suspicious visitor

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New member
We had an unusual visitor today. An individual came to the door around noon. He was wearing a LifeLock polo shirt and had an ID badge clipped to it. He asked lots of questions about LifeLock, who lives here and the ADT alarm system. I am home taking a remote class by computer and had to go back to it, so couldn't stay for the whole conversation. My wife said he also wanted to come in and see where the alarm system's console was located. She refused, and we had grown suspicious and didn't give much information up to his questions. The wife said when he left he walked off down the street. He apparently wasn't going door-to-door and hadn't driven to the house. He may have had a vehicle parked up a side street a few blocks away. The wife drove over that way a few minutes later and didn't see him anymore.
What do you think?
Was this a scam for info or recon to check the layout?
We've raised our vigilance regardless.

lifelock is nothing more then a po box, a website, and a few commercials. and a rented office somewhere so a secretary can answer the phone.

yes my dear this was a scam.

right now the federal government is up to its bottom dealing with scams of all sorts.
If you don't know if the person is legit ask for their name and possibly employee number and the phone number to their office and call it.

Lots of criminals pose as legitimate businesses and lots of legitimate business people look like criminals.

Personally I would have shown them the door just like the Jehovah witnesses.
Lifelock is about personal identity theft, not people breaking into your house.

I can find no connection between ADT and Lifelock. One does alarm systems, the other personal identity protection.

No genuine Lifelock representative has any business asking about your alarm system or anything to do with the house.
Taken the time to make a polo shirt...

When was the last time you went to a thrift store? The guy probably did not even have to have the shirt made. You can purchase them used at the Good Will and have several in your vehicle.
The last time We had a suspicious visitor was when my Wife was at work and my car was in the shop . My wife left so early she left the porch light on and it was now around 11:am . A car load of (in my opinion ) druggies out riding around in the country looking for a place to rob pulled up and came tothedoor . They were surprised when I opened the door . I was surprised when I realized even in daylight I shoud have armed myself if I don't know the people at my door . All I had was my attitude to bluff them away then one of my big hounds came around the corner and helped out they got back in thier car and left . Lesson leared almost the hard way . I thought they were lost teenagers or that paticular cult group that goes house to house trying to recruit members until they became agresive if you talk to LEO's about the worst crime scenes they go to its home invasions gone bad when the thugs find someone at home unexpectedly . I think in the op case the visitor was trying to case the house for robbery they have probbly watched trying to learn your routine .
It is my 02 also that the person was casing the palace. Where I live this is a 911 call & I would've made good use of it
my point was: Take control of the situation. "I'm asking the questions here."

I work in a large distribution center that gets cold-called constantly (and unfortunately my coworkers seem the think I'm in charge of cold-calls) and you have to use the same techniques you do with panhandlers. You have to control the conversation- you have to give the instructions and ask the questions.

And yeah, why answer the door in the first place? Unless I know somebody is coming over they can knock all they want.
I might suggest a call/report to your local police. Not an emergency anymore, but they may have heard of this already and your info might be helpful. Or they might have had others call and know it's not a scam (which I think he was casing it for a robbery as well).

Can't hurt to contact police in this situation (IMHO).
In the house I am armed, outside I am armed. Glock 19 has 16 rounds ready to go.

I normally go to the door, glass door.

I can open the door, the screen door is closed. Happens every 3 months or so.

Our little development has 133 houses, 4 block town houses, one way in, and out.

My Jeep lives inside. It is a marked Security Vehicle, my Son owns a Security Company, I do the Security Patrol (for free, I am on the board) never had any problems for the 5 years we have been here, one break in, the other end, a bad teen lived close, since moved out.

My advice, answer door or not, be armed, reference capacity? "More is better,
g.wilikers, things here are not so bad that we need to barricade ourselves inside and hide under the bed. We have windows through which to assess who's there. We also have large dogs and firearms and sometimes we *do* get legitimate visitors, deliveries, etc.

In short, I answered the door to see what he wanted - after seeing there was no immediate threat.
Why answer the door? Well, I love hassling Mormons or LDS folks. I know the Book better than they do... Assign homework, invite them back. They never come back. I think some convert. I also love hassling telemarketers and surveys.... Long frustrating conversations... I make THEM disconnect.

Quote "Well I can't say whether I prefer A over B"

"Well sir you have to choose"

"No I don't"

"But my sheet requires it"

"Well, that isn't my problem is it?"
I have a window where I can see the front porch, so I can tell who, and how many are at the door.
I open the door with my right hand and have a pistol in my left behind my back (I'm left handed)If I want the discussion to end I move my hand out from behind my back and they usually get the message and leave.
MikeG -

First and foremost question. Was this guy selling Lifelock identity theft protection OR was he selling Lifelock security devices?

If it was the former - You were cased and interviewed. Lifelock is an identity theft prevention / credit monitoring service. There's no way in hell that anyone working for Lifelock would want to see your ADT security system. Also, what kind of questions was this guy asking?

If this guy was selling Lifelock security devices (the door stop kind), then there may be some legitimacy. Again, what kind of questions?

I am a firm believer that everyone should carry a little something even around their home. It takes a lot more time running for the bedroom for the nightstand gun.
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