
Rob Pincus

New member
I don't remember if we have talked about his before, but I just got a private Email that has got me steamed up.


"Since you've already done this, you should consider keeping them coverd up....."

This came from a guy who is overly concerned with the fact that I have a pro-2nd Amendment phrase along with a couple guns and a silhouette target tattooed on my thigh. He apparently feels that it reinforces a negative stereotype of Gun Owners....

What do you guys think?

The tattoo is two guns angled, over a silohuette (B-27), between the guns and the head there is a banner which reads "Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms". Below the silohuette there is a banner which reads "Shall Not be Infringed".

Did you mention the FIRST amendment?

Tats are cool, if they are "you."

They are like scars and tell a little history. This is personal business. If he doesnt like them - he does not have to look at them.
On your thigh? Not knowing how far down the tatoo extends or is located, I would think that you keep a goodly portion of it covered anyway. (Unless you are a nudest or wear short shorts)

I have a friend that has the muzzle end of a 1911 tatooed on his bicept. He would, most likely, attempt to unscrew some busy body's head if they tried to tell him to keep the tatoo covered. He got the tatoo after using a 1911 to protect his life.

P*** on the idiot that sent the e-mail, as you can see I have developed a real low tolerance for PC types.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Rob, that tatoo sounds cool. I've gotten 2 in the last 2 months. They are impossible to explain to someone who dosen't have any. I'm thinking about getting a Lara Croft type woman holding a M-4 carbine or equivalent weaponry. Any ideas? Later, byerly

I wanna know hy he's looking at your thigh???
geez! the things people worry about. I've got 2, the wife has 2, what's the deal.
what really tickles me is when the little old ladies see my wife's and tell how much they like them, and if they had enough guts they'd like to get one too.
your's does sound pretty cool Rob.

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 10, 1999).]
I have a couple cool ideas for Lara Croft type pics... Browes for a Comic Book called "Danger Girl" Similar theme to Lara I think.

My brother had a Danger Girl Comic Book and was reading it while we were on a flight... It was pretty cool I guess, for comic.

Its your skin and you can write or draw anything on it you want.Just make sure you approve the final draft.There are enough "Born too loose" tattoos out there.

Better days to be,

Got my share of tats and then some.

The problem is not with tattoos making groups look bad, but that people have this idea that tattoos are only for bad people. Most people I know with tats, lots of them, are really nice, good people.

I have two more tats coming. One is along the line of thought as yours (RKBA), and another symbolizes a different part of my life. My tats tell a story.

My wife just bought me my next tat for our anniversary (and it has nothing to do with us...not a "happy anniversary" tattoo or anything).

uh, for the record.. no guys that I am aware of have been looking at my thigh.. The tat came up at another site and he interjected his obviously silly thoughts.

Sometimes I wonder if I am a little hypocritical about it.. IOW, he thinks the tat is in poor taste, but I think he is examining the medium, not the message. Personally, I do not approve of the T-shirts I've seen that say something like "I'm gonna shoot ya, 'cuz I is a badass." and have a picture of a big revolver or something. No, that was not an exact quote.... but you get the point.

I went to get a haircut tonight and the girl at the place said my photog's Vest was "cute".. I didn't know what to say, so I went with, "well, it is more for function than for style".. later she said something about girls liking a receeding hairline (yes, she was fishing for a big tip...) then she said, "You are into girls aren't you?"...... At which point I officially gave up trusting people's judgements.

Today just wasn't my day...


Are you? OK, just kidding of course.

Cohen v. Bd of Regents covered the issue. It was at UC Bezerkley where a student wore a jacket emblazoned with the words, "F**k the Draft." The Supremes said it couldn't be censored. Applied here, your thighs are constitutionally protected. Thank you Professor Kodiac.


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
being heavily tattooed(not tatoo) when someone ask why i "did that to myself" i say i wanted to have my ear pierced but i heard it hurt's! then i tell them these color's don't run. if they don't like it screw em. i was tattooed before it was trendy(25 yr.s ago) and have been a tattooist for 13yrs. you would be surprised at how many of them(client's) are pro-gun. as for getting tattooed if any of my fellow tfl'ers are ever in colo and want to get inked or are passing thru e-m me before hand and stop on in. if there is time maybe do some plinking also.
Rob, i wiSh i could have been there to see the expression on your face when she ask you that!!!


fiat justitia
Shrike - I'm not Jim, but I'll play him on TFL

Digging out his card... Ft. Collins (970/224-5241) and Greeley (970/356-6772). He really knows his stuff, both pistols and ink.
What's the difference between people with tattoos and people without? People with tattoos don't care whether people have tattoos or not.

I've seen Rob's (tattoo, that is
). It's peominent and tasteful. Let 'em all pound sand.
Rich Lucibella
Proud owner of a wolf on medicine wheel tatt.
Sorry everyone, but I've never liked them. It's a personal choice. Although I don't like them, if someone else wants one that's their choice. Although I don't judge anyone based upon whether they have one or not. I judge people by what they do. Prood is in the putting. The fact of the matter is that a lot of people do.

Just to bad that person did not say that to your face. Would give you a chance to respond in kind, like a quick punch in the nose. Like I said although I don't like them, there is no reason for someone being rude.

Hmmm, This whole tat thing has me confused. A tit for a tat? A tat for....umm, no.

A police officer told me that three tattoos, tattoes, tat-twos, whatever,... he said if a guy has three of 'em, he's been in prison and is a felon. I really thanked him (sound of dripping sarcasm heard here) and tried to avoid him from then on.

I was told by another police officer that each teardrop tattoo signifies someone the wearer has killed. I nodded sagely, paused, then asked, "So it doesn't just mean he's sad?" He has avoided ME from then on.

My oldest daughter (in NY state, sob) got a tattoo because she was sure I had one (because of my military career). Before I knew what was happening, I'll be damned if both younger girls didn't each get a tattoo. What is this with a flower on your ankle?

I told them if they wanted to look like a comic book, that was their business. Then THEY avoided ME for a while.

Bad news is the supervisor of the youngest one (Vicky) made some nasty comments about the ankle tattoo and required Vicky to keep it covered (even under nylons) when at work. I volunteered to have a chat about discrimination with the boss and Vicky grinned, "Dad, I need the job. Besides, I can kick her butt as well as you could!"

Love my kids. Don't much care about tattoos one way or the other. It's the person who counts - not their camouflage patterns.

Ankle-length-helmet-clad Grump!
I have a Fighting Irish on my arm. I am of Irish Heritage and am pround of that fact. Do I think all Irishman are fighters, No. That would be like someone saying that all Irishmen like to get drunk by using big pints of frosty cold beverages, Oh wait that is true, hahaha. Anyhow, I think that tattoo you have is great.

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.