Teaching Girlfriend to shoot!

Do not plan on shooting, other than just perhaps to demonstrate technique. Trying to teach someone while you are shooting at the range just doesn't work. You're there to teach, not to shoot.

As mentioned several times above, basic gun handling and safety rules need to be covered thoroughly before you get to the range. That's not the place to start telling someone about muzzle control, trigger finger discipline, etc.

Pick a gun or guns that the new shooter can operate and is comfortable with. This is HUGE. There is nothing that wrecks a session with a new shooter like a gun that won't work or that is a bad fit for the student. Don't take a brand new gun, it needs to be one that you are very familiar with and that you know is reliable. Take ammo you know is reliable in the gun. Don't take a gun that the shooter is afraid of nor one that has a lot of recoil. You can turn a new shooter into someone who hates guns very easily with a bad first experience. My wife still refuses to shoot centerfire revolvers because one of her first experiences with handguns (before we were married) was with a small revolver in a defensive caliber based on the recommendation of some gun store guru. The recoil hurt her and the DA trigger pull was too stiff for her fingers and so revolvers were crossed off the list for her--forever.

Start out with one round in the gun. You can graduate to two rounds after you see that they are exercising discipline that continues after the shot. You don't need unintentional double shots or muzzle control issues with a loaded gun.

Stay very close to the strong side shoulder but slightly to the rear. It's very common for new shooters to swing around after a shot to talk to whoever is with them. You want to be close so you can stop the swing very quickly to prevent muzzle sweeps.

The student needs electronic hearing protection so they can hear instruction.

Pay attention to the student and don't let them get tired or frustrated.

Focus on the basics and solid facts--this is not the time to be testing/promoting pet theories or soapboxing personal opinions.
I’ve taught a few ladies to shoot - coworkers, kids and grandkids. And lately, the grandson’s girlfriend. She had never fired anything, but said she wanted to. Started with a short education on how to align the sights, then gun safety, then the 22 revolver. She did well. Then on to the 686 and 38 Specials. She did well, very well. Then some warm 357 loads. Very quickly it became apparent that she was a good shot. Maybe a natural.

But when I brought out the S&W 380 EZ, she didn’t do so well. Like my wife, I guess she’s a revolver girl.

And she did quite well with the AR in 223.

All was done with safety glasses and max hearing protection.

This was the 3rd GF of his that I’ve taught to shoot. I think he’ll marry this one. I hope so.