Super Tuesday

Came back into the country just for super Tuesday. Will be leaving again first thing in the morning.

This cycle has been incredible. To be this far into primary season without a clear nominee on EITHER side is great! Nobody will be able to say that a candidate was shoved down their throat. It's looking like every State's primary is going to be important.

I'm calling this one as historic.

Alot to post upon return. Great day for the American voter. Making these folks work hard and spend their fortunes on this is great. Looking more like money can't buy you the big chair anymore.
Can someone tell me if Ron Paul was actually running in most of the states yesterday?

I kept hearing how he'd grab this crushing number of delegates, and yet with one or two exceptions, he didn't even break 10% and came in dead last in most states...
I voted for Ron Paul. He's the only real conservative running, and the best man for the job, whether the rest of the country sees it that way or not. The majority is simply wrong.
Mike Irwin: Can someone tell me if Ron Paul was actually running in most of the states yesterday?

Gee, I wonder if that could be part of the problem. Now kids, can you say media blackout....I knew you could.

Yes, on the ballot with delegates in ALL states.

Seriously, the Chicago Tribune simply refused to give any coverage to Paul in their voting guides. They had 4 candidates until Rudy dropped then they went to covering just 3. When I was out canvassing, "Didn't he drop out" was a persistent question. He has been painted into the corner by lack of coverage and unfortunately won't ever recover

'Tis a shame the media has such a stranglehold over the public.
Yep, definite conspiracy.

Maybe the newspapers shut off the cell phones for all the Ron Paul supporters who supposedly weren't being polled earlier in the year?
The problem is, Ron Paul got media coverage: when he set the fundraising record on November 5, the media was all over him. Why did they stop? Considering his poll numbers, likely this: people just didn't care. The media is so responsive to what people want to hear, as interest in the news they sell is what gets them money.

Contrast that with John McCain. Totally on the ropes, yet wins New Hampshire. Amazing victory, media swarms over him. Unlike Paul, McCain keeps his media coverage. Why? People like John McCain, and are actually interested to hear what he has to say. It's the same underdog story, but attached to someone a lot of people might like to vote for.
I am curious, did Paul have any newspaper ads, television commercials, anything resembling campaigning to get his name to the general public? I have not seen an ad for him at all and the primaries are here next week...sounds like part of the media blackout has to do with his camp and not getting the word out. What his staff fail to realize is that the MAJORITY of American people are uneducated voters and the reason for campaigning is to win those people, get the candidates name in their mouth, etc. Failure to do so is what appears to have happened yesterday.
I'm in Northern Virginia.

I have seen exactly TWO Ron Paul bumper stickers and maybe a half dozen road signs.

That's it.

For a candidate who is so flush with wealth, why's he not spending the money?

It makes no sense.

This is really interesting...

West Virginia results are showing that Paul didn't receive a single vote in that state. Was he not on the ballot?
According to this site, Paul actually got 10% of the convention delegates on the first vote, but when nobody won 50% there, it seems almost all of McCain's guys went to Huckabee and Paul's guys split between Huckabee and Romney.
I'm in Northern Virginia.

Driving on Rt. 50 to or from D.C., while in Arlington (near Glebe Rd.), there's a giant drapery or flag or tarp hanging off an overpass. I'm pretty sure it says "Ron Paul Revolution," but the "E" and the "L" are backwards. (apparently, Ron Paul's followers can't write?)

Anyway, you think it would be cool, but it isn't. It's sagging, covered in mud from the spray of passing cars, and the knot on the right side slipped.

Back on the topic of the thread...What's these rumers I hear about McCain and Paul supporters throwing their votes to Huckabee in WV to ensure a Romney loss? I heard on the NBC evening news, as well as ABC's.
What's these rumers I hear about McCain and Paul supporters throwing their votes to Huckabee in WV to ensure a Romney loss? I heard on the NBC evening news, as well as ABC's.

Brokered deals at their best...I honestly don't know, seems interesting though
he problem is, Ron Paul got media coverage: when he set the fundraising record on November 5, the media was all over him. Why did they stop? Considering his poll numbers, likely this: people just didn't care. The media is so responsive to what people want to hear, as interest in the news they sell is what gets them money.
There's been an almost total media blackout of Ron Paul since January 1st.

What's important to understand, in my opinion, is that all candidates deserve an unbiased view from and by the national media; that means equal time in front of the camera until the last primary is completed.

I'm opposed to any forced changes upon the national media, I do support what is in progress, a general departure from the traditional print and broadcast media to non-traditional internet and satellite based media.

