Tactical shooting stances...

Can't think of any reason I'd be talking while I'm shooting, but I'll guarantee you that I can move and shoot accurately enough at the same time....
"Drop it."
"Do not move."
"Down! Down! Everybody stay down."

Identification and communication...very important in the environment under discussion.
If you look , I think in the last issue or the last two issues, an article was written in the Tactical Edge magazine about how one should stop or hold for a second or two, take the shot then keep moving. But then I guess they were wrong too. I am not stating that when in a CQB situation, one should stop, gain a sight picture, squeeze the trigger then move. This all happens in seconds. As far the groucho, if one video tapes the movement, which I have, the majority of student shoot while they are stationary, both feet are stationary on the ground. Not one foot up while the other is down. If I am wrong please let me know so I can call the US Marine Corp SORT team along with a Federal Agency and tell them to stop. For I have been teaching them for the past several years the wrong thing. Your right you never do know who you are talking to on this thing. Again, if you can shoot and move at THE SAME TIME, it is faster, "but" your hit/kill ratio is lower.:rolleyes:
"Drop it."
"Do not move."
"Down! Down! Everybody stay down."
That's what I call talking.

Shooting goes like this:


one should stop or hold for a second or two, take the shot then keep moving.
If I ever get in another gunfight, I sure hope the BGs all know they're supposed to do that.

It's such a bother to figure out how to lead moving targets.... :rolleyes:
Shooting while move is very common in IPSC and IDPA. Good hits are very possible. There are variances in the top shooters techniques, with some trying to fire only while both feet are on the ground, while others just try to drive the front sight to the target regardless of how the feet are placed. Heck, even the IDPA classifier has movement in it.

A good way to practice this (besides lots of dryfire) is to hold an almost full mug of water out like it is your handgun. Practice moving as fast as you can with out sloshing the water out of the cup. In competition I've gotten really good at moving forward and backwards while engaging, but my accuracy while moving laterally sucks. :) Gotta work on that.

Farnham teaches to fire a bunch of shots, move rapidly, then fire another volley. So on.

My opinion on stances is that you should just use whatever works for you. Modify it for your body, pay attention to how you feel, analyse what works for you, and practice tons.
Howdy, tactical stances?

Welcome to TFL,
Hope you get involved in all kinds of training...something not mentioned often is shooting on the move and using any "tactical" cover that you can.....think, street gutter, telephone pole, underneath a car....etc.

We'd like the real world to be all stand up fair fights.... unfortunately, "bad guys" don't play by the rules. In real fights, they often outnumber you, outgun you, and try to catch you by surprise.

What do you do to beat this imbalance?
I'd love to be able to draw, acquire the target and fire with accuracy, all while on the move. Granted, it's not running, but walking aggressively towards the target, and being able to engage it with repeated well-placed shots."

I find that with enough practice most serious shooters can readily hit man size targets while walking rapidly towards them as in advancing from cover to better cover.
Running is another matter. To me that is basically supreeive fire and only to be used when really necessary. :cool:
US Marine Corp SORT

...and just what might that be (besides a pet peeve of mine...Corps...with an S)?

I was taught to shoot a handgun on the move in the Marine Corps. I suppose the super secret SORT team that I've never heard of has a different technique than us plain old, everyday Marines. Please elaborate.

...and by the way, I was taught to synchronize trigger pulls with steps so that the shots were fired with both feet on the ground...so I'm with you there. You just lost me with the rest.

Edited to remove somewhat offensive remark. Think twice...post once violation. My apologies...