Teaching self defense (God help me)

Karate in a can

hahaha....nice, very nice.

Everyone has given you pretty good advice. You must be careful of two things since you are not giving this "class" in a professional capacity -

  1. You should try to avoid teaching specific techniques or escalation of force
  2. You should be VERY cognizant of the legal implications of what you say/do, or inadvertantly dispensing legal advice.

If you are not able to find a local PD/Sherriff's Dept to have an officer come in and help, then I would say to focus on TWO things that are more important than any arm-bar or groin kick (as others have stated) - and that is SITUATIONAL AWARENESS and AVOIDANCE.
There are some very low level counter-terrorist items that the military teaches that might be applicable. Actually, counter-terrorist is a a bit misleading, but that's what they called it :rolleyes: We teach these as passive measures to minimize the chances of getting kidnapped while we're working in foriegn countries, especially if we're going to be walking around in plain clothes. Americans are always juicy targets for SOMETHING.
In a nutshell, the idea is to always be at least somewhat aware of your surroundings, try to vary your patterns at least a little (don't park in the same spot everyday, change your route to/from home once in a while, walk with your keys in your hand coz you can use them as a weapon, etc), trust your instincts, and avoid placing yourself in situations where you are not in a good position to react.
It's sounds amazingly like common sense, but you'll find that most people don't think this way.

You will help more people by teaching them to be aware of their actions and the actions of people around them than by showing them how to poke someone in the eye.
This will also help keep you out of the spotlight in terms of liability.

Ok, good luck man!

BIG001 said:
Many years ago a friend of mines girlfriend asked me about this because someone had been Raped in the parking garage where she worked , she was very anti gun so that was out
Man, that whole mentality just doesn't compute, y'know? I don't want to get raped/beaten/murdered, but I don't want to shoot anyone to keep it from happening.
I have a really difficult time wrapping my little brain around that :)
many Law Enforcement Agency's offer just the sort of training you have been tasked with. Why not give your local and state guys a call, they are pro's?
all good advices so far


1. I think the no. 1 focus has to be avoiding places or circumstances which expose you to potential physical danger. Avoiding bars, seedy part of town, being in a private/secluded places alone, staying out late alone, etc.

2. Situational awareness comes after 1...being aware of people around you at all times (people behind you, people coming in and out).

3. no. 1 factor in self-defense is distancing...making sure you keep just beyond arm's length...otherwise, if the other person is quick and start moving first, they may be able to strike or grab you before one can react.

4. I would add in basic strikes combined with everyday items such as keys or pen/pencil on soft part of the body...one is always likely to have it with you no matter what.

Why not a pocket taser? most use a 9 volt and are small enough they can be carried while walking in a parking lot. Most anti gun women will like it, my wife likes hers and her friends all want one now. Easy to use too.