Taking another young lady for her first shoot,,,

We had to cut the range session short,,,

The temperature was nice but it was soooooo dang windy,,,
We shot one box of .22 LR and called it a day,,,
Red Dirt Oklahoma is no fun in high winds.

She liked my Model 63 though,,,
And we will be going back again in better weather.

I've been wanting to add a .22 handgun, probably a revolver, to the stable for these situations. As is, the softest shooting gun I have is my subcompact 9mm. Most of the new shooters, especially women, put 100 or more through my .22 rifle and maybe one mag through the rest of my guns.

Nice work aarondhgraham, I always enjoy your posts. Now if we could just get you to use ... instead of ,,, :D
Taking another young lady for her first shoot

How young? What do you mean by "plinking" with all those pistols?

What age is "another young lady"?

Why the full gammat of firearms? There's more time for a second lesson.

My point being that age and basic skills for a new shooter should be eased into caliber. A .22 caliber would first comes to my mind. Proficiency in what she would want to master without the challenge of "boom". What are her safety skills she has learned from you? How old is your untrained shooter student? Does she know to keep the firearm unloaded until ready to fire? Does she know to keep her finger off the trigger until ready to fire? Does she know to point the firearm in a safe postition always, no exception?

It's not what the new shooter has excitement over, but the basic safety skills "she" needs to capture before she wants to move to a larger caliber.
Hello Boncrayon,,,

I'm not understanding your post,,,
I think you're preaching to the choir here. ;)

I said "In the past I've taken too many guns and just confused the new shooter,,,"
I have since learned from that error.

I took one .22 revolver and one .22 semi for her to shoot,,,
I don't think that's excessive.

I always take at least one centerfire handgun,,,
Just in case they have a desire to try a bigger boom,,,
This day it was a S&W Model 15 Combat Masterpiece in .38 Special.

I didn't even unpack it because I knew we wouldn't be there very long.

The young ladies (and men) are all 18 years of age or over,,,
They are table servers at the Italian restaurant/bar I hang out at,,,
They have to be that age minimum or they couldn't serve alcohol to tables.

Hello ScotchMan,,,

I can't remember when I started using commas instead of the traditional ...

All I know is that it's a writing style I can trace back to my grade school days,,,
I think it was in early grade school when I wrote a script for a class play,,,
It seems my teacher thought it was a way to break up a line of text.

Now after 50-Plus years of doing it,,,
It just seems weird not to.


You definitely need a .22 handgun of some type,,,
4-cents a shot is so much nicer than 40-cents a shot. ;)

S&W Model 34 or 63 seems perfect for starting young people out,,,
I'm also partial to the Ruger 22/45 series of pistols.

But that's just my personal preference,,,
Lotsa nice choices out there.

If you want more of a duty style (DA/SA) handgun,,,
You might consider a Bersa Thunder 22,,,
Mine is a total blast to shoot,,,
And it was inexpensive.

Later my friend,,,
