SWAT says:switch to off eye when cross dominant?


I would say you are very fortunate.

My Dad was cross dominant, and missed a ton of game shooting from his non dominant eye and dominant shoulder. HIs misses were primarily on sudden, shoot now instances where things were happening quickly. He really struggled with flushing pheasants and passing doves. I know some others who cannot manage the rifle off their dominant shoulder unless they use a patch on the dominant (opposite) eye.

Perhaps this cross dominant thing occurs in degrees........some folks stricken more than others.

Regardless, good for you.
Perhaps this cross dominant thing occurs in degrees........some folks stricken more than others.

I wasn't a doctor so cannot comment outside of my own experience. My experience is my own and not meant to disparage anyone else's.

In my experience in SOF...it was never an issue nor did we attempt to convert guys to running a long gun southpaw style. That is not to say guys did or did not do it just that that was never put forth as a technique nor were southpaws valuable or invaluable. They were just the same as everybody else. I find it difficult to see the specific value due to the fluid nature of initiative based CQB.

That is not the only techniques out there so to each his own.
I guess what I am saying is if I saw a guy waiting to pull cross coverage or waiting for a situation to develop that is his southpawness offered some slight advantage while Dominate, Eliminate, Control...search the living, search the dead, search the room...

And guys were locking down red zones and other danger areas, stacking, and flowing....

I would kind of have some questions for that southpaw as to what is the best use of his time, LOL.
I'm totally right side dominant but right arm is gone at the shoulder. After 40 years my right eye still takes over about 20% of the time costing time when acquiring sight picture so I just shut the thing and shoot with my left eye. 80% isn't good enough.
As to gun handling with the off hand, no excuses. Practice cures all.
I'm totally right side dominant but right arm is gone at the shoulder. After 40 years my right eye still takes over about 20% of the time costing time when acquiring sight picture so I just shut the thing and shoot with my left eye. 80% isn't good enough.

Even shooting pistol with "both eyes open" I put some muscle tension on my non-dominant eye.

It has never been an issue and you adapt. What matters is grouping, speed, and shot placement.

Not how the bullets got there.
This is an issue for the individual to work out for themselves. This isn't a kid or a first-time shooter and they don't need any advice they're not requesting.

I'm not the SWAT team leader, but if I was, I'd primarily be concerned with the end result. If this leader is requiring the use of the off-eye, follow their lead or get off the team. If it's just their advice, then it's ultimately up to shooter to work it out for themselves and deliver the result the team expects one way or another.
I am not a swat guy, but just wrapped up 20 years, and was an agency and academy firearms instructor for the last 10. We would have had him shoot a pistol with his right hand and use his dominant eye, and had him shoot the carbine and shotgun just as you described, using his left shoulder and dominant eye. That doesn’t mean it’s right, there’s more than one “way”, that’s just the way we would have done it.