In addition to that, we all should support, by voice and by our buying power, fair and equal treatment of the candidates during the debates. That makes the debates more meaningful in determining where the candidates stand and reveals the flaws in their positions and policies. During the last CNN sponsored debates, all four candidates should have had equal time and been asked exactly the same questions.

Neither happened.

Where are his efforts to get his name out? If he did this, it would possible help his support and raise his rank in the national polls. To blame the media for blocking out a candidate who does poorly in the national polls makes no sense. I am sure any network, cable outlet, news station, etc. will gladly take his money for a 30-sec commercial.

Please, tell me this, have you seen more than a bumper sticker, yard sign, overpass sign, etc for him? Please tell me he is not planning on winning the Presidential election against Obama or Hillary with road signs and bumper stickers...the voice needs to be heard and right now its blackout, I think not.
Much as I enjoy threadjacking, I'll resist the urge to start yammering about Iraq in a Super Tuesday thread.

To media coverage though (as it's relevant to Super Tuesday), it's odd how January 1 is after November... I told you, he had media coverage. They listened to him, played him all over the place, then they stopped. Considering his poll numbers, I think it was less because they were afraid of him making a government they couldn't lampoon and more because they were afraid their subscribers would fall asleep.

I'm sure if Paul were to do anything newsworthy, he'd be getting more time on the news. They put an article on the front page of MSNBC after his performance in the Maine caucus, which was newsworthy, but that was the first thing in a while. It's not a conspiracy, it's a market-based reaction to a lack of interest.
There's been an almost total media blackout of Ron Paul since January 1st.

For someone who's supposedly been in this world long enough to retire, you sure are remarkably uninformed about the election process. Sorry, but the candidate that can't pass the 10% mark (and is now falling), doesn't get valuable coverage time.

See Nader, Kucinich, etc...

He had plenty of coverage early on (Do a topic search here...every other thread announced a Ron Paul appearance). His message failed.

The productive thing for Paul supporters would be to asses why his message failed. Instead, as expected, you blame someone else. Perhaps this is a lesson to extend to the personal life of some?
I'm sure if Paul were to do anything newsworthy, he'd be getting more time on the news.
Part of the problem could be that Ron Paul is in Washington doing his job most of the time rather than flying around the country trying to buy votes and providing good sound bites.

I suspect the reason people are falling asleep is that, ever since FDR's good 'ol fireside chats, people expect the President to be their best buddy. They expect some sort of dynamic, charismatic personality, not an interview/Q&A that looks like it could be from C-SPAN.

No president that wants to be every voter's best buddy is going to attempt to fix the government. There's too much risk in messing with the status quo.
"There's been an almost total media blackout of Ron Paul since January 1st."

And, once again I ask, WHAT has Ron Paul done to counteract this supposed dearth of media coverage?

His campaign is flush with money.

Has he been taking out advertisements in newspapers? Not that I can tell.

Has he been getting advertisements on television? Not that I can tell.

Has he been getting advertisements on radio? Not that I can tell.

Just what is the Paul campaign doing with all that money?

It seems as if they're treating it as nest egg for a rainy day.

If the media stops covering you, that seems to me to be a rainy day.

If the polls in the Super Tuesday states are showing you to be trailing consistently badly, that seems to me to be a rainy day.

If you get your ass handed to you in almost every state on Super Tuesday, it seems seems to me that that's not the media's fault, it's Ron Paul's fault.
I suspect the reason people are falling asleep is that, ever since FDR's good 'ol fireside chats, people expect the President to be their best buddy. They expect some sort of dynamic, charismatic personality, not an interview/Q&A that looks like it could be from C-SPAN.

Well since that famed Kennedy v. Nixon presidential debate, we just have to accept that your presentation and charisma mean much more. The times they are a changing... since the 60's?

Taken slightly further, foreign leaders will inevitably start judging you on how you appear in your sound bites and press conferences. Can you imagine what the first impression of a foreign leader gets of Ron Paul? "Gee, he has really big ears." Not much respect there.

Then we have Obama taking it all the way to the extreme - Change! Change! Believe! Not the establishment! A campaign almost totally void of actual substance and full of intangible assurances. If anything, does that make Obama more so of a politician than any of the other candidates? Sadly, the masses are eating the bait.

Instead of fighting the (d)evolution of political campaigning, maybe Ron Paul should invest in a better-fitting suit. He looks kinda frumpy all the time.