Tactical Reloads--some common sense...

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In reality, it might be a reasonable option AFTER a deadly threat scenario or perhaps between the clear end of one and the beginning of another, but it is never a reasonable option DURING a civilian deadly threat scenario.

This reeks so strongly of truth that I am almost choking in my chair.

You are in a stop-n-rob at 2 AM. 2 punks (you think there are just 2 punks) enter the store with mask and guns. One of 'em starts to shove his gun under your nose.

Fearing for your life you slap his gun aside as you draw and shoot. Moving toward cover you engage the second one. Both of them are down and hors de combat.

After about a minute, with nothing else moving, you decide to break cover and check the scene. Since you armed with a Kahr PM40 with 6 shot mag, you do a tac-load before breaking cover. You perform it with your eyes up and scanning the surrounding (the tac-load is done by feel and memory.)

Now you have a fully loaded Kahr and 2 or 3 shots in the partially spent magazine as you leave cover.

And that is what the tac-load is for.

If you're sure there's no one else (and I don't know how you could possible be sure) then do whatever you want. Go to the bathroom to change your shorts, reload while standing on your head, take a drink directly from the slurpee machine.

If you're not sure that the situation is over, stay behind cover, don't play around with your gun unless it's empty and needs to be reloaded and either call the police or wait for the clerk to call the police. Unlike the typical CHL/CCW holder, the police are trained to and get paid to check the scene after a shooting to see if there is another armed punk hiding behind the potato chip display. The officer responding will have a bullet proof vest and an armed partner to provide cover. You will have neither.

In other words, the scenario has the defender doing LE work--clearing the scene in this case. That (or a military-type mission) will be a common theme in any scenario where a tac-reload even makes a little bit of sense.
All of which goes to show that one can always come up with a scenario to explain and justify any response to anything.

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