Suspended for gun photo

What shouldn't be legal? Her being on administrative leave or her pointing the gun at the camera?

That's the joys and downfalls of facebook. I have my facebook set on private so, unless you're my friend, you can't see it. Some of my professors are my facebook friends, but you gotta watch what you put on those things because you never know who might see it or how they'll react.
Stupid, but not illegal

It may be poor judgement to point a gun at a camera, but being put on leave over that should be illegal. It is a non school website, so they have no jurisdiction over it.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is stupid. Don't people have better things to do then turn people in because they had a gun in a picture?
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is stupid. Don't people have better things to do then turn people in because they had a gun in a picture?

No, no, no. You don't understand. Having guns is a sure sign of mental illness and depravity. We can't have our children exposed to sick people like this, can we? Do you hate children? :):rolleyes:;)

Seriously though. Was it a good idea? Probably not. Fire somebody over it? Not if that was the only "run-in" with this teacher.
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Sad that school administrators don't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to busy body parents that have nothing better to do than being up nonsense like this. Did the teacher use 'good sense'? Probably not, but suspension seems quite severe - and isn't there something in the Constitution that suggest we have free speech??
I would think it depends on how many other photos the person has on their page. If it's the primary photo or the only photo...well maybe. But if it's one of 3 or more photos of them doing different things, then it's stupid to complain. Some people aren't happy unless they make trouble for other people.
The teacher will probably end up with a few paid days off, but should pray that the school district is stupid enough to fire her. Even a mediocre civil rights attorney could win a dismissal case.
The problem I see is..

He could have used a tripod for the shot and then the camera was only pointed at a camera, so who cares!!
Go here and read the story and watch the accompanying video.

Listen to the panic. See the exaggeration and behold the panting and gasping for air.

These school administrators should all be fired and their salaries used for something useful, instead.

This teacher should sue the Hell out of all involved.
Rather than ranting - what is the relevant civil rights issue?

It seems to me that she is engaging in free speech as she is presenting herself engaging in a legal activity (unless there is something in the picture, we don't know about).

Were does an employer have the right to engage in a job sanction for legally expressing yourself in a manner not related to the employer? If you got on the tube and said your company stinks and don't go there - I could see that.

Is it that there was a gun and this implies a lack of moral fiber. That is a stretch. Sometimes teachers get canned for naked postings.

Do employers have complete control over you (the dreaded carry in your car - it's their property, get another job debate!!). I seem to recall in our debates about carry at the work place, the Antediluvian position that you should bend over for the employer even when they violate basic rights.

The teacher in question should contact appropriate attorneys - NRA, ACLU - or employment law specialist.

She's done nothing wrong.

She's done nothing illegal, or even remotely illegal.

School administrators (whose salaries come from TAXES) have decided that a photo she put up of herself on a separate web site, that had nothing to do with the school, was "distasteful" enough for them to suspend her from her job pending an investigation.

Suspend her from her job..........suspend.

Now, just posing a question.

Let's say that some teacher her had posted a pic of herself on Facebook hugging her domestic partner Joan.

And that said teacher's administrators had found the photo "distasteful" and had suspended her from her job.

What do you think the gay rights community would be doing?

There would be outcry. Legions of lawyers would descend upon the administrators like meat-starved legal werewolves.

This situation should be addressed in the same way.

Gun rights folks should descend upon this situation in droves. Lawyers ought to be lining up. These administrators should be hounded and humiliated at every single chance. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue until there's no blood left and then sue some more.

Pull out the big legal hammers on this one!

Go to the link I posted above and see the picture for yourself.

Go look at the picture. It's at the news link.

You will see EXACTLY the same sort of picture in most gun catalogs, on most gun-related TV shows, and even throughout the various posters made famous by Oleg Volk.

Go and see. And get mad.

In case you haven't yet, here it is again.

Upper lefthand corner, "featured video"
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No, no, no. You don't understand. Having guns is a sure sign of mental illness and depravity. We can't have our children exposed to sick people like this, can we? Do you hate children?

Yes send these poor sick people to me Dr. Magnum.
After several sessions with my 44 assistants we should be able to cure this poor individual of even caring what people think of them and guns.

This is BS, what you do at home should not reflect upon your ability to preform the job you are trained to do. Just another example of over reactive A-holes