At what dollar amount are you going to use deadly force? How much money has to be in your wallet for you to shoot at the escaping pick pocket? What kind of car are you going to execute the thief behind the wheel for?
Let's stop BS'ing around the core of this. I'd like to hear from Kenny, Stew, 2A and any other supporters under what minimum theft situation they would feel comfortable killing for. Don't talk about "the American Way" or anything else not as concrete as the object being stolen and the life taken for it.
Today 02:17 PM
Call me an extremist, but I don't draw the line at any monetary value. For I am a generous person, and simply asking for something might result in a suprising "Yes." - And since the main object here seems to be cars, people donate those all the time to organizations such as Charity Motors. - I don't see anying BSing around the core of this. Maybe American Way isn't the right term...American Dream would be better suited...
Our country was FOUNDED on fighting for that American Dream of life, liberty, and a free existance. We have already killed for these things, and YOU Handy, have benifited from this your entire life. Do you not support that, Handy?
And on the inevitible rebuttel of the theif having the same rights as I, don't try it. For victim's rights trump criminal's rights...period. Its sickening to hear about pro-criminal laws (props to Florida for their "Right to Fight" law).
a car is not worth a life...let it go,try to get a discription of the driver and the direction its going-call the police and file an insurance report.
Ive had 2 times where punks tried getting my car with me still in got broken fingers from getting the door slammed shut, the other time,they fell off.much to their surprise,I wasnt a willing victim, but still a different situation than a parked car with nobody in it.
If this logic is followed, the Stamp Act of 1765 should still be around. After all, your hard earned money...well its just money. Its just your sweat, tears, blood, sacrifices, and time spent EARNING it.
Furthermore, why don't we consider the costs to society for such passivism....
The FBI's 2002 Uniform Crime Report (UCR - released October 27, 2003) indicates there were more than 1.2 million motor vehicle thefts in the United States in 2002 with an estimated value of approximately $8.4 billion dollars.
Insurance Information Institute:
# Only 13.0 percent of thefts were cleared by arrests in 2004.
Really shows the effectiveness of our Law Enforcement, now doesn't it?
Now lets factor in other things....Insurance Premium increases, lost productivity and earnings (how am I going to get to work while this gets settled), the cost of the above mentioned arrests (manpower, resources, etc.) name a few
What about the illegal activities that these stolen vehicles are used for at times...the domino effect is quite long.
So, in defending my tangible property (using cars as ONE example), I'm not only protecting my own rights and liberties, I'm also making it EASIER for you to rightfully obtain yours (Think of where all of this $$ could be used for or what our law enforcement resources could be doing)...
If someone who can't seem to get the picture of the country we life in is taken out of the mix, so be it. That's one less unjustified horse's ass to feed.