Tea Party Events

I drove the 35 miles to the closest one and hung out for a bit but I'm not all that social and left after about 30 minutes. There were maybe 100 people.
So, first estimate I'm seeing that I'm inclined to believe puts turnout at about a quarter of a million.

That's actually pretty impressive, all things considered.

EDIT: That's just a "guess" (his own word) from Nate Silver, but I'm inclined to take a "guess" from Silver over any actual attempts at an estimate from MSNBC, CNN, or FOX. I doubt we'll ever get anything much better, given how many locations there were. Still, like I said, impressive.
Went to the Cleveland party. Strong turnout in not so great weather. Only problem I have with the "bullets first" sign is this was a tax rally. Had a few here talk about open carrying, I suggested they hold their own rally, hijacking someone elses is bad form.
Why does it matter who organized/started it? There was no FOX news or Nuge present. Out here in cattle/horse country...the UVA area we don't really care. It was small town, big turnout, regular people with regular concerns, and even a few vehement signs. Too bad the signs are offensive.:rolleyes:
tea parties were not true grassroots movements
Who cares who organized it? Are there people who only associate themselves with grassroot movements? If you agreed you should have gone. The American Revolution was most certainly organized by community leaders, not random people with nothing better to do.

There were at least 4,000 in Columbus. 2,000 on the state house steps and at least another 2 on the lawn. The lawn was probably more like 4,000 but it was hard for me to tell how densely it was filled as I was down in the crowd.

I doubt Columbus' protest was all that large. The one in Cincinnati and Cleveland were supposed to be larger.
so these tea party events are to express frustration with the current administration over a number of issues.
This isn't limited to the current administration. The last was way out of control with spending also. It is not limited to federal government. California is bankrupt and my state is not far behind.
The tax payers no longer control this country. The people living off the tax payers do and they will ride us into the ground.
Two posts were deleted because they were drive-by, political and off topic. Two posts were deleted because they were responses to the now deleted posts.

Thread merged with the original thread that was already in progress in L&CR, at the time JohnKSa moved it from the General Handgun forum.
Conservatives are protesting because they are out of power. They aren't protesting spending; if they were, they would have taken to the streets years ago. orchidhunter
Conservatives are protesting because they are out of power. They aren't protesting spending; if they were, they would have taken to the streets years ago. orchidhunter

conservatives havent been in power since the early 80's

I attended a few protests over bush's ridiculous refund, but in comparison... that was an anorexics monthly toilet paper bill compared to obama's spending. So I'm going to have to disagree with you here... sure, our government has been spending the money we the people dont have for some time now, but these last 4 months have pushed the practice of overspending to an all new level.
I'm just not a protest guy. I've found that pretty much any protest focused on a specific civil right tends to be a complete mess. Like, even if I agree with the the cause people are riled up about I'll swing by, see that it's a mix of people trying to piggyback for tangential issues, signs that make no logical sense, or absolute kooks I have no desire to associate with or risk implying any support for (often those last are a combination of the other two as well).

Just not my thing. Some of the rallies I've seen focused on specific civil rights are just as bad, but they at least seem to be better.
Yeah and that one about bullets first surely reflects well on gun owners
There's nothing wrong with letting people know where you stand.Should we also be ashamed of "The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"?
There's nothing wrong with letting people know where you stand.Should we also be ashamed of "The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"?

Advocation of violence is nothing to be proud of.
Advocation of violence at a peaceful protest is abhorrent.

Trying to turn an anti-big spending rally into a forum for gun rights is both selfish and rude... it does nothing but damage all causes associated.

So yes, if you felt the need to start spewing that dribble at rally against big spending, you should be ashamed of yourself
I would love to see enough We The People stand up and tell the Guberment Enough is Enough! I just don't see it doing any good until you can find away to regain the country through Ballets. There are just too many takers then givers out there. As long a the takers keep voting in the ones taking yours and giving to them we loose.

JuanCarlos wrote:

I'm wondering why there weren't TEA parties (gotta love the backronyms...wait, no you don't) on 15 April 2008, personally. I guess nearly limitless deficit spending was cool.

There wasn't one in 2008, but there was one in 2007. It was pretty much for the same reasons, and the participants were considered "wackos".
There wasn't one in 2008, but there was one in 2007. It was pretty much for the same reasons, and the participants were considered "wackos".

Ah. I may stand corrected. But then, how many attended in 2007?
Oh hell, here is where I open the can of worms:

The 2007 "Tea Party" was one of the Ron Paul money bombs. I'm not sure if it was on April 15th, but there were rallys all over the country, though attendance was not anything like what happened yesterday. The noteworthy part was the cyber aspect (the "money bomb"). I think it was his second money bomb, and he brought in over $1M online in a 24 hour period.

I just bring all this up because earlier today I had a laugh out loud moment while I was reading one of the right wing news blogs (HOTAIR or Ace of Spades). They had the CNN video of the female reporter at the Chicago tea party, trying to push the buttons of the biggest wacko she could find. Then they had another video of what happened after CNN cut their feed. A very calm and reasonable woman was questioning the reporter on why she had to find the craziest person in the crowd to interview? Finally the reporter asked the lady why she was there and she immediately started expressing her disagreements with the Federal Reserve. So here we had a left wing ideologue reporter, spouting conspiracy theories about FOX News, we had the paranoid guy, implying comparisons between Obama and Hitler, and the Ron Paul supporter acting as the voice of reason. Now that's entertainment!
i cant think of a worse place to bring a firearm, whenever politics or religion are up for rally or discussion things usually get over heated and the last thing anybody needs to do is "force feed their individual right on somebody else in a threatening manner, which is what i think most would "see" if they saw you armed in this situation"... in my opinion the 2nd amendment exists for singular personal defense and the ability of a society to ward off an oppressive totalitarian government ...firearms don't belong in debate, they belong in the lost cause of common sense reasoning....
Yeah and that one about bullets first surely reflects well on gun owners

Much as it pains me, I have to agree. I didn't see any unfortunate gun references in Vegas (some gun references, but none wing-nut style).

Remember what a miscalculation it was when the "immigration reform" advocates marched a while back, holding signs that said things like "This is OUR country"? Those demonstrations sank the immigration legislation.

If the antis can paint us as wackos, a new gun ban becomes MUCH more likely.

My favorite sign, BTW, said "Give me liberty, don't give me debt." I thought that was clever.
Trying to turn an anti-big spending rally into a forum for gun rights is both selfish and rude... it does nothing but damage all causes associated.
The Tea Party I attended focused on taxes and the ridiculous size of government,but also had a healthy dose of the 1st,2nd & 10th amendments.