SURVEY: Guys Night Out and Asking Permission to Go


New member
Hey Gang!

It's survey time again! ;)

After the wonderful responses I received on the "Baby Changing Stations" thread I thought I'd stir the pot a bit more with a coveted male shrine that has come under fire in this age of political correctness. The Guy's Night Out!

1. Do you participate in a regular night out with the guys? If yes, how often?

2. What do you typically do when you go out with the guys?

3. Do you have to ask permission from your wife/girlfriend/significant other to go out with the guys?

4. Does your wife/girlfriend/significant other give you flack and/or a guilt trip for going out with the guys?

5. Is there anything that you do or have done during a guy's night out that you think she'd object to? What? (hint: pass on this one if she reads TFL)

6. Do you look down upon other men who have to ask permission to go out? ;) ;) ;)

For the record, "asking permission" means doing anything that resembles:

"Do you mind if I go out with the guys?"

Commence firing!!!

- Anthony
1. Regular, no.

2. Sacrifice small furry animals with big wet eyes.

3. No. That's one of the benefits of being unattached.

4. When I *was* married, oh hell yes.

5. No comment. :)

6. Are you trying to say something... Nancy-Boy? :D

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Hi Coinneach,

Ha the "big wet eyes"

Here are my answers:

1. Yes, two to three times per week.

2. Eat, drink beer, drink red wine (Italian blood), talk about guns, buy guns, look at guns, shoot guns, ogle women, talk about the women we just ogled, talk about other women we ogled when our friends weren't around, cruise around, discuss politics, watch action movies, etc.

3. Nope, my fiancee hasn't complained in our eight and a half years together. In fact, it gives her time alone or with her siblings, and she values it. We trust each other and have no secrets.

4. Never

5. Well, there was this time I went to an establishment of (ahem) questionable class and had a well endowed member of the adult film industry (Tori Welles) rub up against me rather suggestively for a photo. My fiancee knew about the trip beforehand though.

6. Yes, but I try to help them see the folly of their ways and correct it. ;)

- Anthony
The beuaty of being single and chauvist is that I'll never have to worry about a SO bothering me.

Regular night out yeah everynight

screw around and play poker

don't ask anyone just go

its call moms calling me at 1:30am to see where i'm at (I'm 21 and I still live at home)

nothing to objetionable, just the UnPC jokes and the women bashing

I laugh at the whopped little boys that have to ask permission to go out

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
1) Yes, once a week at least.
2) Drink beer, eat, ogle women, etc...
3) Nope. Nada. She doesn't either.
4) Only if I get too drunk...
5) Ummm, not that she doesn't know about, except maybe....uhh, nevermind.
6) Yes. But I do understand. Been there, done that - she's now an ex-girlfriend, and we're both much happier (and I don't feel like I HAVE to get into trouble when I go out ;))...
#1. Not really regular, but about once or twice a week, not counting weekend-long (sometimes longer) hunting & fishing trips.

#2 Adult beverages, and act like an adolescent. Also Gun, Hunting, and Fishing shows, Video Games. Nothing else I really care to share.

#3 No, but we do show each other courtesy when planning outtings.

#4 Rarely.

#5 Yeah

#6 Ussually.
What is a guy's night out, and how do you get one? Judging by the previous answers, I am missing out on something. Is this a right that has been stripped from me? Quick, somebody help me organize a protest and a letter writing campaign to restore my rights.
No, seriously, I don't have a night out with the boys because I am too damn busy or tired, I work construction, and spend evenings remodeling my own house. The weekends, however, I do pretty much what I please. Depending on the season, its hunting (archery, rifle, muzzleloader for deer, the trusty old Hi-Standard for pheasants, quail, waterfowl, and turkeys, AR for yotes and other assorted varmints) target shooting with several rifles and/or pistols, fishing, canoeing, etc. I don't drink a whole lot anymore, seems that a lot of my old buddies have decided they were alcoholics and quit, leaving me like Hank jr.- All my rowdy friends have settled down.
Question - What is the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic?
Drunks don't have to go to those damn meetings :)
Well, you guys might not believe this, but here’s my story:

1. No nights out. My wife and I frequently work evenings - so we cherish our free evenings together even if we do “nothing”. I spent twenty years “out with the guys” trying to find this girl. Drank enough to sink a ship or destroy a liver, played in bands, raced cars, even did things I’m STILL not aware of. But I found the right girl. I married her. I want to spend my time with her. (Guess I have no more oats
to sow!)

2. When I do go out with the guys, it is usually during the day. We go shooting, of course!

3. Permission? No. But I’d rather go when she’s working or shopping than at home.

4. The opposite. She knows I like shooting and says I should go more often. She even goes with me to the gun shows (which have little appeal to her) because she knows I like ‘em! So then I take her out to supper as a “Thank you”. Nothing big - but we’re together.

5. No. But I’ve asked her to drive home a few times because of the Shiner Bocks I’ve had.

6. Other guys? None of my business. None of my concern. Not my right to pick at other people's lifestyles.

By the way, after twenty-four years on our honeymoon, I have determined that I'm MUCH smarter than my wife - and I can prove it! Look who I married! Then look who SHE married! :D :D (Gets 'em every time!)
Well, my wife is a bartender.
She really loves when I come in with the guys.
We get a "break" on the bill.
If I wanna get trashed, She gives me a ride home.
All the servers at the place are women and flirt with me since they know I'm married.

