Tactical 30-30?

Hal, the pistol caliber carbine sounds like a good HD tool,and I wish the budget could stretch to fit one in. However,the 30-30 is my first choice because I've plenty of house guns, but naught to work outside the house and with a little mo' range than the 870s. I sold my last 06 to a good friend because I hunt in shotgun counties for deer. Now I want something that I can use for deer and also in case of "Civil Unrest". The 94 should fill the ticket.
Cool deal! Congrats on the new gun. I bought a 30-30 years ago for much the same reason you just did. I was on a very limited budget, and at the time only 2 guns fit the criteria, a 30-30 and a Rossi Coachgun. I went with the 30-30. It's a tough act to beat. I bought mine right after hunting season, used but unfired. The story was that a first time hunter bought it for a deer hunting trip to PA, saw a deer field dressed, and lost all interest in hunting. If I remember correctly, I only paid $89.00 for it back in the mid 70's. It sounds like you got a similar good deal on yours.

Long Path,
A postal match (yeah, I read the other thread too) sounds like a great idea. Unfortunatly, the outdoor range I shoot at, (Kelbley's in Massilon Ohio), says guns are either on the table, action open, in a case, or pointed downrange at a target. Sling one and you are asked to leave,,,no second chance. Any shooting with shots spaced closer together than 5 seconds,and you are asked to leave,,no second chance. I know it kinda sucks, but those are the rules, and I agreed to play by them. Kelbly's is primearily(sp) a benchrest range, but it's one of the few 25,50,100 and 200 yard ranges within an hours drive of home.

To all: My whole point here was to say don't get locked into a Lever gun in 30-30, nor crosssbolt etc. A Big Bore Winchester, .35 32-20, 44-40, .44 Mag .45LC, etc can be every bit as effective given the right circumstance. My wife can't shoot the 30-30 or the .44, so I have to be content to let her use her 9422.Tactical is as Tactical does (apologies to Forrest Gump) and Tactical is different in every location. Here in the left wing Ohio, anything over 20 feet is considered murder, not self defence.( I say this only in the context as it applies to me, a 6' 220 lb male, my 5'2" wife is a different matter). Holding anyone at gunpoint, for whatever reason, is also a crime.(you will be charged, no doubt about it, with aggrevated menaceing, whether it sticks or not is up to the courts) Even though they repealed the clause requiring you to flee, it is still used by prosecuters.(2 bad guys kick in the front door, armed and shooting, I better be trying to get out the back door or I go to jail. 9 times out of 10, I go to jail anyhow and await the decision of a bleeding heart grand jury)

CCW for Ohio action site.
Thanks, Hal. Your input is excellent. As for other lever actions, a 357 LA or other calibers might be an excellent HD tool for those who cannot or will not use handguns or shotguns.I recall a friends 44 Mag carbine that handled the way a good quail gun should.

As for economics, I note that this'un will run way less than most used handguns here in Md, and is less likely to upset the Hoplophobes, like our BELOVED Atty General, who is currently calling for confiscation and ban of all handguns.

Also, Wonderful Wife occasionally takes inventory of the firearms here at Casa McC. I did faithfully promise her to keep the number of my weapons under 10. All the others belong to the kids(G)...

BTW,Hal, $200 now equates to roughly $100 back then, so you still have the better deal.

This may be the last firearm I ever buy. After decades of trying and trading, I've a fine selection of good , proven designs and a great variety.I'd like another super accurate bolt action, but my hunting style and location makes one non crucial, and I've something for every other shooting sport and necessity. Life is good(G)...
Actually I don't know which of us got the better deal. My 30-30 spends a lot of time in the safe, and little time in my hands. On a cost per shot vs enjoyment returned, I think you may have the edge. ;)
Yeah, life is good ,<VBG>

CCW for Ohio action site.