
Well guys, i really like tats, but i have chosen not to get one. If the political atmosphere doesnt change soon, it is highly likely that we all could become felons..I want to keep my identifying marks to a minimum...Not long ago in Mobile Al, there was a stink in the paper about police wanting artists to report the names of all people getting tats, and to give descriptions of the tats....Dont know what came of it though. Cant imagine tat artists doing that! LOL......Anyway, yall be careful
e-m me for any question's you or the wife might have pertaining to tattoo's. or call me with the ph# morgan posted (thanx morgan)
the 356 tues wed fri
the 224 thurs and sat
12- 6pm .
10% disc when you mention TFL

I've gone and crawled in the dog house with the wife by spending to much money lately. She will let me spend some on one thing or another but not all, and as there is a gun show this weekend think I'll be spending more than am allowed for a while :-)

Will definatly keep your shops in mind when tat time rolls around though
I don't have any tatoos as I'm not one for personal adornments. When my wife-to-be and I went to look at wedding rings I actually said, "I don't know if I can wear this, honey. You know I don't like to wear jewelry." Do not try this at home.

Just yesterday my wife said something about getting a tattoo on her neck. I said "Okay, if I can get 'LOVE' and 'HATE' tatooed on my knuckles."

I don't think we're too good for each other. She agreed. Oh, well.

Not having tattoos of any type and not wanting to have one, I don't care if others do. I'm afraid that the way things are going, some of us may end up with tattoos issued by the fedgov anyway.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 12, 1999).]
So why are tatoos permanent?

Cells in the human body die and are replaced at short intervals, especially skin cells. I would think the ink would be removed by the body as the cells in the area are replaced.


boing, they do fade with time, how long depends on how much ink was applied ,what quality ink, and how deep. the good ones last a long time ,con artist "quickies" can fade quickly. exposure to sunlight affects some colors more than others,too. hope this helps.
I know this doesn't belong here but I can't find the jokes thread so here goes.

I got a tattoo of Kathy Ireland on my right butt cheek, and one of Kate Moss on my left
one, after a while I realized I couldn't really tell how they looked so I asked my wife to take
a look, I dropped my pants and bent over, she said I can't tell who the one on the right or
left is but the one in the middle looks like Rosie O'Donnell.
John, the jokes thread has been sent to cyber
nirvana. it aparently ( i don't know as i didn't read it) didn't relate to anything concerning firearms. i ain't much on jokes, but the reference to rosie was ok...
Okay, I've been putting off this post and trying not to write it, but here goes:

2 years ago my girlfriend and I wanted to do something crazy. She's a comptroller and like all accountants, *very* conservative. I suggested tattoos, and surprise, surprise, she said yes. We had a drink for Dutch courage (we were NOT drunk, however) and went to the studio. We picked out matching vines to go around our right ankles. She went first. She's a tough lady and sat through it. Than came my turn.

Now, I gotta point out here that I have an honest-to-God true psychological phobia of needles. Not a sissy "I don't like them" but I mean a "walk towards me with one, I get the shakes; point the thing at me I pass out; once I'm unconscious I throw up" God-freakin' FEAR of the damn things. But, the way to overcome a fear is to face it right? WRONG! My g/f decided that an Oriental dragon on the outside of my ankle with the vine going around would be more "manly" so the lady starts. I start to get the shakes, but try to gut it out. She does the dragon first, I get through that, and starts on the vine. (I gotta tell you: I'm getting queasy just writing about it!) Well, that's it: I feel it coming on. I ask the artist to hold up a minute, go into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face, come staggering out, and at this point I have no further recollection. I am told that I staggered for a few more steps, went down, twisted, hit my head on a desk, BROKE the friggin' desk, (I guess my head was harder than the mahogony) knocked myself unconscious, aside from fainting, and it took them 6 minutes to wake me up. They almost called 911. Once awake, I insisted that the artist continue, so the vine is half done when the artist thinks I'm getting pale again. She insists on stopping, so now I have a really cool Oriental dragon on the outside of my right ankle that looks like it's sh*tting out a vine. But I'm damn proud of it all the same.


[This message has been edited by joegerardi (edited June 14, 1999).]
Hey, Joe,

Shall I tell you about the ink an ex-gf of mine has?

Big dragon, curls around her waist, up over her shoulder, and down onto her... ahem.

And my next ink will be a coat of arms I designed myself, on my back, shoulder-to-shoulder and down to the base of the spine.

Feeling woozy yet?
well, well, well....

What was supposed to be an 8 state road trip for 7 days has turned into at least a 10 state road trip for at least 8 days.. and I happen to be in New Jersey.. Which happens to be where my Tattoo artist lives... yep, you guessed it.. I feel a Glock 23 etching its way into my skin.....

Dan, currently I've got a Custom 1911 and a Desert Eagle. The 1911 features many of the same custom parts and the Serial # of one of my own, and the DE is just hyper-detailed, but I didn't have mine for specific reference at the time....

If I do get the Glock, and I end up with the ejection port side of the weapon showing, I will, of course, make sure that the serial number is TFL001.

yes your skin cells regenerate, however that is only your 2 outer(eppidermis) layers. the dye (ink) is placed into your third or dermis layer of skin (your pigmentation) layer. this is what make's us the color we are caucasion et. this is nonregenitive. if you cut yourself deep enough to require stitches or you pick the scab of a cut before it is healed you have damaged your dermis layer hench the discolored skin.
i also have 32 hrs. of cross-contanimation, blood borne pathogens total classroom time (osha approved0 if anyone has any quest. or concern's about getting a tattoo and what to look for in a studio please feel free to e-m .