Tactical Assault Flop Flops, or the impact of footware on proper concealed carry


New member
How many people here feel like footwear should be another personal item that needs to be curtailed to fit the requirements for concealed carry?

We typically (should) wear belts proper for carry and use proper cover garments for the same. Some people even go as far as using 5.11 pants or the like, but the point I am trying to make is that to some degree clothing must be tied to the objective of properly carrying and possibly utilizing a concealed weapon. I think we can all agree to this...

Now I absolutely hate shoes. Only wear them when it is a must, but 90% of the time I wear flip flop sandals when out and about. And yes, that does include winter time. Knowing this, I shoot at the static range with them on, but it is certainly a lot harder to convince a training instructor that you should wear them when in a training class. Especially when that class involves movement. I never had a problem doing physical things in sandals, but the possibility that they can trip you up is certainly there. On the other hand, they can also be dumped at a moments notice...
I have started wearing those Vibram five finger shoes lately, and I have to say they are awesome. People sometimes stare, but whatever, they feel a million times better than any shoe and they are perfectly secure.

So what do you all think? Are "proper" footwear that important for the average joe citizen who concealed carries? If so, what is considered proper and why?
I know this thread will get locked, but I can't resist:

No, I don't wear flip flops except on the beach. I prefer some support and protection on my feet.

If I were to end up on the ground fighting with someone over my gun, I would rather be able to kick them with a pair of hikers over a pair of flip flops. If I have to move off the line of fire as I shoot, good solid traction is pretty important.

I can think of a couple hundred scenarios beside everyday life where actual shoes are much better.

The awareness mindset goes beyond weaponry and strictly self-defense situations. I would not want to be in any number of situations, not necessarily even emergencies, without sensible shoes.

Check out the footwear available at sporting goods stores that's a slip-on synthetic rubber-soled shoe for water use (not the SCUBA booties, the ones with a mesh upper). They can get kinda stinky, but they're comfortable and a much better option.
The day I start worrying about the tactical implications of my everyday footwera is the day I give everything away and go live in Taktsang Dzong:D

WildooooooooooomAlaska ™©2002-2011
The day I start worrying about the tactical implications of my everyday footwera is the day I give everything away and go live in Taktsang Dzong

My thoughts exactly... I wear what I wear because it fits my lifestyle better. :cool:
But its nice to know what others think.

I prefer some support and protection on my feet.
Both given to you naturally btw... You only lose it because you never use it ;)

This whole thread wasn't supposed to be a joke btw. I think its certainly a topic on carry that I haven't see on TFL before. Hopefully we can look at the question rationally and not pass it off as nonsense.
And its not about whether flip flops are good or not. But more along the lines of do you consider concealed carry when choosing footwear, and if so to what extent?
And its not about whether flip flops are good or not. But more along the lines of do you consider concealed carry when choosing footwear, and if so to what extent?

Never thought about it, but I wear high-sided hiking type boots or restaurant type work shoes.... never anything else for day to day life.

In the case of someone who wears flip-flops, I suppose that so long as you are aware of when they need to get lost, so you don't trip and/or can maneuver and your feet are used to functioning with minimal or nonexistent support, I doubt it matters a whit.
Tactical footwear has been considered for millennia

Check out the descriptions of the Roman footwear on this site:


about half way down the page. These sandals protect the feet and the hob-nails driven through the sole provide traction and are pointed rearward to prevent the soldier from being pushed back during battle. Also note that these are ankle height rather than the over the calf lacing that most people think of as being Roman sandals.

This type of footwear can give you the comfort and openness of flip-flops while providing the security needed in a "battle" situation. Also, you would not need to shed them in an emergency as you do with flip-flops.

I would think this a good compromise between flip-flops and combat boots.
Flip flops? What is the world coming to? Next I suppose you'll be wanting to wear a kilt! :eek: Anyway, I wear Keen sandals with covered toes during the summer. The toe cover actually provides better protection than a standard running shoe or leather boot.
A person who is wearing flip flops took the chance that they wont be running for their life that day.

I agree. That Bruce Willis movie Die Hard comes to mind. Remember the scene where he had to walk bare foot over broken glass? :eek:
Pretty much every day I wear an ankle-height steel or composite toed boot, of the style that's ANSI rated for slip/electrical/etc protection.

I've been wearing shoes of this style almost exclusively for four or five years. I find them comfortable enough to wear every day, without having to worry about my feet when I'm in the shop (My work puts me in wood/metalworking situations with regularity, as well as loading or unloading trucks) or other potentially dangerous situations.

The only other pair of shoes I own at the moment is a pair of dress shoes.
I agree. That Bruce Willis movie Die Hard comes to mind. Remember the scene where he had to walk bare foot over broken glass?

The statistical probability of having to walk through broken glass while fighting off terrorists in an Office Building are so small so as to defy description.:p

Too much TV and movies fellas, lets get real....Now me? I dont care how much it effects my tacticality, in the summertime, Im wearing my Jerusalem Cruisers or my Tevas:D

WildusuallywithpinkargylesocksorfishnetkneehighsforthefullestpossibleeffectAlaska ™©2002-2010
I only wear black flip flops, they is more "tacticool" than the pink ones I used to wear.

Steel toed flip flops would be keen.

In the winter I choose my lead filled number 9 snow shoe and never eat thet yella snow.... when you go where the eskimos go...
It's probably not a good idea to wear flip-flops while shooting if only to protect your feet from hot brass.
I don't even own flip flops or sandles. I don't like them for many reasons not the least of which is being ready for anything. not just confrontations but things like moving a fridge or something.

I like LE "duty" type boots and I have to buy them for work anyway so I just wear those most of the time. they worked well for me during my last job too and the side zip feature is really nice.
I don't like them for many reasons not the least of which is being ready for anything. not just confrontations but things like moving a fridge or something.

I dont move fridges :) I hire folks to do it:p

Seriously guys, dont you all think this is going a bit to far?...I mean I can understand wearing Glocks on a rope in the shower, open carrying for pizza delivery guys and duct taping your CCW to your butt when SWMBO deigns to let you perform your husbandly duties, but choosing footwear for tactical reasons? Whats next, Kelvar underwear:confused:


WildandifibuyasetofcaligulaetheywillhaveheelslikeparisorposhwearsAlaska ™©2002-2011
It's probably not a good idea to wear flip-flops while shooting if only to protect your feet from hot brass.
From personal experience, its an annoyance at worst...

I feel like anything I can do with shoes on, I can do barefoot better. But that is off topic...

Wear your flip-flops dude... wear the gun....you dont have to let the gun wear you.
Haha I like that...

Seriously guys, dont you all think this is going a bit to far?...I mean I can understand wearing Glocks on a rope in the shower, open carrying for pizza delivery guys and duct taping your CCW to your butt when SWMBO deigns to let you perform your husbandly duties, but choosing footwear for tactical reasons? Whats next, Kelvar underwear
I don't think anyone is choosing footwear for tactical reasons... Or am I mistaken? I was merely curious if footwear played a role in peoples concealed carry lifestyle like belts, shirts, etc do.
"[I feel like anything I can do with shoes on, I can do barefoot better]"

I love flip flops & bear feet & train like itmost of the time, That I don't have to ride in veical too far To each his own ; )