Suppressor Newbie With Ammo and Can Questions

Hello again, and thanks for all the input and ideas. I just wanted to let you guys know what I did to finally get my can apart in an effort to clean it up.

Due to some Nosy Nellies, I was reluctant to take the can to work but I finally did, and during the lunch hour a trusted friend and I used a impact and allen socket to remove the stuck end from the can. After a few blips of the impact with the friend holding the can, the threads finally broke free and unthreaded, allowing me to clean the baffles and inside of the can.

I must comment that it was a somewhat gooey mess inside, and I attribute that to the waxy .22 ammo and also possibly, the soaking of the entire can in the jar of Kroil. I found no evidence that any Kroil had seeped into the threads or disssolved any of the residue from inside the can or baffles.

This is most certainly not a slam against Kroil as I use it almost daily to break free frozen nut/bolts, steam fittings, pipe joints, etc.

I will use a different anti-seize next time and see if that improves my chances of disassembly without having to resort to power tools.
