Super cheap but I still couldn't buy one.

Only pretty rifles are interesting

Now Brian, far be it from to publicly correct a staff member, but you know as well as I do, that the quote is actually thus:

"Only accurate, pretty, expensive, rifles used by old white guys at Camp Perry in the 1930s are interesting."

That being said, while for some vague reason that I can't quite pin point, I find the trend toward budget beginning rifles somewhat troubling, I think rifles like the 783, Ruger American, and Mossberg 4x4, are great for the continuation of America as a nation of riflemen hunters.

Would I buy one for me, nope, well, except the 4X4, but that was more to help a friend out.

However, would I buy a .243 Ruger American for the Lady Friend so she can have her own deer rifle? You betcha I would. And did.

She's not going to be winning hi-power matches with it, but she knows where it hits, zeros it to her Power-Point loads, and hunts with it, so there you go, the rifle is serving it's purpose and didn't kill my checking account to buy.
If they are reasonably accurate, what's not to like for those whose billfolds are sorta slim? In today's economy, seems like they're a heckuva good idea for those who can't afford $500 and up. More people are in the "one box of ammo at most" group than there are those of us who do bunches and bunches of shots per week/month/year.
SPEMack618 said:
"Only accurate, pretty, expensive, rifles used by old white guys at Camp Perry in the 1930s are interesting."

If that's the case, there aren't very many interesting rifles left. Art's the only one old enough to have been there.:D

Personally, I think these uber-cheap rifles have an important place, as you aptly demonstrate. It's a good budget, especially as a first, rifle. My brother bought one of the Savage package deals for the same reason. He's not a "shooter" anyway and only uses it a couple times a year. So long as it kills deer, and it would (even if he can't;)) it's all he needs. If such deals weren't available, he'd be gunless.

Me, I've had plenty of use for cheap rifles over the years but I still lean towards cheap AND at least a little pretty. I just don't like those ugly guns.;)
In a world inured to the construction and aesthetics of Glocks, 'functional' can trump other considerations for many.

And FWIW, I bought a '67 (I think?) Winchester Model 70 in 30-06 for a deer hunt ten years ago, fired it twenty times at the range, once at the deer (a nice 9 pointer) and never since. Something like the cheapo Remington would likely have done perfectly well for that....

Specmak, who you ccalling old? The thing is are we passin a good opportunity to buy a simply accurate rifle? The 700 is probably a better option, but if you hunt yearly with "that brother in law",then it could be trained to kill...Im sure at one time that was the consensus of opinion with the 700.,,,maybe.