Tactical Goggles.


New member
Goggles. Tactical Goggles. The kind you strap to your head. The kind the Delta operators wear.

Is there a civilizan source? Not only do I want to be protected from fragments, dirt, dust, and debris...but also against light. As in flash bangs, or other blinding type attacks.
Ooooh... Tactical....

Must be hard seeing out of those matte-black lenses...

(okay, put that gun DOWN!)
Do you anticipate being attacked by persons wielding flash-bangs (gov't ???) any time soon?

Yea you're right, I should just hand over all my self-defense instruments. After all, the government is here to protect us right? I can always rely on the police to protect me! What do I need a gun for!

Man, I wish you had opened my eyes like this before. Thanks!

You're wasting your money on the fancy expensive ones, Just go get some ski goggles and take a black magic marker and mark it till it's black. You'll look pretty hard core then. A little birdie told me all the REAL "operators" actually do that instead of buying them pre-tacticalized................
Funny guy. Ski goggles. Haha.

Anybody ever put on a pair of cheap sunglasses? The lens is curved and it distorts the field of vision.

The expensive ones have auto-correction built in to the lens, so as the lens curves it doesn't distort the field of vision.

I've tried on several pairs of cheap protective goggles and they all have this problem of the curvature of the material causing a distortion. It actually makes me feel dizzy, not good when working with firearms. If you keep them on for about 30 minutes, your brain adjusts to it.

The good goggles are worth the money, in my opinion. I don't take shortcuts on firearms related gear.
I can't understand how people are motivated to behave this way. My guess is that by insulting me it makes you feel better about yourself.

So, get some help for that self-esteem problem, k?
What motivates you to take the defensive when Mr. NOTaNUT asks you a question? Your self esteem must be leaps and bounds above mine if you think highly enough of yourself that you need special black goggles to combat against evildoers with flashbangs. Your sarcasm directed at him was quite childish..... but I digress, you really oughta try that black magic marker trick......
In all seriousness, I don't know how bright flashbangs are - but I'm assuming they are pretty dang bright. I'm thinking if you had lenses dark enough to protect you from such a flash, you would be essentially blind in anything but an exceedingly bright situation (think welding lenses... you can see fine while the arc is there... but you're blind otherwise). Is most of the protection in terms of gas and debris? I don't know... just wondering out loud here.
Then again, there is the welding glass that instantly darkens... hmm...
This is your brother RickyT. Haven't I taught you anything? You know the real D-boys don't use ski goggles. They use welding masks.
I bought a few items from Shomer-Tec.com before. They are legit and I have no problem with their stuffs. You should find most of the tactical items there.

ump45 asked a reasonable question and everyone jumped on him and acted like children.
You are correct sir, there was nothing childish about the question per se. But the editorial comments that followed implied that he was preparing to be invaded by the government at any moment, in which case I have a question or two.

"Not only do I want to be protected from fragments, dirt, dust, and debris...but also against light. As in flash bangs, or other blinding type attacks."

First off, Bolle, or other style goggles, will do nothing to protect one against the blinding flash of a flash bang. Secondly, if he really is about to be invaded by evil JBT's guised as local law officers, I would suggest that he take a different course of action.

Perhaps he should stop doing whatever it is he is doing to warrant the "invasion." You see, that way he could save the money he would otherwise spend on the goggles, and probably avoid going to jail as well.
It takes TRUE skill to cause a thread about goggles to go down the crapper this fast. Sweet Jesus, everyone chill out. An armed society is a polite society. So be polite.
