SURVEY: Baby Changing Stations

1.All the freakin' time.

2. Never. I've only seen the In-the-stall kind once, and didn't have the little one with me that time

3. Figure the wife's off doing something like what I was doing the last time my wife was changing the kiddo; working or playing (or waiting, which feels like work.)

As a new father of a 10-month-old, I've got to say that those fold-down shelves with their convex surfaces and Fastex buckles are GREAT! Remember that if they help you control your bundle of joy, they give you a hand free if you need to defend the two of you in a hurry. (They also remarkably reduce the risk of "getting it on you.") Thus, I cry out: More changing stations in every restroom. Seriously, I want one for my house.

As a father of a 2.5 year old, I can tell you those changing stations are a godsend...what? You think the mother is ALWAYS there to change the kid? Get with the 90s!
I have been reading this thread for a few days now and let me tell you all, you had me ROTFLMAO! I am glad to see that there are some dads out there that change the diapers! My daughters daddy changed them for awhile because he had no choice, I was very ill and couldnt do it. Its not that bad, you get used to it, its a part of life. After I was better I did it all the time, I didnt even ask him, but there are times when mom just cant do it for reason or another, thats where you guys come in and take over for just a little while. Either that or have the baby yourself then we will see how you feel! :) You'll choose to do the diaper changing in a flash!
OPPS! Should have clarified something in my original post. When I asked about using a baby changing station for a shelf to place your gun I should have specified the "in stall" model.

This is the ONLY style I have used in the past and would use in the future. It is a new kind of dumb to leave your piece outside the stall while you do your business.

The only man I ever saw chaging a diaper on one of those things was at Nordstrom's (a high class department store) in the Galleria here in Dallas. This mall has three CARPETED floors! We're talking upscale here.

Well, I was coming out of the bathroom and I hear this cackle of goo goo and gurgling and I think it's a kid. NOPE! It's a GUY! I looked at him and he's having the time of his life changing this baby. He's had several matching dispensers for baby powder and who knows what else. The "baby bag" even matched the various dispensers. He stopped and looked at doubt from my expression of shear horror.

Changing a diaper is one thing...enjoying it that much is grounds for the firing squad someone suggested earlier.

- Anthony
As the father of twins (who likes to take them outsiof the house) this thread really hits a personal note. You guys ought to practice with your peckers as much as you do with your guns, then maybe you would have kids, and the mens room floor wouldn't be covered with piss, and there wouldn't need to be a freakin changing station.
Anybody read Chuck Yaeger's book? The good General absolutely refused to change his kid's diaper. He tell his wife to wrap another blanket around the kid to hide the smell. Uno hombre macho.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
1) Not yet. Changed a few diapers, but never used one of those tables. Talk to me in 2 or 3 years...

2) Nope.

3) Nope here too. Maybe she's at the range with her new S&W, or out on her motorcycle...

Gen. Yaeger's a brave man and great pilot, but does that make him a great father? And, after a few of those test flights, did he have to change his own drawers???
1. Never used one. There were no such conveniences when my kids were that little.
2. I keep my gun in hand ;)
3. Never thought about it much. Figured it takes two to make 'em, takes two to care for 'em. (The poopy ones, however, are especially ugly!)

Yep! I know what you mean. Especially in cold weather! All I can do is put my foot in the pot and pee down my leg. Darn! Gotta remember to take my boot off!

And as you get older, nature dictates which one you can practice with more or less. :D

(Gee, I hope my daughters and grandson don't read this. :D )

Say, sonny, I'm a bit busy here. Would y'all mind fetchin' me a mop!

Yeah, I know. I shouldn't a done it....
In review of my training...changing the little scuppers' dirty diapers is NO problem for a Real Man....and anyone who says otherwise is not watchin my 6 , cause that fella will probably Bauk...when and if it comes time to apply field aid to a fallen comrade.....just roll up your sleeves and do what needs doin.
As to what to do with your side arm,when your drawers are down at your ankles....I was taught, it comes out of holster, and placed in your BVD's which are conveiniantly making a nice hamock to hold it for you.

As for your rifle , take it to the can with you, but NEVER...prop it againt the Hooter' door, one rattle from another needy fella and your tack driver is rattling on the stall floor, and you gota check your sites all over again...! Just my .02...LOL

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited July 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited July 26, 1999).]
1. Just started seeing them when the young 'uns were young enough and almost done with diapers.
2. Weapon stays on the person.
3. She was usually taking care of the rest of the pit crew, keeping them from trying to take over the world.

Men, we come into this world bald, crying and needing diapers and we usually go out the same way. :D


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
1. Yes.

2. No, I've never seen one in a stall. The gun stays with me.

3. Yes, in fact, I often look for her when I get outside the men's room. If she's cute, I flirt... :)
