Tale of a Blackmarket Gun Dealer/WSJ

I can't believe the posts supporting this guy. He's the kind of guy that gets legislation passed that makes gun buying, owning and shooting more difficult for you and me, or turns us into criminals. I am no fan of the ATF, but in this case, the guy was a rat. He wasn't much of a Christian, and he wasn't the kind of guy I would buy a gun from or hang with. Face it, if you want to sell guns for a business, do it right. He knew he was selling to people who couldn't buy legally and he knew he was doing it illegally. At 6'6", I doubt he'll be anybody's girlfriend in prison, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over the length of time he's there.

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
Mike in Va,

Yes, your logic is obviously very sound. These guys he was selling to may not be upstanding citizens. My only point was that it never said he sold the weapon to Mr. X who is a convicted felon and cant own a gun (why Mr. X.s is on the street would be a discussion for another day.)

My other point is that I think registration of gun dealers/ and "selling without a license" laws are all infringements on our 2nd amendment rights as provided in our Constitution. YOU DONT NEED A LICENSE TO SELL A BUNCH OF YOUR OLD BIBLES, OR SAY POLITICAL LITERATURE, OR ANY OTHER BOOK AT A FLEA MARKET DO YOU?

Thats all. Believe me I DO NOT condone the use of firearms in any violent crimes. I merely want my FREEDOM preserved. Every day it is under constant attack from all this liberal crap that we get in the "mainstream" media.

In my view ALL gun laws are infringements on my RIGHTS and MY FREEDOM.

ALSO, all gun owners out there must do a paradigm shift. GUN LAWS ARE NOT DESIGNED TO "PROTECT" US FROM VIOLENT CRIME.

If you wanted to do that, the government should be handing out .45 Automatics and mandating that every citizen carry at all times. Violent crime would drop in a heartbeat.

GUN LAWS ARE DESIGNED TO DISARM THE CITIZENRY. We who give the government our CONSENT to be governed. Not the other way around.