Suppressors and the waiting joy


New member
SO I fronted my hard earned cash in November of 2017 for a Gemtec GM-22 suppressor and a Gemtech "The One" suppressor. I got my trust established and all paperwork submitted properly. The gunshop, I bought them from is owned by a law firm that handles the trusts and all the paperwork.

SO after fronting over $1600.00 in cash. Here I sit with probably many more months to go. Although my applications had the new bar codes that are supposed to save the ATF time. My Trust is new and will have to be reviewed and placed on file.

SO anyone else waiting? No way to check the status. Just sit and wait!!!!!!
Last time I checked, the wait for a trust was still at about 10 months.
I'd keep waiting.

I filed two Form 4s as an individual in February. I'll be lucky to take possession of the toys by November.
Mine was just approved 5 days ago. I first submitted it in July. Go to the NFA Tracker website to get actual averaged out wait periods. I did the math on mine and it was pretty spot on accurate with the graph from the website.

You can also call the ATF at 304-616-4500 to get the status of your paperwork (you'll need your suppressor serial number), but they only say "it's in progress" or "it's approved". They don't tell you where you fall within the stack of other Form 1s or 4s.
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Filed 2 separate individual Form 4's in late June 2017, got both approved mid December 2017. So about 5-1/2 month wait. Was originally told about an 9 month wait so I was estatic when I got the calls from my FFL's
My fastest stamp in about five years!!!

Individual Form 4 for an SBR submitted 12/27/2017 and approved 3/25/18.
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So much for that "working through the backlog" line, eh?? Probably had to divert those desk employees to the new F&F operation in Mexico.
The failure of the HPA should tell everyone that their Congress critters don't have the best interests of their constituents in mind.
folsoh said:
SO its October 21 and still no word. They received everything Dec 5, 2017

From the feedback i'm hearing at my gun club Trusts are currently 11-13 months, individual's are running 5-7 months. So your getting close..
Road_Clam From the feedback i'm hearing at my gun club Trusts are currently 11-13 months, individual's are running 5-7 months. So your getting close..
I'm getting stamps for both trusts and individuals submitted in March 2018.
Don't know why one would take longer unless there are a lot of RP's on those trusts at your gun club.
Few of us really have any idea what's going on 'behind the curtain', but I don't see why they'd be taking so long, either.
My dealer is now getting April and May 2018 forms back for individuals and March and April for trusts.
I, personally, have gotten back everything submitted from February through April (all "individual", however).

It is known, though, that different regions have different processors. Perhaps your region is backlogged much worse than others.
I called Friday. They said my application is currently at the FBI awaiting a background check and there is a back log.
It’s been my experience that there’s no rhyme or reason for why wait times are so different. I submitted two individual Form 4s early last year, about 4 months apart, and they both came back approved within a week of each other.
Once they'd approved one, when they started to process the other they may have noticed the first approval recently added to your records and decided it was current enough that they could carry over much of the work on the first one to save time on the second. I don't have any idea what their internal constraints are with regard to making such decisions.
338 days of lost money and still nothing over at the FBI in a pile for background check as of today. Hunting season opens Saturday guess I wont get rid of the ringing in my ears!!!!