SURVEY: Baby Changing Stations


New member
Hey Gang,

Being the manly bunch that we are, I thought of a few interesting questions for ya.

1. How many of you men have changed a baby on one of those new politically correct baby changing stations in the men's rooms?

2. How many of you have used it as a shelf to put your piece on when you have to take a sit down?

3. How many of you think, "Where's his wife?" when you see a guy changing a baby on one of the changing stations? ;)

For me, the answers are:
1. Never
2. Several times
3. Yes


- Anthony

[This message has been edited by Anthony (edited July 16, 1999).]
Yes (see question 3)
Every damn time...


Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I have a hard time picking up dog doo with a shovel. I don't think I'd ever be able to wipe it off someone's butt.

What do you do for your own butt?

(...i just had to ask before someone else did!!! :) :) ;) :) :))


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

1. "Changed" a girlfriend there once. :)
2. And for stand-ups too. Berettas go "clunk when your 501's are undone.
3. I usually just assume he "is" the wife.
1) Never (and no plans to anytime soon, thanks)

2) Never. My piece goes into the stall with me (on the TP dispenser), or on top of the urinal.

3) This here's Colorado, boy. Real men don't change diapers here; that's fer th' wimminfolk.

ObDisclaimer: #3 above was sarcasm, folks.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
I am not going to mince any words here. I think practice #2 is very foolish (except for Coinneach's response). You are very vulnerable when you are "indisposed" at that time. So you have, at worse left your handgun in a position to be stolen if the BC station is not in the stall, or at best left yourself unprotected if it is. There are many occasions of a BG robbing folks by sticking a gun under the door. I think I would rather respond to him through the door rather than my wallet under the door.
Mal H is absolutely right. By "shelf" I think we all mean the inside shelf. Leaving a piece outside on the changing table brings about a whole new level of dumb.
Looks like this is where we seperate the "young'uns" from us OFs.

1.Never. They didn't have those things when my kids were in diapers. Had to make do with the sink counter.

2. Never, the gun stays with me at all times.

3. She'd probably be waiting outside. It wasn't her turn. My wife and I share parenting responsibilities. That included the dreaded "Doo doo duty".

It's going to be pretty obvious from the answers in this thread who is or isn't a father. Even the biggest man's man on this board will someday find himself wiping his kids butt. The first time you look into your babies eyes, everything changes. Your outlook on life, your priorities and even your self image. Theres something special about being a daddy. All you non-fathers will just have to trust me on this.
1. Nope never noticed them in the Men's room, have used the counter top by the sink thou. However the womens bathroom most always has one or two decks. Wonder what this says about men????

2. See above, Would anybody carrying a weapon even be STUPID enough to leave it on a shelf outside of the stall when your inside getting down to busness ????????

3. Never thought about it as it's a normal part of raising kids. Besides who cares where the other parrent is or even if their is another parent?????
Yeah! I'm so glad there are some great 'daddies' in here. I was biting my lip there in a big way (altough I did find it amusing). Why shouldn't dad wipe a butt now and then? After all... they have to be the ones to show the little guys how to stand up and pee when it's time. That responsiblity I have to hand over... I'm just not that flexible.

Correct answer to questions number 3:
She's probably back at the table keeping the rest of the crew from throwing food, climbing on tables, and making sure they eat all their veggies. It does take two, ya know.

Thanks for the chuckle guys!
Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
I'm sorry. I was under the impression that this thread was started for fun. I apologize if I have offended anyone with my bad parenting skills and improper firearms handling. I must learn to be more politically correct.
Geared Up!,

Don't ask me how I found this site because I truly can't remember. I do remember thinking that it must be a joke when I saw the URL. If you want to help your kid with standing to do #1, check it out (I reckon, my wife was very skeptical).
I claim to be the fastest diaper changer this side of the Hudson River!
Why? Because I'm lazy and don't want to spend any more time than necessary on this job ( :) ).

Saw a Tee shirt that read:
Dads Against Diapers

It's not a job, it's a dootie!

~Douglas in CT :)
I think that baby changing stations in Men's rooms should be against the law, and the person or persons who first thought of this should be put in front of a firing squad.
If you have young kids...
B.C. Stations are a god send. I have 4 sons.
Sometimes it's Dad's Day with the boys while Mommy gets to go play.
If Dad has some run'abouts to do - then kids are in tow.
Some times these same kids have to go too. The BC Stations are a much better place to change your little Hunter than that nasty sink counter!

A Man has got to do what a Man has got to do.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I work at a hospital. A while back a trash can with a foot lever that makes the top flip up appeared one day with the words "Diapers only" printed on the lid.

I had some fun with the women in the office by saying, "Guess what those dumb-asses have done now, they put a trash can for diapers in the men's room. Now I've seen everything."

I throw paper towels in it every now and then just so there will be something in it. ;)
Well, I think I've seen one guy changing diapers. I would have used them had they been around when my daughter was a baby, but that was a long time ago...she's 19 now. I don't wonder where the mother is, I just assume Dad is doing his fair share. Hey guys, would YOU like to carry a baby in your abdomen for 48 weeks, and then spend as much as 36 hours in labor trying to deliver? C'mon, there's not a one of us here who could handle it. Women are tougher than we are 'cause they don't have a choice. It's OK, I've got my flack vest on....

Now, as to what to do with a gun...I tuck mine down the inside of my pants leg, being careful not to sweep my foot or any part of my leg. With the pants up a little, it is hidden from view, but easily accessible if needed. TP dispenser is OK, IF it's flat, IF it's level, IF it's big enough, and IF it's close enough. Back of the toilet is too hard to reach, and besides, most commercial establishments have tankless toilets (must be a real tankless job to clean 'em, too.) :)

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
1: No kids. 2: Weapon stays with me at ALL times, tho on several hot, humid days have considered quick field strip to clean off sweat and re-lube weapon on that handy looking "bench". 3: yeah, ain't modern times a hoot?!?