taser/spray options

civilian model

There is a "civilian model" of the Taser, special features/engineering to disable the attacker and allow the user to "escape". Dart'em, let the device cycle while the user discards it and flees, or so I've been told.

Should have paid more attention in class.
Tasers; $$$, choices....

I'm not fully checked out on Tasers or a "expert" but to my understanding the C2 is designed to discharge a longer shock than the X26/X26c models & it sprays tiny RFIDs on the violent attacker to help ID them later.
The law enforcement/spec ops models like the T3/T2 can be used with multiple subjects or shots.
For most citizen uses/private protection I still say the red or yellow model C2 would be better.
I'd get a bright color so you can quickly see it in low/no light(darkness) & a uniformed LE officer or security guard won't mistake the C2 for a firearm.

Those events can & do happen in real life. A female police officer near my city shot & killed a unarmed subject because she jerked out the wrong duty weapon off her uniform belt.
BTW: the T3 Taser is like a hairdryer & the bulky weapon may be hard to conceal. My city's large PD just bought new X26 law enforcement Tasers.

ps; The new X26/X26c EDWs run around $1000.00 too.
Just my two cents but whatever a person chooses to Cary they should be trained, continue training and be willing to actually use it if the situation arises. Where it be a gun, knife , taser, spray or whatever. Tasers I'n my opinion are pretty close, too close really. I'd rather spray at 15 feet and some instances I'd rather shoot at 15 yards but I think there's alot of people if they had a situation, and alot of women who would really be afraid to use whatever even if they had something. That's why they're already 20 or 30 years old and never carried yet. Most you probably can buy them something and actually think theyre armed and protected because most won't have it I'n themselves.

You realize that a Taser has an effective range of 15-25 feet right? Stun guns are strictly contact. Tastes have the ability to fire projectiles and be a contact weapon. I have NEVER seen anyone shrug off a good Taser hit. The muscular you are the worse it is. I have seen many people shrug off my OC spray like it was nothing, especially in a fight where their adrenaline was through the roof. After they were detained and the adrenaline came back down they felt the effects, but at that point it does you no good. Invest in a good defensive tactics class and a Taser.
I have both been Tased and deployed the Taser several times as a LE Officer. I trust it, but it is not a substitute for a firearm and should not be thought of as an "end all". That being said, if your friend is open to the Taser concept, Taser International sells "civilian" tasers that have longer probe cables and activate for 30 seconds with a single pull of the trigger. LE modles activate for 5 seconds. The civilian models are designed, as I understand it from Taser, to be deployed then dropped, giving the person time to flee. Taser will replace the Taser at no cost if it is deployed and a police report is obtained and sent to them. Check Taser International’s web site for more info http://www.taser.com/products/self-defense-products . Im not a huge fan of civilian OC/Chemical sprays without significant training, I have had to evacuate a few public buildings after accidental discharges of OC! Just make sure your friend is willing to carry and use the Taser before you go out and buy one, as they are not cheap. I would stay away from stun type devices, I have used them too and all they seem to do is tick off an already violent foe!
Yes they have 15-20 feet if you make a good hit and probes also stick. But first off a woman and then prob scared to death and has never shot a firearm or anything like that? At least a can of o/c she has about 20-30 seconds worth so hopefully she hit with that and then c'mon fox hitting someone and not phasing them, please! Yes i worked I'n a jail I'n past and i will say there are some maybe 1 out of 100 that spray hardly even phases but 1out of 100. To me getting a woman, scared and new to all this and most are not going to defend theirselves even if they had to. A taser would not be as good as spray. And whatever she choses if anything at all i say practice practice and practice.
To the OP...there are a few things that must be considered.

First, as it has been stated, the TASER has a limited range. If you get a good hit, with both leads in the target--great. I have been Tased, and have the scars on my back from it. It works--and it works GREAT!

The greatest problem, however, is this: The user might NOT get a good hit. Or, the attacker may be wearing heavy clothing. Either one might generate a REALLY p.o.'ed assailant. If there is one probe in, then a drive stun is possible--but that requires actual contact.

OC works, as well--but you can actually develop a tolerance for it. I have been OC'd about 6 times. Last time, I took a full hit, right in the face and eyes--I wiped it off and beat my attacker with a foam rubber baton for a full minute. OC doesn't work all the time.

You said that she has fired a handgun, and has the potential to be a good shot. If you don't mind me asking--why, then, does she hate guns?

If she actually needs it, Heaven forbid, a controlled application of something like 9mm Golden Saber or Gold Dot beats the h-e-double toothpicks out of TASER probes.

If you can talk her into it, try to get her in contact with a NRA certified instructor, to take her through the Basic Pistol class. Or, get her to a range with a good target grade .22. Put up some paper targets, and let her go through a brick of them. Do NOT mention antipersonnel use. I have found that most women actually have fun once they see holes in the paper.
Gentlemen, consider this, if you think she is unwilling to use a less lethal weapon on a threat, what makes a firearm better for her? He said she's in College, that doesn't mean she's 21 and can have a pistol. What if the pistol is taken, now we have a criminal in possession of a firearm.

