Suppressor law & fingerprints

Not to make you more paranoid but your fingerprints are the least of your worries.

The FBI maintains 2 million plus DNA profiles in their Combined DNA Index System or CODIS.

Trust me when I tell you that all they need is a DNA sample the size of a pin head to generate a profile on you.

DNA can be extracted from your ear, saliva, can of soda you just drank, the tissue you just threw away, your trash can outside chock full of your DNA from discarded food.
P99guy - yes I recognized your screen name. Just sent my paperwork off for a another this weekend - an EVO 9. Last one took 21 days door to door using a trust; hopefully, this one will be the same or less, given that I'm using the same dealer.

Where in Texas are you?
With the Coporation or Trust, what happens to the NFA goodies you bought after you die? Do you need to have more than one person named in the corporation so that ownership of the NFA items can be maintained...without them ending in probate?
Would using this method work in Calif? I've heard that the only ones who can get them here are classIII dealers and the movie makers. Being able to bypass the local anti-gun LEO's would help. Even with muffs and plugs, my ears seem to get more sensitive to gunfire as I age.

After you pass on, the person that you leave the items to completes a form 5(provided they can legally own one) and the items are transfered to them without any additional taxes.