suspicious visitor

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MikeG said:
He was wearing a LifeLock polo shirt and had an ID badge clipped to it. He asked lots of questions about LifeLock,

Why would a Lifelock guy ask you and your wife about Lifelock?

VERY suspicious. Hope you gave the cops a good description.
No, I do not have to knock on your door first and if your dogs bite me I will have them taken and press charges to have them put down as viscous.

That's a lousy attitude. Dogs are naturally territorial; biting a trespassing stranger does not mean they are vicious and deserve to die. Dogs are also most often a loved family member, in addition to something that family has spent a lot of money on.

Here's an idea....don't trespass in someone's fenced in yard with a dog in it, without first notifying the homeowner and getting their permission.
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