Teen girl armed robbery gang

H: "Obviously, Watson, LoneStar's significant other does not READ his posts."

W: "Astounding, Holmes! And how did you deduce that?"

H: Then again, perhaps she is devilishly devious. Perhaps it is SHE who has brought HIM "around", as he puts it. Yessss.... I can see that. She could cleverly develop his mind, molding his thought processes to deceive himself that HE is in charge. When actually.... Hmm. This bears *considerable* watching, Watson!"

W: "Yes, Holmes. Obviously. Very clever!"


W: "Holmes?"

H: "Yes, Watson?"

W: "What are we so cleverly watching FOR?"

H: (Sigh!)
:D It's them danged sugar cookies again, Art! :D

More "on thread". When I mentioned this story to my youngest daughter and asked whether a robber should be shot "even she's a girl"? She noted, "You always taught us that a person with a gun is a person with a gun; age, size, gender, none of it matters."

Erudite discussion was rendered impossible by her comment, "Dad, I don't think a pair of 38s would stop a .38!"

The conversation immediately deteriorated...collapsed...self-destructed into a rather tasteless discussion of cups, er, I mean, *calibers*! Yeah! CALIBERS! ;) That's what I mean!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 16, 1999).]
I did some pretty stupid things when I was a teenager, and got caught for it once, too. When I saw "Johnny Law" comin', I knew I was in deep doo-doo, and I knew I deserved what I got. Also, my parents didn't come bail my butt out, they left me there. Taught me a BIG lesson.

Now that I'm a respectable citizen ;), it amazes me what kids do these days. As others said, there are no morals in people today. Parents don't teach their kids right and wrong, they let the TV do the teaching. They totally shirk their responsibilities and innocent people suffer for it.

I hope the court sticks it to 'em and lets 'em rot in jail. If they'd come across me, they would have been shot full of .45 Hydroshoks. PERIOD

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited August 16, 1999).]