suppressors ridiculously priced !!

The cost of the suppressor and the $200 tax stamp have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Well, there's no direct relationship but I maintain that the $200 expense does indirectly lead to higher prices by, 1, creating an expectation of a higher end product and, 2, discouraging lower income buyers thereby pushing the market toward pricier products.

After all, who would pay $200 to own a $50 product? Somehow, $200 doesn't seem so bad when the product is $800.
Brian, ask the people that have tax stamps for ASA's Econo-Can.

The suppressor I use on my Uzi cost me only $150 (plus stamp, etc).

I can see how $200 for a stamp doesn't seem so bad when compared to the price of a big ticket item. It does keep many people out of the game when they think "you mean I have to pay two hundred just because?"
Look into Huntertown Arms. They are what most people have been waiting for and their design is genious. What sucks about most the suppressor companies is they are expensive, for the reasons listed above. Huntertown designs are all modular so they can be rebuilt without needing to pay another stamp fee. If I bought one, it's what I would get.

I ordered a Huntertown Guardian 9 about 15 minutes ago, from Adco. It's user-serviceable and also works with .300 Blackout subsonic rounds. It'll be interesting to see how quickly Adco gets the paperwork to me and how long it takes me to get approved and to actually possess the suppressor.
Welcome to capitalism... they charge what the market will support.

You can do a form 1 and build your own if you think they are over priced. I know a guy that builds his own suppressor so it very possible.

as far as the tax... sorry there is not much that can be does about that. Just be glad they do not adjust the cost of the stamp for inflation. You would be looking at a $3500.00 stamp.
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