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T Shirt Committee: Volunteers Wanted

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Looks like you've got plenty for a committee. You might consider taking general suggestions from this thread, as it develops and working by e-mail on the specificvs with a team of your choice.

All others...keep the great ideas coming. The approach must be eye catching and memorable (I recently saw a tagline on an email, "Intructing defenders in the proper use of a shovel after a gunfight" :). Certainly not what we're looking for, but has the "memorable" quality.
Quotes from my files; not put forth as possible T-Text, but to encourage mpre ideas:

"Those who will give up essential liberties to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"
Benjamin Franklin

"In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief in the chains of the Constitution."
Thomas Jefferson

"Our legislators are not sufficiently apprised of the rightful limits of their power; that their true office is to declare and enforce only our natural rights and duties, and to take none of them from us."
Thomas Jefferson Letter to F. W. Gilmer, 1816

"Liberty means responsibility; that is why most men dread it."
George Bernard Shaw

"There are remedies worse than the disease."
Publilius Syrus Sententiae, c. 50 B.C.

"Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do."
Bertrand Russell

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity"
Sigmund Freud in "General Introduction to Psychoanalysis"

"Hoplophobia is, after all, not a reasoned position, but rather a mental aberration. Being basically emotional, it is a feeling rather than an examined forensic position"
Colonel Jeff Cooper

I really like the freud comment. ;)

But cornered rat just came up with something I really like best so far:

"The Firing Line. Where the good guys are."

"Oh, grow up, 007."
Q and cornered rat....sounds like we're getting there. I like the imagery.

How about something along the lines of:
There is a cure...www.TheFiringLine.com
Yes, but.

Don't you think the chosen phrase should be "gunny", whatever it is? I, being tired, have no suggestions. No, wait--no, I don't have anything.
Gunny as in gunnysack or as in USMC Gunnery Sergeant?

Hoplophobia? I understand it is derived from hoplite. Used in a phalanx, the hoplite was formidable but it was proven that peltasts, given the terrain could prove their master. Ahh, where goes the valor of men when they must slay another with firearms from afar instead of the push of the pike?
Give me" LIBERTY " or give me " The Firing Line . Com !"

Still too cerebral? ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Thanks Rich. Should have figured that one out but I never studied Greek (OK, so Hoplo is Greek and phobia is Latin). I know the hoplite was the heavily armored pikeman of 600-350 B.C. Deployed in a phalanx, battles were won by the "push of the pike" and the side which pushed heavier and remained steadier prevailed. The heavy armor gave the hoplites of the Greek city states the advantage over their lightly armored Persian enemies (and others). Naturally, this was a strictly a linear battle formation not conducive to rough terrain (less the phalanx lose its cohesiveness) and this made the flanks of the phalanx vulnerable. Thus, light infantry with greater mobility, known as peltasts, were formed to protect the flanks of the phalanx. Calvary was also used in this regard. In one battle, despite the Spartan hoplites being defeated by Athenian peltasts (on the island of Pylos), all Greeks stubbornly stayed with the hoplite. While the heavier armor was later discarded by the Macedonians, it wasn't until the advent of the Roman Legion did the Greek phalanx meet its match. Enough history for today.

So, what's the T-shirt going to look like folks?
Visuals will be easy after we can decide on the text.

I'm still leaning toward "www.TheFiringLine.com: Where the Good Guys Are," with a pair of ivory-handled Colt SAA Revolvers or something like that...

(I agree with 4v50 Gary... I like the guns, too.)

Oleg has agreed to be my designer on this one, since I'm working on another freelance project this & next week (Hey, the Creative Director part is the easiest... I just sit back and ask for ideas, then delegate the actual "work" to the Art Director. ;)).

"Oh, grow up, 007."
I'm a bit partial to the Ben Franklin quote, but maybe that's too stodgy. And, this will sound dumb (because I don't care for 'political correctness' at all!), but I'd like to see plenty of female participation and 'where the good guys are' may be discouraging (?). Q, is that silly? Otherwise, I like it.

How about 'Shooting subjects, for those who won't be shooting subjects'? ;)

Along Grayfox's and Raymond's lines, how about:

"TheFiringLine.Com - Ammunition for your mind!"?

I think it would be great to include an H&K / Sig / 1911 pistol, and a rifle or shotgun ('black' rifle probably not best - maybe M-14 or ??)

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited February 23, 1999).]
How about something really simple and to the point, such as, The Firing Line logo on the the front and on the back, "It's Loaded!".....
I always refer to TFL as

"The Premier Firearms Discussion site on the Internet"

I am in favor of VERY simple graphics.. no matter what it says, if it looks like a def lepard T-shirt, I probly won't wear it much.

Futhermore, when you guys get around to actually buying the shirts, please involve me. I get great shirts at dirt bottom pricing from some of the companies I use as sponsors for charity events.

Anyone up for a reasonably priced Polo instead of a T-shirt ??

Actually a Polo / golf shirt would be a very good idea, or at least an option. It would be good to let some of our fellow golfers see what we do during the other 6 days of the week.

If we go with T's, let's get decent quality shirts - the thin ones are bad news. Of course, the market will govern ...

For a logo, how about a crossed rifle and shotgun, with a pistol over 'TFL', ala:

. / - \
/ TFL \

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited February 23, 1999).]
I'd suggest using a graphic similar to the one at the top of this page, except don't use the M-60. You could use two rifles, say a flintlock and an M-14, maybe with a Colt SAA and a 1911 in the foreground. Under the graphic, you could put something like "All gun talk, All the time" (not neccesarly that phrase--just a suggestion).

Then, simply put "www.thefiringline.com" on the pocket (if it's a pocket tee) or over the left breast.

How's that sound?
The T-Shirts will be high quality. Polos? Might be an idea. However, I have zero intention of stocking 144 TFL polo shirts and 144 TFL T's on the off chance they're gonna become the latest fashion craze.

Once the designs are done to Q's satisfaction, we'll price the units and, if we can get committments for all of 'em (at cost), we'll move forward. Otherwise, we had some fun.
For the text part, how about "www.thefiringline.com" and "This Is Your Brain On Guns...Any Questions!".
Yes I got the idea from the anti-drug comercials. I like them. :)

just a thought

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