Take a look … Tell me what you think

Don't forget us CZ75 guys out hear. I like the looks of yours better than the CenDex but they do have holsters for the CZ75.
CZ75’s are on my list also. At present however I can not give you a date as to when I will have them available.

It will be a while before we get to the test phase for the lefty’s but I would be happy to include you. The broader the source of input in development the better the product. It involves a commitment to keep things confidential. Send me mail.

Through May we will not have much in the way of new releases as we plan to do over the remaining months of this year. For this month we are into acquiring proper retail packaging, refinement of our delivery processes and Inventory production of what we have so that all finished items are available for immediate shipment. The end of June we will show several new releases in the line.

Any help you guys can give in spreading the word is very much appreciated.
Hi Scott . I work for a co. that builds Wilson Holsters so its great to talk with fellow holster builders . I just was wondering if you had experimented with making your holster wrap completely around the front thereby eliminating the two front rings . it should not be to hard . Also if you need them I can give you an address of where to get clicker dies made for your design . I really like the design of the paddle part itself that looks tough enough buddy to drive a truck over . I havent got into Kydex yet only leather and exotics but I am wanting to build a personal kydex rig soon . I might have to ask your advice on that . also you mentioned you did not have a mold for a p-95 yet , do you make your own gun molds or what . If you need I have addreses for the mold makers to . If I can help you any let me know . If you already know all this just tell eme to shut up . Sometimes I try to help those that already know what they are doing . Later Buddy .
P.S. I really like the protective part along the top of the gun , that has long been incorporated into our designs and I am sure you know the reasons why . Anyone without that part hasnt really carried much have they . Later man .
I love the look of your rigs … very nice work! The G-Code is one of two lines that we are developing. The second line is “Tactical Edge” ( a year and 1/2 out)and they use the wrap around construction. We make all our own molds, tooling and fixtures. Our process is somewhat proprietary and as such we do not use clicker type presses or steel rule dies. Our fit is unmatched as we reverse engineered from our hand made, hand tuned, prototypes. With this process we can reproduce the feel of a precision custom in a production holster.

I have been toying with the idea of laminating some exotic skins to the outside of a few of our Kydex rigs. I’ll trade you some pointers on Kydex if you’ll do the same on the skins. :)
Thanks Scott anything ya need to know will be glad to help . I will try to put you in my E-mail section for future reference . Shouldnt be to hard to put Skin on the Kydex just use the Barge cement , i am not sure how you would do the edges though to get them to look finished , they really need a stitch patterm around the edge to look finished , the cement will hold it though . we have stitched a few mag pouches with our juki sewing machine seemed to work o.k. just trying to figure out the right temp to mold . Only have a oven Dont konw if that works or not . Sort of ignorant on kydex stuff . Later Buddy .
Scott, that is a very nice looking product line. As has been said already, don't forget the wheel guns! :) I see the Tactical Edge holdter page does show a revolver product. I really like the upward extended section on the inside of the weapon ... shirt/sweat/snag guard.

I hope you have plans eventually to take care of the pea-shooter Makarov toters;). I still haven't found a mag carrier for a Mak magazine (single stack).

A leather laminate outside would really make a truly unique product! The stitching may not be necessary. Some sort of bonded edge wrap might do, appearance-wise. (Sorry, I'm not a mfg guy ... I'll shut up)

Thanks also. The wheel guns are in the lineup as well but I do not expect them to hit the streets until late November.

Our new mag carriers however, will be out by the middle of this month. Be sure to ask your local retailer to call “Ellett Brothers of SC” as they are a stocking distributor and have holsters available for immediate shipment to you’re local shop.

We have some adds planed and they will begin to show up in various industry magazines starting in September.

So far response has been excellent!

I appreciate any and all help in getting the word out.

Here is a look at one of the 1911 rigs.

Scott - the IWB?

When will the IWB holsters be coming out? I'm searching for just such an animal for my 3" Kimber.