Tell me about .41 Magnum

Marlin has twice made 41 magnum lever guns. Back in the 80's the 1894S model (24" round barrel) could be had in 41 Magnum, and three years ago Davidson's had a run of 1000 "Cowboy Carbine Limited" 1894's that have a 20" Octogon barrel. These can occasionally still be found NIB, look on the Davidson's website for dealers near you and give them a call.
Been shooting the .41 for many years:) and have been very happy with it. I am fortunate enough to have both of Marlins rifles(one with AO scout sights) they shoot very well. Also five pistols one a md.58 fully rebuilt byu C&S 31/8" md.57 bbl.,rb,McGivern bb front sight. I was waiting for the .41 Coonan to go with my .357. Kept on calling the company no luck:( .
A pump like the Colt lightning rifle would be great. If I had that and the Coonan and a Vaquero I would be in tall cotten.

The only .41 I might part with is my scoped RedHawk. Too heavy to comptfortably carry and I have the rifles.

I have an article saved about cutting .41mag brass down to .44 spl size to make your own specials. This appeals to me especially for the rifles.

Been thinking about contacting Star Line to see what the minimum run of .41 spl would be. Would anyone else be interested in purchasing specific .41 spl cases?


.41 magnum

I own a Taurus Titanium Tracker in .41 mag.It has a four inch ported barrel and the so-called Ribber grips.Quite an experience to shoot this with full house loads.The boom and the muzzle flash are of such intensity that other indoor range shooters stop what they are doing and ask:"What the hell was that?"
I proudly revel in the "my gun is bigger than yours syndrome."Seriously,the revolver is well made and the porting significantly diminishes muzzle flip.The main problem for me is that the trigger guard smashes into my long finger, causing excruciating pain which makes me start flinching after about twenty rounds.
Double action is heavy and somewhat notchy but the single pull is acceptable.It ain't no Smith!Ammo is not expensive when you roll your own.
Want .41 Mag shotshells?

My fellow .41 Mag fans:

As a good number of us carry .41 Mag sidearms while hunting, camping, hiking, and general use in the great outdoors, a factory-loaded shotshell -- or at the very least, shotshell components -- could be really useful. So do what I did, and ask CCI to make them. Maybe I'm tilting at windmills, but I suspect that if we convince them there is enough demand, they will make them.

Follow the link below, and in the Question box at the bottom of the form, tell CCI "I want .41 Magnum shotshells!"
Great idea; I got tired of using the wax plugs.:barf:

P.S. Sent request.:p
I love my 41's! I've got a S&W 657 Mountain Gun, a Freedom Arms mid frame w/7-1/2" bbl and a full size Freedom Arms with a 5" bbl. Great cartridge.
Great idea, Lip.

Loving my 4 5/8" Blackhawk, but I keep trying to get my friends to sell me their model 58s.