SURVEY: Guys Night Out and Asking Permission to Go

1) 2) Not regularly enough, but a group of us get together for a rolling, exceptionally low stakes, poker game.

3) I have never had to ask permission and she never has to ask my permission when she goes out with 'the girls'. However, we both will always let each other know well in advance what's in the wind in case she or I had any thing else planned.

4) 5) Never. Honest!

6) Nah. I could care less what others do or don't do in their relationships. Because, you see, it's their relationship.
married 22yrs. been together 25! never asked permission
stayed home w/kid when she worked nites till kid is now driving
go when i feel like it the only thing i asked was, what is credit card limit?, finally have my own.
i work to 7-8 at nite so am usually tired considering i am up at 5am.
now adays actually prefer going out with spouse more fun and alway's that second gun coat holder by my side
1. No, I dinna have a GNO. I've been marrit for a little over a year, and in that time we ha' gone oot, alone, fewer than ten times. Therefore, if I go oot somewhere, I prefer to spend that time WI' my wife. She's much more pleasant tae be aroun' than some o' the "men" I work with. ;)

2. This one isna applicable, but if it were, we might typically go to a "guy" movie (NOT X-rated, clot-heid), or mayhap play AD&D, somethin' like tha'. I dinna ha' any male friends as would enjoy a bit o' shootin'. :(

3. No, I wouldna ask permission, as I would ha' had the forethought to ha' everthin' arranged an' planned aforehand. If that were nae possible, I would make sure as the now would be a good time. If not, I wouldna go. Spending time wi' my wife an' family takes precedence over anythin'else.

4. No, Wallace!

5. No, I wouldna do anythin' as would earn me a tongue-lashin' from the missus. I am no a man o' the lowest common denominator besides.

6. No, I wouldna look down on a man who would work it out wi' his wife when he goes out, but I do look down on the man as would just go an' leave the wife at home without so much as a 'by your leave'.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security."
-Benjamin Franklin
"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"
As a deerect descendant of one Rrrob Rrroy (Clan Gregor), I mus say I like the wee ye tolk. Finally, someone w'oot an ockcent. One kenna look doon on a lad who says those things aboot his lass.

'S Rioghal Mo Dhream!

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited August 07, 1999).]
I have to admit that I never have "guys night out." Why should I? The best party in town is at our house! Seriously, an invitation to one of our parties is considered a social coup. We had a New's Year's party once that was so raucous (what can you expect when half the attendees are musicians who brought their instrumets?) that we literally settled the house 1/8". We had just remodeled the kitchen, and the next morning, the moldings on the ceiling were pulled down by 1/8". Guess it must have been the 20 or so people in the front room boppin' to "Great Balls o' Fire" and other assorted golden oldies.
I prefer a quiet evening with a good book or a good movie, or in front of this old computer. As I have told my wife, "good TV show" is an oxymoron.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
Mal H,
Weel, I saw me oon hoosband's rrreply on herre, and joost ha' to rrespond! I be of Clan MacPherson (Clan Chattan). But, och! what I wouldna give to know a wee bit o' the Gaelic! What doos that mean "s' Rioghal mo dhream"? And wheere did ya lehrn the Gaelic, man? Can ye no tell me?

Miss D,

I moost confess, I do ha' the crream o' the crrop (o' potatoes that is...) ;)

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
Och and alas, nay, I kenna speak Gaelic. But, I due luv to hear the elders speak it at the gatherings.

'S Rioghal Mo Dreahm is the auld motto of the loyal Clan MacGregor or any sept thereuv. In English (Fie on the English! Fie on King James!) it means "My Race Is Royal" and dates back to good King Alpin who united the Picts and the Scots in the Highlands in the ancient days.
1. Do you participate in a regular night out with the guys? If yes, how often?

---- Hell, no. Too old for that ;) Used to go out to a friend's place every Friday night for a few pre-dinner drinkie-poos (with Di), but they moved 250 miles away .......

2. What do you typically do when you go out with the guys?

--- If it happens, it's just a coupla beers down the local pub, tell lies, correct all the world's ills, reiterate what a great lover we are, tell pathetic jokes, dribble a lot .....

3. Do you have to ask permission from your wife/girlfriend/significant other to go out with the guys?

--- No; Di and I have an understanding -- neither has to ask permission from the other. We do ask each other -- out of courtesy and respect -- and check that it'll be OK in regard to school events, shopping, work, guests, babysitting etc. But we're not seeking "permission" -- that goes without saying.

4. Does your wife/girlfriend/significant other give you flack and/or a guilt trip for going out with the guys?

--- No; she's more likely to laugh about how seedy I am if I overdo it. But I haven't done that for a few years now. If there was ever any guilt, it came from me

5. Is there anything that you do or have done during a guy's night out that you think she'd object to? What? (hint: pass on this one if she reads TFL)

--- No; the worst is watching blue movies -- and she'd just shake her head and mutter about "little boys who never grow up" -- and that cuts you down to size quicksmart ;)

6. Do you look down upon other men who have to ask permission to go out?

--- None of my business -- that would be a value judgment, and my opinion is worth no more than anyone else's

Guy's Night Out?

