taser/spray options


New member
Not sure if this is the right place for me to put this but I'll shoot it here anyway.

I know someone who lives in these apartments. I want to get her a taser and pepper spray. I had been planning on it a few months ago but school got in the way. Well, its my last week of school and this is really scary. She's about 120 pounds. Hates guns. These are her options.
If you have had experience with a taser/stun gun and a specific pepper spray, please give me some recommendations so when the gun show comes around I can go ahead and pick up what I need. Thanks!
I've been in the same situation with my daughter, when she was in college, a huge (50,000 students) state university with vast parking lots and parking garages. After extensive research, it became clear that nothing comes close to Fox Labs spray, particularly the cone type. There are some Youtube videos of some tough guys being immobilized by this stuff. It's been described as "like somebody dumping a spoonful of fire ants in each eye."

Try these:



There are several threads on this site containing excellent advice for how to carry and use it. There are definite do's and don'ts.

I don't have any experience with tasers, but have often been advised that they are dangerous because they require the user to get too close to an assailant (within arm's length), not a good idea for a small girl.
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Given the number of ineffective tasering and sprays I see reported daily around the country I have to wonder if either is a good option. I think a good high voltage stun gun might work better, if she is trained in how to use it.
FOX (stream ) spray you can order it at "galls". She ever does need it , itd be second to a handgun. But most of the time if she has a good head on her shoulders and is aware of her surroundings and alot of times people can just put there selves in a bad predicamment. (parties, so called friends, etc) its something like 80% that when a person gets raped it is someone who already knows the female. So definatley if she would try to choose correctly. And spray if she is corned and needs to. It'll work ta
hats for sure.
I'm not fond of any sprays, in my opinion the only way to effectively "blind" an opponent is with actual material. Sand, glass, ash, salt, that stuff. But, I believe that's kind of illegal in most cases.

Stun Guns, Taser is a name brand, are a decent choice. They make a noise that incites fear. The main reason, I think, the police don't use the contact guns is because you have to keep that contact. A gun that shoots electrodes should be better, but training may be an issue. Although, I don't know her or the options available to her. I'd stick with a model that has seen good use and is easy for carry.

In any case, be sure she is willing to carry it properly so it may be accessed, use it on a threat without hesitation, and most importantly be sure she can use it effectively. Practice is always the key.

Normally I'd suggest a knife, but she's not likely to want to use it, ever. I just believe it's far better in any situation where she is on the ground. If it seems she is okay with it, I'd check out IET: Inverted Edge Tactics. Again, practice is the most important factor.
Stun Guns, Taser is a name brand, are a decent choice.

Tasers fire darts that provide a connection to the gun. A stun gun provides a direct contact to the subject. This has less points of failure, does not require aiming and firing the darts and then the connection to be effective. It does have the great negative of requiring closer proximity.
As a former firearms and TASER instructor I must respond to the comment that tasers dont work,,,,,BULL$H!!T have you ever been tased? i have and am here to tell you they work IF used correctly I have been tased myself and have used it while making arrests, I bet those guys would disagree with any nay sayers as well.

If she isnt comfortable with guns thats fine, I will say the TASER is more effective that pepper spray, I have seen guys get sprayed and it not really bother them at all, at the same time you have to get some training with the TASER and know how to use it and what to look for when it doesnt give the desired performance the most common reason it doesnt work well is only one probe made contact or there wasnt enough spread between the probes but with training and keeping your head during a situation it is possible to correct the problem and get the desired effect.

if you go with the TASER the citizen model uses a 10 second burst rather than the 5 second burst like the law enforcement model, the reason is it gives the victim time to utilize the TASER them put it down and run to safety while the bad guy is lying there on the ground incapcitated.

Heres the nice thing about it,,if you have to use the TASER to defend yourself, and you run away for help dont think your out of an $800 TASER after you make a police report and send that to TASER they will replace your TASER for free..

Ok OK I will shut up now but dont tell me TASERS dont work cause I will argue with that till death
Read where she hates guns, let her go. She's not a keeper!!!!
seriously? she's shot my 45 dead center her first time at 10 yards. just cause she hates them doesn't mean she's not good with them
1) Taser seemed to work on that silly jackass running around the ballpark in Philly.

