Suppressor for my AK.

I just know about the Garand from "Medal of Honor: Frontline":o . Back to the main issue, how do I find class 3 dealers in NC? Google didn't work.
V4, you're barrel will be fine to thread. Check out for better reviews on all the different cans available. You may also want to check out shotgun news' NFA dealer listing to aid your search.
guys stop the bickering and quibling in the guys thread. PM amongst yourselves instead of stomping all over this guys main thread subject. You already made your point on attention to detail over suppressor and silencer, etc....yada yada, blah blah blah....

Anyway, back to the topic. Like the others said. Best bet is to take the trip down to your nearest dealer (call ahead to make sure he has a can in your caliber) and try them out if possible. At the least try and screw them on to see which gives a better fit for your limited amount of threads and which balanes better with the added weight on the front. If he will let you shoot through them I suggest you do it and get a bette idea of which you like. Make sure to research the cans to see which has a better review overall, etc... The dealer should be able to help you out with all the paperwork and get the ball roling on the purchase.

My dealer did just about everything for me and all I had to do was pay the fees and buy the can. Not really a bother as most make it sound.

happy shooting.
V4V -

While I've not dealt directly with Phil, I have a friend who bought a used M11-9 SMG from him about a year ago. His experience was quite good; the gun came in as good, if not better, condition than was described, and Phil was very helpful with the sale and paperwork. I wouldn't hesitate to deal with him; if you have any concerns consider this - he's on the Bowers/Subguns RDL. You don't get on the RDL easily, and if you screw anyone in the NFA world word will get around fast that you're a bad apple an to be avoided. You certinly won't make it to the RDL. If you still question his character, post a question on the Board of Inquiry (its sort of the place to do a check for NFA sellers).
I dont know how tight the tollorances are on a suppressor/silencer but a 308 diameter is actully .308" while a 7.62X39 ia .311" and forgive the guys who are making a stink over the wording they propably cal a facial tissue "Kleenex":eek:
So will the 7.62 NATO suppressor work on my 7.62x39mm AK?:confused:

EDIT: Please refrain from any bickering over words like "clip" or "silencer".
Yes, it will work for 7.62X39. Most .30 cal cans have a bore diameter of around .375 anyway, so the .003 difference between Nato and 'X39 is negligible. The only problem with mounting a can to an AK is the fact that the AK barrel is so narrow, that there is sometimes not enough shoulder left for the can to tighten against.
Taking that short shoulder issue, your can may eventually index upon the FSB, or you can get a FS mounted can, and do things that way.
It's not worth mentioning

...Just because people agree on something that is wrong does not make it correct.

In terns of speaking about truth or fact, this is true. But where language is concerned, this doesn't apply. It is only because people agree on a word that becomes a word in the first place. That agreement is the mechanism by which a word is defined. Perhaps the term 'suppressor' will one day be sun-setted in favor of 'can'. ...hard to say.
ok so a .30 caliber will work, fine...
BUT, doesn't the AK have left hand 14x1mm threads?

I know AAC made a can for it back in the day, but it was in limited numbers...
No other can that i know of comes in that thread how exactly is this guy gonna just buy a .30 cal suppressor and screw it on again?
TravisMaine said:
They are not interchangeable. If your going to speak on a subject you should use the correct words.

Wait, do you mean TYPE on a subject? Perhaps CONVERSE?
I dont think anyone here is speaking...

I'll just add that to my list of words that are interchangable...

NO NO! Don't lock it! I want to see pics of V4's SAR with a sond level decreasing device on it!;) Seriously, don't lock the topic, very good info here, just delete all of TravisMaine's posts, and my posts that amount to nothing more than arguing over the vernacular invloved in sound suppression technology. Heck, even delete this post, just don't lock the thread!:o