Support hand slides down handguard

With the HP matches, when can you be near your rifle (I realize you can do everything but load until given that command), handling the rifle (dryfiring) and generally prepping for the next CoF? I want to avoid being yelled at if possible. Sorry, I know this is pretty elementary.
You're getting great advice. I wish I could add more.
Clubs may have circumstances that require special rules. One club I shoot at allows you to carry your rifle to the line before the prep period but you can not handle it or adjust it until the prep time begins. If at a new range it's best to ask about any unique procedures.
But kraig is right. Highpower shooters are a great bunch. Ask and ye shall receive. I once helped an opposing team member fix a gun and ended up getting beat by that same team.
Guess the honesty thing is a lot like going to the personal trainer and saying, "I can't understand why I'm not losing any weight," then stopping at Burger King on the way home for a Double Whopper w/cheese. They can only do so much.

Y'all have been unbelievably supportive and helpful already. Great group of people and I look forward to making some great friends. Thank you!
At my first real HP match at Ft Knox Ky they gave the command "relay one move your gear to the line do not handle your rifles"

I noticed a lot of guys moved the rifles up and put them down beside their gear and some did not touch them until the prep period command was given.

Later I asked the range master about this and he said they were somewhat relaxed on that and in a lot of places when they say don't handle your rifles they mean EXACTLY that. You don't touch it. So I got in the habit of not touching mine until the prep period is called no matter what anyone else did.
Participated in a HP Rifle Match this past weekend. I was told I could do everything but take out my ECI or dry fire/load. From the NRA Rule Book:

10.1.1 Handling of Firearms -

After competitors are instructed to carry their rifles and equipment to the firing line, they are permitted to handle their rifles on the firing line as long as the muzzle remains pointed up or downrange and an ECI remains inserted. After arrival at the firing line and prior to the start of the preparation period, competitors may put a sling on and assume position with the rifle. Competitors may not remove the ECI, close the action or dry fire until the Range Officer announces the start of the preparation period.
Hope you match day was a good one. How did it go?
That was good to ask about procedures. Don't ever want to get the line officer upset.
We had a great time with a great group of shooters. They were all very helpful and I ended up having someone coach me throughout the match (a bit awkward for my husband shooting next to me but he managed and picked up a few tips as well). The man in charge of the line was patient with the coaching. I've only participated in one other match (100 yd) and my score then was 346 (think that was in June). This match (200 yd) ended up with a score of 310 (standing stunk it up pretty bad). Prone was 161. I enjoy it immensely and will keep at it. My short-term goal (being optimistic here) is when I reach 410, new shooting jacket. ;) Long-term goal is Camp Perry next year.