Super Tuesday


New member
That the same thing as Fat Tuesday?:D
ALL Politicians getting all puffed up, saying all the things that they are going to do? Then once in office, they all find out they can't do even half of what they were chirping about.:o
Go Vote!
Drats! Sometimes I need to pay more attention to what Idaho's blasted legislatures are doing. Seems that in last years session, they changed the date for our primary. It's tomorrow!
Hmmm...depressed if it works out. After Lunar New Year it will be the chinese "year of the RAT". Could be the next 4 years of the dremocRAT.
Then once in office, they all find out they can't do even half of what they were chirping about.

Yep, for example John McCain stated at a rally yesterday: "I am going to find Osama Bin Laden and bring him to justice, you can count on it..." :rolleyes:
Who has a good source for real time results?

Edit: Looks like Huck won the W. Va convention, which three of the four candidates attended.
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Looks to me like Super Tuesday is going to give Romney a black eye. Unless he does well in the western states, he may be done. Huckabee is doing better than Romney if exit polls are to be believed. He's projected to have won six states to Romney's two (Utah and Mass. - big shock there). McCain is clearly the winner (thus far and again if exit polls are to be believed) with six large-population states.
This is pretty cool. Romney has been calling the Republican primaries a two-man race. Huckabee agrees with him. :D
"I've got to say that Mitt Romney was right about one thing—this is a two-man race. He was just wrong about who the other man in the race was. It's me, not him," Huckabee said.

What no Ron Paul supporters boasting on the states that he won. Why I am just in shock. At this point Huckabee has won 5 states, McCain has about 6, Romney 3 and the grand total for Ron Paul on Super Tuesday a big fat 0.

If you can't win a single state on the biggest night of primaries, you have nothing to look forward to except defeat.
Yeah xnavy, it seems I was a prophet about Ron not even managing a second place finish in a single primary state. Heck, he had trouble managing second in any caucus states, and we all know Ron Paul's supporters are more willing to brave those than the supporters of other candidates, exaggerating his performance.

Oh well, he'll scrape up a few delegates from his caucus states and that will keep the soldiers optimistic.
Oh what a great night, let's bake a cake and celebrate 4 more years of circling the drain. Glad you get joy out of a failing country.
BTW, 2nd in MT, 2nd in ME, 2nd in NV, 2nd in LA
Hey, that open border stuff works both ways!

It's funny how our anti-American friends never actually leave, though, aint it? :D
In my precinct, Ron Paul got half the votes. Other candidates got the other half. I can't control who will win, but I can represent myself. I'll be voting for Ron Paul in November no matter what.

People say he can't win. No kidding. If people don't vote for him, he can't win.
People say he can't win. No kidding. If people don't vote for him, he can't win.

Right, and people are coming out in droves tonight to vote for someone else. This is what we refer to as reality.

Helpful hint for Dr. Paul number 263: Waving a white flag while troops are still in combat is a great way to ensure yourself less than 10% of the vote.
The problem, Ichiro, is that even if everybody who wanted him to win voted for him, he still wouldn't even be labeled as truly competitive. Maybe if electoral votes were assigned by caucus in the manner that a lot of the delegates for party nomination are, but they aren't.