Super cheap but I still couldn't buy one.


New member
Sportsmans Warehouse was blowing out the Remington 783 today in .243, .270, .30-06, and 7mm RM for $199 in Colorado Springs. If they have any left the sale lasts the weekend for any interested, they were selling a lot of them today. As cheap as they were I still couldn't bring myself to buy one, to me they just handle and shoulder like a steaming heap of dog do do. That said it might be a good deal for a guy looking for a starter rifle to hunt with. I did however walk out with 2 lbs each of TAC and Mag Pro, and I got Wifey the Ruger LCR .357 mag she has been wanting for an anniversary present.
I'm with you.

Can't do it.

Doesn't work for me.

If I wanted a Remington, I'd rather buy a 700 that's been run over by a truck and left in a duck boat for 3 years, than deal with the 783.
...And I don't even like the 700. :rolleyes:
Favorite Remington Bolt Rifle?

To me, the most interesting Remington bolt rifle is the 1903A3. The current trend towards cheapo rifles seems odd.... I like a good deal as much as the next guy but I appreciate higher quality too. I prefer older rifles with real walnut stocks. I can't stand a plastic stocked rifle; I won't tolerate it.
I imagine these el-cheapos are oriented toward today's poor-boy market. Newbies want to hunt, even if they can't afford what a lot of us think of as "real" rifles.

Wouldn't hurt to have one as a "loaner" rifle for Sumdood who messes up his toy while at hunt camp. Stick a good-used 4X on it.
If they're accurate, a $199 rifle is a steal. $92 for a Boyd's stock and it should "handle and shoulder" just fine and you've got a $290 rifle with a really nice stock.
If they're accurate, a $199 rifle is a steal. $92 for a Boyd's stock and it should "handle and shoulder" just fine and you've got a $290 rifle with a really nice stock.

This is what I was thinking too.
If I'm going to be buying a rifle specifically to be a loaner, it'll be something I trust a bit more. ...Most likely a Marlin X7. More money. But, much better design.
Brian, I doubt a Boyd's stock would correct the handling problems. These rifles are seriously heavy in the butt. The action is the problem causing the rifle to not be muzzle heavy. I can't imagine a stock that most of the weight is in the butt will help it handle any better.
Yeah? Could be. I've never handled one. They're ugly as hell. Reminds me of the Savage B-Mag.;)

Only pretty rifles are interesting.:D
A good and cheap bolt rifle.....

To me, that would perhaps be a Remington 721, 722, older 700, post '64 Winchester 70 and the like. Even a Remington 788 or dog-leg 600 would be preferable to the plastic stuff being offered today. But if the kids of today would rather trade off Grandpa's heirloom in favor of tacticool plastic, so much the better for those of us that appreciate finding yesteryear's classics at an affordable price on the used gun long as Grandpa doesn't live to see it.
Awe hell, now I got to get one, do a little hooligan magic and show you fellas why you can't look a gefthorse up his hind end.,,,,,damn and Im plenty busy right now.,..:rolleyes:
Apologies in advance but I will be the first to mention a lack of quality I have seen coming out of Remington as of late to include Rem owned Marlin.
Hooligan1, I'm sure they are plenty accurate. However, you and I both know I'm not in any need of a cheap rifle right now. Besides I could walk over to Walmart and pick up a M700 ADL for $297 right now in .243, .270, .30-06, or 7mm RM. No brainer right there for me, just I didn't need one of those right now either. I need to finish my current projects before I go investing in the next.
Me too man, I got some irons in the fire right now, sure is fun at the range though...
Im almost ready to uncover my latest project, that I've been developing loads for......stayed tuned.
gramp's heirloom

Yeah, that was an apt comment about heirlooms.

Guy in town this week was hauling a Savage 1899 in .30-30 around, trying to raise cash for a jon boat/outboard. I expect it was his grand dad's, maybe great g-dad......or stolen. Mfg 1914.

Saw the same thing this summer in a trip up to PA. Lots of the guns from my youth, racked up in the used guns. Problem was....priced out of sight.
If I were in want of a rifle at the moment I think I'd buy the Rem. at $199.00, add the wood stock and give it a try.
I have a couple 700's and like them a lot. They fit me out of the box, are plenty accurate, look good with walnut.
I even have a hard to find 788 in 30-30.
I don't know who would want one but they are rare, second only to the 788 in .44 magnum.
I loaded mine one year with spitzer 150 grainers, shot a small deer at 100 yards & D.R.T.
It's accurate, lousy unsafe safety though.
I've handled the Rem 783 a number of times in a LGS. Have no problem buying an inexpensive entry level rifle. But, have not given much thought to buying a 783. However, for the $199 price, I'd be hard pressed to walk away from it.