Supercenter Scenario

With all due respect, when I see in a post where someone states,"I don't want to take a life," I think that is BS! The reality of being armed is precisely that you may need to take a life. OK, to be politically correct, "Stop some one." I'm not suggesting that anyone, including myself, CCW's with the idea that they look forward to, or want to take a life. But, you can bet that if I happen to ever be in a situation where a crazy person is shooting innocent people, take it to the bank that I want to take his life in the worst way! IMO, if anyone who CCW's has doubts they can't make the instant transition into that mode, what is the point of being armed! Possibly scrunched down behind the counter, or finding the back door is the best option.
Get to sporting goods and grab a mossy 500 or a rem 870 (because I know how to operate those the best) and load up on slugs. if people are frantically running around, I wouldn't shoot. If everyone is on the floor then I have a good chance of missing innocents. Use the aisles to move in on him so he can't see you, he is making noise so you know where he is. pop out when you think he is occupied with something and try your best to calm down enought to take an accurate shot at him. Shoot. Move. Confirm status and repeat as nesessary.

When it all begins, run twards sporting goods. It will be a very short sprint before you are behind aisles and he can't see you (if he ever noticed you running away in the first place) He probably won't expect you to be back anytime soon.

BTW, this is my rambo theory, I'm 15 years old. If something like this did happen, I would try my best to help people if at all possible, but I'm no navy seal.
With all due respect, when I see in a post where someone states,"I don't want to take a life," I think that is BS! The reality of being armed is precisely that you may need to take a life. OK, to be politically correct, "Stop some one." I'm not suggesting that anyone, including myself, CCW's with the idea that they look forward to, or want to take a life. But, you can bet that if I happen to ever be in a situation where a crazy person is shooting innocent people, take it to the bank that I want to take his life in the worst way! IMO, if anyone who CCW's has doubts they can't make the instant transition into that mode, what is the point of being armed!

Oh good lord!! :eek:
Frankly i think about that senario everytime i go to Wal-Mart. Thankfully the only time i go to Wal-Mart is to pick up some ammo on my way to the range!

I dont live in the greatest neighborhood, (in fact one of my neighbors recently became a supercenter for stolen car stereos) so i'm used to carrying everywhere i go. But one thing is for damn sure - I'll never go to Wal-Mart unless im carrying. That place is trouble waiting to happen.
Figure out the way the guy is going and go the other way.

Oh, I'm supposed to switch into killer mode and take him out.

I'm not into fantasy deaths. Too much FOF under my belt to join in a fight when I can avoid it.

Be a good witness. Go home and have wife pamper me because I'm upset. ;)

Seriously, if the threat comes to me, I'm going to try to deal with it. If I can avoid it, I will.
I don't have any idea why I don't have my pistol, but oh well. I'd probably drop the knife, no I keep it so I could use it to break the glass outta the shotgun case. then jump behind the counter and bust out the glass protecting the slugs. And get as many people out until BG becomes visiable. Then, i'd take my shot. Hopefully, the cops get there before I had to act with my newly acquired weapon.

Just to say, I NEVER go to wal-mart with out my pistol. Very few places that I don't carry. Those are only because I'm restricted in carrying there.
A good reason not to have a handgun on you? California law... I won't ever be able to concealed carry in this county, and the chances of me moving to a more CCW friendly county are slim, sadly. Until that mythical day the best I can do is my folding Benchmade.

What would I do? Find cover/exit (whichever would be less risky and more effective) and get on the phone asap.