targets and aiming points

Optimistic or otherwise, that's a real life experience suffered by yours truly, Sgt Lumpy. Shot in the vest with a 9mm Beretta clone. Couldn't talk/yell for help, couldn't make my arm move to get to my radio/pistol, life flashing before my eyes thinking the guy would come back outside and shoot me in the head while I tried to crawl/roll away from danger.

All for a failure to appear warrant on a $70.55 traffic ticket.

No matter how many "crazed crack heads immune to gunfire" stories we can find, firing a gun - ANY gun - in the direction of someone buys you time. Even if that bullet isn't "optimal ballistics" or "Center of mass" or even if it's a miss. That's my optimistic opinion.

Sgt Lumpy - n0eq

Wow, that's scary. If it weren't for that vest it's very possible you may not be here to post on this forum! I am glad everything worked out ok! Did you end up with a big welt/bruise?

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The "where to aim" topic pops up often on gun & concealed carry forums.

I'd advise to aim "center mass" the largest deepest section of a human shape target. If, and I mean IF there is a chance the felon or bad guy does not go down(the threat stops), then I would advance to either a headshot or a lower torso/pelvic area shot.
Some untrained shooters or concealed carry license holders think the headshot is the best or first place to aim. I disagree. The human head is small & not very thick compared to the center mass of a torso.
Hollywood movies & cop shows are not training films.
It isn't the genitals that you are targeting, it is the pelvic bone. A shot to the pelvis is almost instantaneously disabling, but it not a reliable threat stopper.

If the target wears armor, then another target other than COM is advisable. The head can wobble, is small and might be a poor substitute. The hips, on the other hand, are pretty stable and offer a larger target than the head. A good hit on the pelvic bone can drop the BG and disable him.

While a "good hit on the pelvic bone" might drop a bad guy, so might a good hit on the arm, shoulder, gut, thigh, head, or chest. People often fall down when shot.

Unless you are using a rifle or have a surgeons near 3-D understanding of anatomy, chances are that if you aim for the "pelvis" that you will not actually get a disabling shot. Like the gut shots supposedly Wyatt Earp claimed as a preferred location of impact for stopping people due to the pain it caused, pelvic region shots can be painful (as if shots elsewhere aren't?), but pistol calibers rarely, very rarely hit the exact structures necessary in the pelvis to cause the structural damage necessary to disable a person's locomotion. In fact, the largest bone of the pelvis, the ilium with its big, sail-like iliac blade, can be punctured without actually breaking or can have pieces broken off without actually causing a failure of the pelvic girdle.

On top of all that, the normal person really hasn't a clue as to where to aim on the outside of the clothing with a handgun in order hit a target inside of the body very well, especially one that is moving and not front facing.

Shooting at the pelvic region is a decent alternative target, but do not expect physical incapacitation of locomotion to occur like you would get with a shot that severs the spinal cord just because you shoot somebody in the pelvic region. The pelvic region is quite large and structurally capable of handing a lot of insult.
If teaching a class, Police/Security/ or CCW, sitting a manikin, no arms or legs, on a table. Shows by pointing, and giving a guess, on where that round might go. As in what organs sit behind the impact point.

I say might, because from a pistol, bones cause deflection, or even where you aimed, the person moves, that shot has now changed.

Seems to me, just my opinion, that firing once, then pausing to see what happens now, is not too bright, and shooting multiple times at an aggressor, can sometimes produce no discernible result, that if, or when, you get in a shooting war with a single individual, your conflict is going to be yours, and yours alone.

Like the song says "What ever will be, will be"