Suppressed XD, CZ or USP

I have no dog in the race, but I do have an observation. Why is it that no one thinks it’s a bad idea to shoot someone with a suppressed gun, but if you shoot someone with reloaded ammo you will spend the rest of your life in prison? As mentioned I have nothing in this, just something I’ve wondered.
I'm assuming he's made the personal decision that it's OK for him to use a suppressor in his HD situation since he didn't ask for political opinions.
Why wouldn't it be OK to defend your life with a suppressed handgun ?
I don't know why you would want to, but if you did........................
Why wouldn't it be OK to defend your life with a suppressed handgun ?...

As mentioned I have no dog in this race, but everytime someone asks about using reloaded ammo for home defence it bring all the lawyers out of the wood work..."High power killer ammo"..."what's wrong with factory ammo"..."use what the local police use" goes on and on. Now someone asks about using an NFA item and not a peep.
I think we may need to divide the discussion here into two different sections:

A. The tactical/practical value of using a suppressor for self-defense (not the tacti-kewl value).

B. The possible repercussions of utilizing a suppressor.

My answers:
A. Yes there is a practical advantage to using a suppressor, in allowing you to not be defeaned by the discharging of a round in a confined area.

B. No way in hell I'm shooting someone with my "Rambo-style weapon of mass death & destruction, designed only to kill" as I'm sure some trial lawyer will put it. I've dealt with trial lawyers and the subject of weapons as it relates to a court case, and believe me if they can twist something to their advantage they will. And given what most people think of NFA type weapons, I'd hate to give them more ammo to come at me with.
I know I dont have a dog in this race but I love guns and everything to with guns and love to shot.I got alot of guns from shotguns to rifles to handguns and thousands of rounds for them all.I love to shot them all.I have a supressure and it is not illegal to have it.If you do the paper work from the ATF you can own it.Now if someone breaks into my house lol he or she will have a bad day at the rock but I am not going to worry if I have a supressure on one of my guns when I shot his or her ass off.I got two kids and I have the right to protect them no matter what.:D
Mind those Ps and Qs

+1 When my permit finally arrives I'll pack my Glock, one of the many reasons is because it is what LEO here uses. I bought the ammo off the shelf that said Premium Self Defense on the box. The Glock is 100% stock and will remain that way.
I have had occasion to watch our legal system in person lately. One must be extra careful as it's politics masquerading as justice.