Suppose you are being shot at in a parking lot

Drop me a PM if you are headed towards the Dallas area and you and Boomer can go at it with ball and APIT rounds and do your own testing.
To the note above on doors and parts, one of the target cars hav been peppered with bird and 00 shot, 223, 30 cal and BMG, bud didn't always know the distance involved.

The birdshot left nice dents w/o penetrations and a few times when close enough a 3/4" hole in the outer sheet metal. The 00 buck appeared to always go through the outer sheet metal.

.223 did better and punched thru the sheet metal but we didn't see many .223 "exit wounds" on the other side.

The .308 we were shooting easily went in and out both sides if heavy components were avoided. 1 went through the radiator, firewall, a front and back seat inside, and through the rear of the closed trunk.

The .50 APIT rounds went through everything that didn't take 2 arms to lift and made a heck of a dent in the heavy items, but only a few rounds went through both sides of the engine.

Here's a pic of 1 side of the Volvo, you can get an idea of what bounced and what didn't looking at the lower right side of the pic:


As such, "Boomer" suggests staying behind the engine regardless of the block being iron or aluminum.
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Suppose you are being shot at in a parking lot or near your car parked somewhere. The shooter is from quite a distance (say 50-75 yards away). What is the most ideal part of the car to take cover behind?

You clearly chose the wrong parking lot.
The movie Deadly Weapons did a lot of "car shooting" up to and including 50BMG, even though it's very old, still relevant. A aluminum block is still very liable to stop all handgun rounds and I would hazard a guess most commonly carried rifle rounds. I certainly don't want to be the test dummy for that one, that's for certain! Our training is still to shelter behind the engine as it offers the most resistance.
Good point Armoredman, any cover is better than no cover. Even the .50 Raufoss Mk 211 rounds (AP explosive) have limitations, 'up to 2' of steel.
Another option: If you're 50-75 meters away, why not just keep running? I'm thinking it would be very difficult to hit an adrenalin-filled, moving target zig zagging around parked cars.

The few times I stumbled upon wasp nests, I was AMAZED at how fast I could sprint, easily outpacing the best Olympic runner. :)
Being shot at and missed at that range implies you were not the primary target or the person shooting is not that good of a shot. You know the old theory on hunting: one shot = one deer, two shots = maybe one deer, three shots = no deer.

This idea of running does make some sense to me. That being said if my wife and children are with me that entire plan changes and running I am doing is to close distance if there is any thought we are or will be on the target list.
A few facts:

70% of all new cars sold in the U.S. in the last five years come with cast aluminum engine blocks.

The most popular (new) passenger car sold in America is the Toyota Corolla. With an aluminum block.

The Corolla engine block weighs in at 225 lbs. dry.

None of the most common handgun rounds (380 auto, 9mm, 38 spl, .357 mag, .40 S&W, 10 mm, .44 mag, .45 ACP) are going through that block.

Shooting through an aluminum wheel on the other hand, isn't much of a trick, apparently.

Carry on.
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"If I was near my vehicle I would take cover behind"


No need to have your own ride shot up and ruin your change to get away.
Suppose someone is shooting at me from 275.3634 yards (measured with a super accurate laser) and a deflection of 23.87 degrees at 8:07:13 PM on April 14, in Mobile, AL. The shooter is using a .30-'06 Remington 700 with a 24" barrel and a Super X factory load with a 150 grain bullet. Those are facts that I have carefully measured while dodging bullets.

The question I have is how often folks fall for nonsense like that, really believing that someone can do detailed planning to handle every possible situation, no matter how absurd or unlikely.

(If you are being shot at, you take cover under or behind anything that will stop a bullet or even that will conceal you from the shooter; you don't run around measuring engine blocks or doing a material analysis on car parts.)

I would depart the parking lot as quickly as is safely possible.
Then I would go home, and work on improving my people