I had one once... back in 95 - or was it 94?
Dont remember, but it may have involved some PAINTBALL or some heavy drinking...

No, it was both... And it was ugly... Never again...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

1. Do you participate in a regular night out with the guys? If yes, how often?
No. I work an average of 50 hours/week and live an hour from home. When I've got down time, I tend to spend it with my wife and baby girl. Two or three times a month I make it to the range to shoot, but that hardly counts.

2. What do you typically do when you go out with the guys?
Once every 6-7 months, I get to hit a brew pub with my home-brew buddies, and perhaps taste a few single-malt Scotches.

3. Do you have to ask permission from your wife/girlfriend/significant other to go out with the guys?
Yes. It has more to do with the coordination of child-care for our 11-month-old, but there is that factor of resentment if I go out and carouse when my wife is home with a loud, snotty, poopy, grabby bundle of spit-up joy to attend to. I've only been married a year and a half, and intend to keep up the maintenance!

4. Does your wife/girlfriend/significant other give you flack and/or a guilt trip for going out with the guys?
Uh, nooooo.... Right, dear? Depends on the kind of trip, and how long.

5. Is there anything that you do or have done during a guy's night out that you think she'd object to? What? (hint: pass on this one if she reads TFL)
Never. Really. I'm in this one for the long haul, and have zero interest in jeopardizing my relationship with her. Sound like a wus? Tough. I'm her wus.

6. Do you look down upon other men who have to ask permission to go out?
Only if wifey-poo's answer is more likely to be no than yes. Also, is it REALLY asking permission, or informing and arranging? Makes a difference.

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 08, 1999).]
1. Do you participate in a regular night out with the guys? If yes, how often?

Going to the range would be the equivalent for me

2. What do you typically do when you go out with the guys?


3. Do you have to ask permission from your wife/girlfriend/significant other to go out with the guys?

Of course. We're guys: We don't have a say. I don't really consider it asking permission. I think of it more as begging.

4. Does your wife/girlfriend/significant other give you flack and/or a guilt trip for going out with the guys?

No. She likes to get me out of her hair. That's as long as all our chores are done, she doesn't want to do anything, and there's nothing else that needed to be cleaned/cut/mowed/repaired/shopped for/fixed/sprayed/changed/lifted/hung/rearranged/washed/formatted/installed (uninstalled)/moved/moved again/moved YET again/or otherwise made to her liking. Then I have all the freedom in the world.

5. Is there anything that you do or have done during a guy's night out that you think she'd object to? What? (hint: pass on this one if she reads TFL)

See No.1

6. Do you look down upon other men who have to ask permission to go out?

Of course not. We're guys: We don't have a say.
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to knock this thread back up onto the top part of the General Discussion group as a good friend of mine is about to join TFL. I'm not sure what his handle is going to be, but he's quite a piece of work. So get ready for some good debate.

- Anthony
Used to have a night out up until two months ago, when the secretary for our gun club moved... Wife volunteered to take over his duties until the next election. Other than the monthly gun club meeting, I don't go anywhere without the wife. Just so happens I like being with her. We enjoy most things that the other likes and even when we don't, the other's company always makes up for it.

So I guess the rest of the items are not applicable.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I dont need a night out with the guys, my lady is also my best friend. we shoot together at least 3 times a week. we party together, we both have ccw's. we agree on everything.... heck, one time I wanted to see what a local strip bar was like and she enjoyed it as much as me. I wouldnt have to ask permission, But I also dont have any reason to be somewhere without her.

My "night out" is a weekend afternoon at the local gun shop, examining the merchandise and socializing with the other regulars who gather there. My wife encourages me to go--she says it's good for me, and she's right.

If I spent a real night out would I do anything she'd object to? Not likely! My wife is smart, reads me pretty clearly, and is not to be messed with--three of the reasons I like her.
1)Not often enough. 2)Daytime - shoot guns, pool,c**p,gunshow (if there is one to go to).
3)No. 4)Doesn't do any good to do so. 5)"Gentlemen's club" (and there are darn few gentlemen in the ones I have been to). SWTSMBO was not amused but no blood, no foul. 6) Not really my business, though my closest friends tend to be as independent as I am.

Worst experience yet was when a guy I know insisted we could ignore the "Dancers Wanted" sign on the marque and enter a particular club outside Baton Rouge. But that's a different story.....

"Extremism in the pursuit of freedom is no virtue, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no vice...(I really do need to look this quote up so it will be correct).

The quote is, IIRC, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." --Barry Goldwater

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Very interesting survey.

1.Not very often
2. play guitar in seedy bars
3. I don't have to but I do (yes, I ain't nothing but a whipped dog; but I work a lot so I like to be home with her and my sons)
4. Not usually (except for one particularly "spirited" bachelor party)
5. Yup (#4)
6. Look down on them? No. Give them hell for it? Of course, from one whipped dog to another!

I must add that my wife hunts (gun&bow), shoots, fishes, and does pretty much whatever I do. She's not even too sensitive most of the time. In fact, she kind of acts like a guy (at least she doesn't look like one). It's kind of hard to get away cause she always wants to go too!!!