I say it all too often, but sometimes an instinctive tool is what people need. A knife may suit her. It's nasty, it's dirty, and won't be pretty, but most women are assaulted at closer ranges(Maybe someone like Pax knows better than I about this) and often don't have the ability to keep a hold on a gun. Put a Sharpie in anyones hand and try to take it away from them without being marked. Instruction, determination to use it, and knowledge of when to use it must be taught and understood. (Just because someone knows what the answer is, doesn't mean they understand why it's the answer.) Though maybe I'm just being the knife wielding maniac again...
To OP: At the end of the day, it boils down to this... Is SHE ready to defend herself at all costs? Not you, not what you would like her to do, not what you hope she will do, what is SHE ready to do? You know her better than we do, you decide. If she is not, get her to pre dial 911 on her cell and be ready to hit send, teach her to avoid danger and listen to the little OH S&#T voice in her head, park under lights, walk in a group ect. You can get her all the guns, tasers, sprays, knives, bazookas, grenades ect and, if she wont use them, they are no good to her an may be used against her! Some people just don’t have that will to fight and survive and that’s ok, but we must accept that those we love may not have the same instincts as we do. Best of luck to you and her, and stay safe!
Knives & edged weapons...

A small knife or edged weapon would be a HUGE mistake for a entry level citizen who either; A) does not train or prepare correctly to deploy it in a defense related incident or B) is unaware of the use of force/concealed weapon laws of his/her area.
Now I am NOT saying combat type knives or folders can't protect you or that there are no good knives out there; CRKT, Benchmade, Blackhawk, Emerson, Gerber, etc but these work best in trained hands and are not the best idea for most use of force incidents.

That said, about 2 years ago a uniformed security officer(state licensed & trained) in my city had to resort to a small blade to kill a violent attacker who was caught breaking into a empty apartment. The security officer was cleared by law enforcement & the local state atty. His actions met the standards for self-defense but the attack was violent & stressful.
A young college student who is risk adverse or doesn't want to carry weapons may not be able to repel an attack like that incident.

In my US military service, our instructors & cadre kept saying one message to us; Stay alert & stay alive!
I think this woman is like so many other people. Most get petrified at almost anything and sure wont defend themselves for any reason or help others for that matter. And to them I say call 911 and wait if you can before the attack and if not just handle it the best way you can and call to make a report afterwards (if you can). May sound a bit harsh but thats basically the decision so many want to make for themselves. I had a class about a week ago on sexual assault and a bunch of 911 calls were played of women who heard someone breaking into their home. They had enough time to call 911 and lock theirselves in bedrooms only to be sexual assaulted because they chose not to be armed in their own house. And some called from other locations only to lay there and be sexual assaulted because they also chose not to be armed in public. And if that what some people choose to do, just call and make a report when they get through with you... We do have a right , exercise it!
People have been able to kill and defend themselves with edged weapons with little or no experience for centuries. That being said, you are right, training to both deploy and use a weapon is paramount. Let's face it, how often are people able point and shoot a threat without experience versus being able to cut someone who is grabbing them?

The technique, the training, and the practice will do more with less at the advantage of an instinctive reaction of the hands.
You said that she has fired a handgun, and has the potential to be a good shot. If you don't mind me asking--why, then, does she hate guns?
I don't have an answer for you that won't be argued needlessly.

A knife may suit her
she has one and keeps it on her outside of school because that isn't allowed there.

To OP: At the end of the day, it boils down to this... Is SHE ready to defend herself at all costs? Not you, not what you would like her to do, not what you hope she will do, what is SHE ready to do?
yep. We've talked about it. She doesn't believe in violence, but that doesn't mean she won't fight for her life. Talked about it in depth. I am satisfied with her intent.

I think this woman is like so many other people. Most get petrified at almost anything and sure wont defend themselves for any reason or help others for that matter
At the risk of being banned you are beyond ridiculous, misogynistic, and have no idea what you are talking about. Every post you have put in this thread has been a flame. Stop posting garbage. I don't know who you date but if I wanted to date myself then I would. I don't expect my GF to be as enthusiastic about guns as I am. I just accept it. You should too.

I already picked up a stun gun for her. She loves it and told me she's gonna keep it on her all the time. Satisfies me.
Skipped the pepper spray because I felt like the stun gun would just be better. The taser started 300+ and I can't afford that since I am a college student too.
This might help, if there is not an underlying reason for her concerns that you know about.

A lot of people I have met do not like guns. Some have an almost phobic/manic fear of firearms.

The first thing I do is to get to know them, and make them comfortable. I NEVER come on strong about firearms ownership when we first start talking. When the subject finally comes up, I elicit a response from them. I will then start in slowly--usually talking about competition shooting and how hard it is, elaborating on all the steps of preparation before we talk about the first shot.

Then, I start in this direction: "You want to know something that's really amazing? It has been my experience that new competitors usually start shooting at a better level than expected, because they don't have anything to unlearn."

If they become conversational at that point, I have them hooked.

The next step is to have them practice with an AIR PISTOL OR RIFLE. Even dyed in the wool antigunners usually find nothing wrong with an airgun.

Ease them out to a place to shoot it. It MUST be:

a. Quiet.
b. Somewhat remote.

Hang your targets--make those bullseyes nice and big for the first time shooter.

After a few sessions, it's time to take the big plunge.

If you don't have one, find the LEAST threatening-looking .22 handgun that you can get. A dedicated target gun will do the job.

Sit her down at the bench, at a well padded rest. Load ONE round at a time, through the magazine. Let her take her time, and praise her well every time she hits the paper.

If she's like the vast majority (about 30 or so) antigunners that I have brought over to our side, she'll be more than ready to continue. If not---well, respect her opinion and try later.

Good luck to you, whichever path you choose.