Taurus and me, a parting of ways.

I still have to say, that Taurus makes best revolver for the money. My 605 still goes BANG when I squeeze the trigger. So does my 85. The last time we went to the range, my wife's 85 did the same thing. Maybe Lightsped, and I got all the good Taurus karma!!!!!!
Ugalawdawg, you messed up, dude :).

Too *tight* a gap is the easiest thing in the world to fix. You just need a very fine flat file and some patience :D. When you get it back, it's probably gonna have a gap up near .004 or something.

I like a gap at .002, myself. More velocity. With my snubbie .38 at that gap, I have to wipe down the cylinder face and rear of the barrel about every 50 rounds or it gets a bit sticky but that's OK, I ain't gonna crank off that many rounds in a fight :D. Not with a 5rd snubbie.

So anyways, I'd have gone real slow, took frequent measurements and filed the back face of the barrel until I hit .002.


Thanks for the input! I think I saw that solution on another post somewhere (you may have been the one who wrote it...I remember that person preferred a .002" gap) but I didn't want to screw something up worse than it already was. :( Plus, it also had a problem with the finish near the ports on one side of the titanium barrel I wanted Taurus to fix.

If it wasn't a brand new firearm with a finish problem to boot, I might have gotten my file out and given it a go. Just figured better safe than sorry. (I guess if it comes back with a .008" gap, I will be sorry!) :)

I'll let you all know how my experience with Taurus customer service turns out...
I have never owned a Taurus, and never will after all the problems I have heard about from friends and the internet, especailly when there is Ruger firearms to ease my pain....
i just picked up a new rossi made by taurus .357 snubbie and love it. the price was excellent...$240.00. it shoots wonderfully, and accurately. i shoot just as well with it as i do my hk uspc .40. i've had no problems with it at all, and i have no problem carrying it and being confident that it will do it's job.
Don't look to Ruger for lemon free revolvers. They turn them out to. After sending my new SP101 back to the factory to correct an over rotated barrel (front sight turned around so far it shot 2" right of poa at 5 yds), Ruger "repaired" the barrel by unscrewing it. The barrel cylinder gap now measures .01-.012" depending on which side you measure it on (yes, a nice even cut forcing cone to boot)! Talk about cylinder flash and lost velocity....I WISH I could send it to Taurus and have a gap of even .006" put on it! Needless to say it is going back to Ruger, again, with another next day air charge down the tubes for a gun that should have been right to begin with. With my luck it will come back with the barrel screwed in too far again. Sigh.
I had a Taurus 85ul that i later gave to my father-in law. I had no problems with it, a nice pocket gun. I still have my 617 that is a joy to shoot, but i have had some rust trouble with it.
I've owned a fair amount of Rugers and Smiths and one Taurus. It was a Model 83, 4" adjustable sight stainless .38. One of the best shooting revolvers I've ever used, period, regardless of brand. Very accurate, good trigger pull and well made. I picked up up for $179 used. A real steal for the accuracy and quality. I eventually moved it in a trade mostly out of snobbery (as one of the guys at my local shop said "the only thing wrong with it was that it didn't say S&W on the barrel) and have pretty much regreted it ever since.

I've been pretty lucky with my revolvers but I've seen a fair share of Ruger Vaquero's at my local CAS matches with various problems. I shoot Vaqueros too and mine are fine but I'm sure some of teh other guys are gripping about Ruger just like we're seing guys griping about Taurus right now :). It doesn't take much in teh way of problems to soil your view of a comapny.

A few of my friends have had various Taurus too from 85's up to a Taurus Custom Shop .44 Mag. One guys swears buy them, it's the only handgun brand he'll buy. Another who has a wide variety of pistols is generally happy with them. His 85 has been good, that .44 Custom Shop gun did have light strikes as a result of an overzealous trigger job but Taurus remidied it pretty quick and it still came back with a very good trigger job.

I dunno, I'm still willing to give them a try. I like my Smiths and Rugers but I'm real interested in the Titanium big bores from Taurus, particularly the .45 Colt and the new .45ACP models. Might be just the ticket for a backpacking gun for me. It'd be nice if there were some more options from the other manufacturers but if nothing else Taurus has maintanied it's lead on variety and innovation in the revolver market.
Taurus buyers...Caveat Emptor!

Well, Taurus has had my brand new, never fired, Police Model 85 Titanium Ultralite in for warranty service for three weeks now...and they haven't even started on it! They told me they would put a rush on it when I called to send it in for service (the cylinder was scraping against the barrel and the finish on the front sight near the ports was defective) and that I would get it back in "about two weeks".

I've been trying to get an update over the past week and sent a fax the other day, and the person I finally spoke to on the phone this morning was very courteous, but they tell me it will be at least another week and a half. They tell me they will put a rush on it, although they say that it already had a rush on it. (A rush on a rush!) Apparently their repair department is very backed up.

This was my first Taurus purchase and will be my last. Needless to say, I am very disappointed. I had heard that Taurus quality was less than great but had improved and that their warranty service was excellent. My experience has been that their quality (and their quality control) is poor and their warranty service is inadequate.

If you are considering a Taurus purchase, caveat emptor! (Let the buyer beware)

Please don't take this wrong, but I'm curious. How is it that you bought a gun (New in Box?) with two flaws of this sort. Did you not look it over at the shop? Or did you have someone order it and it could not be refused upon inspection? I'm not implying anything, just curious.

As for never buying another, you may be a bit hasty. Just because you got a lemon doesn't mean that Taurus is junk. I have a Ruger that had a similar cylinder gap problem. After about thirty rounds fired the cylinder would start to drag on the forcing cone(?).Took Ruger seven weeks to make it right. Doesn't reflect poorly on them in my opinion.
I've never owned a Taurus but I've worked on a couple. Mike's complaint is not uncommon and I've known quite a few of their revolvers which needed stronger springs.

My grumbling about Taurus is how they've reengineered the lockwork. Originally when you removed the sideplate, it looked like a S&W. Modernly, they've simplied the design and the simplifications are not, in my opinion, for the better. It made the Taurus less costly to produce than the equivalent S&W, but also deleted an internal safety feature which I'd rather have. But then again, I'm an older fogie and perfer forged and milled whereever available.