2) Didn't work so well for Officer Jared Reston, who grappled a suspect after his taser failed. He ended up taking a .45 ACP in the chin but eventually put 3 rounds in his attacker's head.

Having said that, why doesn't this woman go out and get her own taser/spray/firearm/whatever?

Are you her gaurdian angel?
C0untZer0 said:
Having said that, why doesn't this woman go out and get her own taser/spray/firearm/whatever?

Are you her gaurdian angel?

Personal reasons are irrelevant. Watch:

I made a 10 inch knife for a good female friend of mine who lives in Ohio. She's actually a love interest of mine, and is living alone in a rural area. She also has had issues with some guys at her college. She keeps the knife around, has a large German Sheppard, and I've also sent her what training videos I can on using a knife. She has firearm training, and is still practicing but can not afford a gun. In the end, the knife was worth around $120, and I spent days on it, because I care. If I could buy her a 9mm, I would, but I can't afford one myself. See?

Farmerboy, your response seems rather harsh, and honestly rude. I've come to understand that you just have no respect for people on here unless they agree with you on everything. I for one am sick of it, but I have yet to say anything, or call you out. Self defense isn't always about killing someone, grow up.
Having said that, why doesn't this woman go out and get her own taser/spray/firearm/whatever?

Are you her gaurdian angel?

You gonna ask that to every guy who shows concern about any woman? The obvious answer is because I can.
I don't know how you are wired, but when people are around me, I feel responsible for them since they are in my company. That's why I carry. I don't have a problem if my friends don't believe in guns. I don't force that issue on them, nor them on me. All I can do is try to accommodate their needs if such a need arises.
Just curious but I know you have been bouncing different ideas around, what do you think right now is good for her? What kind of spray, tazer or whatever?
I've seen this a lot, and it's a recurring theme that crops up on this forum. Males who are into guns and SD theory, situational awareness etc etc... taking it upon themselves to buy weapons for their wives/girlfriends, and unpacking all the usuall justifications.

It comes disguised as kindness and caring but it is predicated on treating another adult like a child.
After being pepper sprayed 12+ times during my LE career, I can tell you that nothing beats Sabre Red pepper spray. I'm a Sabre instructor now and they offer a training class for civilians. I would suggest signing her up.
Just my two cents but whatever a person chooses to Cary they should be trained, continue training and be willing to actually use it if the situation arises. Where it be a gun, knife , taser, spray or whatever. Tasers I'n my opinion are pretty close, too close really. I'd rather spray at 15 feet and some instances I'd rather shoot at 15 yards but I think there's alot of people if they had a situation, and alot of women who would really be afraid to use whatever even if they had something. That's why they're already 20 or 30 years old and never carried yet. Most you probably can buy them something and actually think theyre armed and protected because most won't have it I'n themselves.
Guns, mindset, training...

There's an old joke about teaching a pig to dance...

Really, if this person won't carry or even use a loaded firearm, I highly doubt he/she will have the mindset or will to carry & use OC spray, EDWs(tasers) or any other self defense device/product.
As I've posted on firearm/tactics forums & message boards in the past; Guns are not props, toys or fashion statements.
Sit down and openly discuss your concerns with the person. Be aware of the legal, moral & social issues too. Know your area's use of force & defense laws.
My state does not allow private citizens to use more the 4oz of chemical agent(OC spray, Mace, pepper spray).
If the person DOES feel they can safely carry a defense weapon or wants to follow the local-state laws, check here; www.Taser.com www.galls.com www.policehq.com www.uscav.com www.qmuniforms.com .
A C2 Taser could protect a citizen in most events. I now use Sabre Red Mk III on my security details. Fox Labs, First Defense, Mace, Galls have good chemical agents(stream, foam, fog, etc). Make sure the OC spray doesn't conflict with energy weapons(Tasers). Flames or sparks may iginite. Yes, it's not a MythBusters bit. LE agencies & security officers have been sued or faced civil lawsuits over it. ;)
Have the person train, document the formal training(with a respected, licensed program) and avoid the cheap gun show or mall ninja $&@#.

Stay safe & stay legal;
I work in a large jail and use OC spray and Taser almost on a weekly basis. I have seen both fail. Given my choice I would take OC spray in 5% or higher in nearly every situation. An X26 taser is a single shot one major drawback to a taser. OC spray will work on multiple attackers.