Taurus vs. Charter Arms

limited interaction with both companies.

charter headquarters may not be polite when you ask a complicated question to them on the phone or in an email, but

the few times ive been able to speak to someone at taurus, regardless if they can speak english or not, they have no idea what they sell. Its bad when you have to tell the customer service rep on the phone how to use their company website to find the handgun you need to get more information on.

however it does come to this.

you can get more options from taurus then you can from charter. you can get a full size grip from taurus, while your stuck with a grip thats ok to hold but isnt as snug in hand when compared to the grips on taurus snubs of same wieght and size.
I just switch out grips anyway. I like the Pachmayr Compac, and would use those on the Bulldog. On some other guns I use wood customs designed for large hands.