Taking on NBC--ready for prime time

Jimpeel, that's a good point. My uncle is off to New Orleans for some kind of gay convention. When he gets back, I'll try to find out from him how they managed to get those companies to boycott Dr. Laura. He's a Korean war vet but, unfortunately, has gone over to the liberal side. Still, he may give me some insight.

It would be really interesting to find out how many gay gun owners there are. Years back my wife and I would go to the gay bars with my uncle and his friends, and there were always stories about who got beat up leaving the bar. If I were gay, I'd sure as hell would want to have a weapon.


You bring up a "talking point" which needs to be in everyone's mind when talking to a liberal. Guns protect against "gay-bashing"- if only Matthew Shepard had been armed. Guns protect against "lynchings" - if only the man in Texas who was dragged to his death was armed. And they protect women against stalkers and domestic abuse.

My letter will be mailed. Thanks.