in the DI AR platform.