Sometimes a little compromise with the wife aint so bad :)

Same Shot, Different day
You guys crack me up! I dont have such a thing 'girls night out' maybe on IM but thats about it. Too busy being mom. But let me say this, you shouldnt need to ask permission to go out but it should be mentioned. Everyone needs to go out, its healthy. If your married you shouldnt do 'bad' things ;) You shouldnt argue about being able to go out, its a free country. My husband goes out when he wants, I really dont care to be honest. It would be nice just to be informed but I dont lose sleep over it. As to where he goes I dont know and dont want to know. If you want to go out with your friends you should be able to without any hassels. And that is my 2 cents! :)
Childcare, Miss Demeanors?

I once suggested to one of my female officers a resolution to that issue: put 'em up for adoption. After my hearing recovered, we went to the range for her qualification (which, under the circumstances, showed dubious intelligence on my part). Now I am older and (hopefully) wiser.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Miss Demeanors,

you have any singlem like minded sisters out here on the west coast, I think I've found what I'm looking for.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
1. No, not really, but here are some buddies who show up irregularly who are always good for a 'kitchen pass'

2. Go to good restraunts, drink a few beers, eat well, tell lies, catch up, maybe flirt a little.

3. No, but common courtesy suggests that I let her know what's up, most of the time she ends up coming along anyway. There are a few friends she has nothing in common with, so we go do our thing. Basic adult behavior is expected, i.e. get sloshed if you must but call or take a cab. No crap the next day, even if we got to go get the car (I'm lucky like that).

4. Not really, only if I don't call in. I'm lucky in that if, I share the plan, I can pretty much do what I want.

5. Coming home sloppy drunk & singing is not good, tho tolerable if I fall out of a cab and don't bother anyone (doesn't really happen much any more). I pay the next day. I'm mostly a happy sot, the biggest thing is I snore like a freight train/hurricane/loud.

6. Kinda. My wife has her nights out, I have mine, but we communicate our schedules. Mostly, I think it's a matter of sharing the plan. If I'm going to be out, or if I run into a buddy ad hoc, I call. Assuming there's nothing else on the agenda, it isn't a big deal. We're all big kids, after all.

That's how it is in adult relationships, IMHO. Do we need to discuss the concept of 'pussy whipped' here? If your SO has problems beyond basic coutesy, you should rethink your relationship in any event.
(edits were mostly due to the fact that I don't type well with the pain meds.)

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited August 06, 1999).]
LOL, Mike!
That phone call is important! Not just common courtesy but also precludes, "I was afraid you were upside down in a ditch somewhere!"
Anthony... I love these surveys.
Dennis... I admire you as a human being.

Now, without further ado... I will attempt to answer for my husband in his absence (pretty darn bold of me, huh?)

1. Nothing is regular in our house, except baby poop. Nights out are spontaneous.
2. Typical guy stuff. Movies, drinks at the brewery, strip bars.
3. Permission? I may be older than him, but I'm not his mom. I spend all day/night being a mom to my two little guys... I don't need to police the man as well. His way of telling/asking me is more like "Hey hun... you need me to get anything done tonight? Cuz the guys are going to ____. (There is never a time that I need him to get anything done that urgently, but it's nice that he asks).
4. No flack, no guilt. He's a soldier all day, a husband & dad 24/7. He hardly ever "bonds" with the guys. He pushes me out the door to go hang with friends because he sees me going batty being at home all the time. Actually, I wish he'd go out more often... then I can eat cereal & beer for dinner & watch girl movies on Lifetime.
5. What "shouldn't" a man do? Have fun? Flirt? Watch nekkid women waving their stuff in his face? This man chose to marry me... he's a brave guy... if he wants out, he knows where the exit sign is. If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't have married him. Heck, most of the time when he's havin lots of "fun" he calls me & tells me to get a sitter and come join him. Oh, how they guys' jaws drop when I walk into the "Paradise Lounge"
6. He doesn't look down on them, he just enjoys them "lookin up".

Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
Thank you, ma'am. The admiration runs both ways. We often forget the soldier's wife serves too. Lead on!
Every Wednesday night

Eat (last Wednesday it was grilled fresh caught bass), have a beer or two (or some wine), talk about guns, shooting, tell bad jokes, watch videos (last Wednesday it was on the Battle of the Bulge) and plan the next shooting weekend.

As to the rest of the questions, Nope. I think that advising one's signaficant other (to be PC) of the plans to go out is one way of showing respect.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
1. What's that??? Only when we have NCO call at the local strip club ;) Really its a good morale bulding thing!!!! Get togeather talk about work and then watch the women strutt!!!

2. About every other month or so it seems.

3. Nope she tries to get me out more offten but as I'm away so much anyway I enjoy being home with the wife and ankle biters :)

4. Not at all.

5. She trust's me and I'll never do anything to abuse that trust. Guess my wild and crazy days are behind me.

6. Rag hard on them ;) In the military you have to have a spouse that trusts you or your marrage just does not last (or your just misrable) I have a guy at work who's wife will NOT let him go anyplace without her. If he mannages to get away without her (extremly seldom) he needs to check in or else!!!! Should have seen him the night we got him a lap dance :) :) This was the ONLY time in a year he was able to get away from her and we REALLY abused him <VBG>

It's a lot like Geri was saying being how I'm gone 4 days a week if not more the wife is going stir crazy when I finally make it home so I try to kick her out the door. That way she has some time to blow off steam while I'm catching up with the little one's and the e-mail.