Taurus 605 still not repaired.


I sent my brand new Taurus 605 in for repair.
They said it is a 12-week turn-around. It has been there for a couple days past 12 weeks and a status check still only shows "Firearm arrived" and does not show "Repair in progress". I called them. They say "Give it a few more weeks". Wonderful. I am pretty frustrated.
If it's any consolation to you, I paid for and put in an order for a 1911 Springfield Range Officer on Feb. 3, 2020 - before the China virus hit hard and before the riots.

It just arrived about a month ago - 6 months later.

Honestly, I thought the order would be cancelled since it went on for so long...

I posted the whole story three months ago. The thread has been closed. Guess you'll just have to guess or convince management to stop closing threads just because they are old, because I am not going to re-write the whole story again.

But this afternoon I checked the repair status again. Up until now it has been showing "Firearm arrived". Now it shows no status at all but has a message to call a customer support number ... I called about 5:30PM Mountain time, and I was put on hold listening to elevator music for a good hour and finally hung up out of disgust. Best I can figure is that my call was after closing and they don't even have the common courtesy to inform you of that and just put you on hold until you throw the phone through the wall.
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Maybe later then. I missed the thread.

I pawned my lifetime Taurus 85 rather than deal with what I'd been reading about their customer service.
jimku said:
I posted the whole story three months ago. The thread has been closed. Guess you'll just have to guess or convince management to stop closing threads just because they are old, because I am not going to re-write the whole story again.
That thread was closed because it had drifted far off the opening topic, from a Taurus revolver to a Metro Arms semi-automatic. The reason was clearly stated in the thread by the moderator who closed it. Please don't find fault with the "management" for doing their job.
a message to call a customer support number

I honestly don't understand why companies do this instead of taking advantage of email. You wouldn't even need email. You could go to their site and get your information about your problem and leave a reply without having an email account.

They must know what their wait time on phone calls is. They must know that being on hold for 20 minutes or more is really frustrating for callers. They must suspect that darn near everyone has access to online messaging. It really does seem like email would be a win for them and a win for the customer too. Oh well, minor rant over.
every month or so we get these types of horrendous customer service complaints about Taurus. this is their standard practice, calendar pages turn around time. why is anyone surprised when they get exactly what they paid for from Taurus?
DaleA said:
They must know what their wait time on phone calls is. They must know that being on hold for 20 minutes or more is really frustrating for callers.
I can't prove it, but I am convinced they understaff their customer support department because they're hoping people will get tired of waiting and just give up.
I called the "customer support" number it said to call in the Repair Status message about 20 times. All I got is "We are busy, call again later". I finally did not call that number but instead called the general "customer support" number shown at the top of the page. I listened to elevator music for about an hour and a half on speaker phone and finally got a warm body on the phone. He checked my service order. My gun had been reviewed and it was determined that the frame was out of spec and that they are replacing my gun with a new one of the same model, got my local FFL info to ship the gun to. I asked to be notified when the gun ships, with tracking info, and was told they can't do that, not set up to send emails to customers. I was told it can take up to 8 weeks for a new gun to be shipped out, but in my case it should be "much quicker" whatever the h*ll that means ... he couldn't even give me an estimate. So ... the first indication I will receive that the gun has been shipped is when my FFL actually receives it and calls me.

I have sent probably 10 messages in their "Customer Support" pop-up. NOT ONE OF THEM HAS GOTTEN ANY RESPONSE.

Now for what was wrong with the gun: The cylinder would not lock up consistently. I did the normal checks at my FFL before signing for it, and every chamber locked up just fine. When I got home I loaded it with snap caps and proceeded to give it a "good work out". Almost immediately it was obvious something was amiss ... the cylinder came to rest in different positions when shooting DA and was not locked up. Trying it SA the cylinder was not locked up with the hammer fully cocked ... it could spin freely ... and the hammer would fall when the trigger was pulled anyway, with the cylinder completely mis-aligned to the bore. It was FLAT OUT DANGEROUS. I could tell it had been test-fired from the burn marks on the front of the cylinder ... whoever test-fired it is lucky it didn't blow his fool hand off.

I have two other Taurus handguns that are flawless and I love them. One is a .41 magnum tracker and it is absolutely flawless, supremely accurate, wonderful trigger, couldn't ask for more. The other is a little PT22 that has proven to be extremely reliable, over 1,000 rounds through it without a single hiccup. I am sure I will love my 605 too soon as I get one that works properly.

Regarding the quality of Taurus guns and the frequency of faulty guns I don't think they are any worse (or much worse) than any other maker. They all have lemons and they all ship out faulty guns now and then. But their customer support is much better, while Taurus customer support SUCKS.
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Regarding the quality of Taurus guns and the frequency of faulty guns I don't think they are any worse (or much worse) than any other maker. They all have lemons and they all ship out faulty guns now and then. But their customer support is much better, while Taurus customer support SUCKS.

Comes down to the old adage, "you get what you pay for." Many times the difference in price comes down to the manufacturers investment in customer service.
And why do those dam companies have to play "ELEVATOR MUSIC" while the customer waits on the line. That makes it even more aggravation, listening to Kenny G for hours with no answer! Must be what hell is like!:D
And why do those dam companies have to play "ELEVATOR MUSIC" while the customer waits on the line.

Basically to assure you that they have not hung up on you. Those that interrupt the elevator music to do the "thank you for your patience, you are a valued customer to us, the next available CSR will be with you as soon as possible" are just as annoying.
buck460XVR said:
Basically to assure you that they have not hung up on you. Those that interrupt the elevator music to do the "thank you for your patience, you are a valued customer to us, the next available CSR will be with you as soon as possible" are just as annoying.
"Your call is very important to us. Please remain on the line and our next customer service representative will be with you as soon as she has taken her break, brushed her hair, done her nails, and finished talking to her cubicle mate about where they're going after work tonight."
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What makes me totally ashamed of myself is that I constantly perk up when a song ends thinking that since the song is over someone is going to pick up the phone.